Thursday, February 28, 2013

Scientific bases for the training of bodybuilding

Scientific bases for the training of bodybuilding

Many hear about strategic bases or principles of athletic training for perfection objects but many of us did not know these principles accurate knowledge despite the fact that knowledge of these principles and the foundations are considered one success factors and an easy way to format your own and that fits with your goals and your capabilities psychological, physical, and also the possibilities of the program Algdaúa
The principles and Leader of the strongest and most famous sports Althrip principles perfectly and most objects have proliferated Zvi following lines we will for two of the most powerful principles of EDR and most spread

& Training routine and muscle confusion
Routine training
Training is one of the strategies the temporary parents are a division of the training year for more than a point in time for each stage their own and also routine training (training program) and a special diet program
Routine training means
Status of the individual training program prepared Bnih are faithful split training days and rest during the week so that repeat the same program the following week and then my father nights routinely until the period specified for this program so are not taken to bring about change or bring in any of the contents of this program during the period Mahddhma stable number Groups and repetition and Ttrouh rut period of 2-4 months maximum and the player must stick to Bdlk system
It also means
Stick to the player during the training phase preset program sponsors player faithful goals from Dell stage and the strengths and weaknesses of friendly without Aljawae to improvise and indiscriminate in training

It also means
The relative stability of the training program, and knead to continuity influence Alqoyaly parts Aladilahalmstahedfah through the program for every exercise affects the range of angles muscle and can cause a surge in the size and shape of those corners just to perform group or 4 sets of rules of engagement exercise but must repeat this exercise routinely in today's custom Dell muscle of each week for the duration of the program can even see its effect on the target muscle group
Example Everyone knows the benefit of exercise squat Bar of the thighs, but does not mean Mejrdadaúk G Exercise 4 powerful groups you get the thighs strong but must repeat this exercise on the agenda thighs for the duration of the program until you see the benefits of exercise and the strong influence and act on the target muscles and Kdlk other exercise

Benefits of routine training
* Helps the player to determine its initial objectives in every stage of the season and then achieved
* Prevents improvisation and random exercise and makes exercise a kind of formal labor
* Helps the player to Sholt division of the sports season to several stages
1 - phase power
2 - stage large
3 - phase to obtain the final shape - preparing for tournaments

Aiobalrotin training
* May affect the player feeling bored due to repetition of the same exercise for the private Alambtdaúan should the player when Dell stage to overcome this feeling and the introduction of some relative changes in his program, such as exercise, aerobic and Erpeix or comfort positive replaced one day training (swimming - play tennis - biking)
* When you follow any player for New routine - a new program _ no progress Mlhozvy level but with the passage of time depends this progress even insisted the player to follow the same WFP for a period longer than necessary may Yudi knead to drop level Dahuhedh advice introduction to some players follow the same training programs Manz their debut for bodybuilders Despite the passage of several years without change

* To Atnkhadda to follow some special programs Bamahterv and Champions bodybuilding as Dell programs are not commensurate with your abilities, physical and psychological, as well as potential system Algdaúa even laid commensurate with their physical, psychological and also potential their Algdaúy and the strengths and weaknesses of their

In developing a new training Ayrutin
- You must consider the goals of this program (force - muscle size selection)
- Must take into account the pattern of your body
- Must take into account the strengths and weaknesses you have and more Almnatqalty must be taken into account for Altnsag
- Must take into account the possibilities of your system Algdaúy if your system Algdaúy site does not provide you with Balfdr Alcavymn protein will not get huge muscles and Kdalk energy will not be able to complete your program must also
- Should limit the number of training hours per day, week, month
Distribution system loads throughout the day and week and length of the program
Determining rest periods between groups during the exercise and the length of the program and rest days during the week
- Amutiraly authorities agreed the opinions of experts in the development of the new program
- Muscle confusion -
Is one of the most مبداء sports training strength and effectiveness of one of the key factors to stimulate muscle growth

The gap means
Create an atmosphere of instability or alert continuous Zakrh muscle by moving sense of strange atypical in milk train or newer shock during the training program resulting in an increase in tension its attendant increase in the amount of nerve signals and Batalli increase in the amount of blood Almugea to muscle followed by an increase in the response muscle to exercise and usability of growth
In other words,
Continuous change in the form and manner of the performance of the ongoing exercise and excitement of the muscles
Any program does not apply to training with my father's parents preceded night, even if for the same goal and Kzelk by Gelasat Altmarenay must you always have a distinctive gap in your hearing

So what are the ways confusion muscle while maintaining a routine training

1 - confusion in terms of a change in the order of exercise within the program
2 - confusion in terms of the shape and type of handle eg a down payment for exercise Trajcepc can play in each session for a different type of knobs, which leads to the events of a lot of change in the sense of exercise
3 - confusion in terms of the distance between the fists in the sense if you are used to perform an exercise Weighted Bar Pipes Kmthalccant distance between fists wafers than shoulder width will feel another sense if it started to change the distance until it reaches more than shoulder width, and vice versa

6 easy things you can do to lose weight

6 easy things you can do to lose weight

1. Cut calories and carbohydrates

Of reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume and replace this amount with fibrous vegetables and fruits will do yourself a big favor and start losing weight in no time. You do not have to cut carbs completely from your diet, and after all your body and brain need it in order to function correctly. Try to consume half of which typically consume carbohydrates in spite of the replacement and the other half with vegetables such as: asparagus, bean sprouts, beet greens, broccoli
Will Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, turnips, mushrooms, onions, parsley, pepper, spinach and other reducing carbohydrates and add more fiber keep you fuller, longer

2. Cut refined carbohydrates

You definitely need to get the energy and carbohydrates there is absolutely no reason to cut them from your diet, but if you want to lose weight, you should pay attention to the type of carbohydrates they consume. When I say the type of carbohydrates means - glycemic index in their own blood. Fast carbohydrates (or carbohydrate ratio high blood sugar) tend to increase your sugar sky high blood insulin causes a sharp rise, which in turn leads to fat storage mechanism, and cause cravings, headaches and fatigue. Fast carbohydrates come in the form of white sugar, white bread, cakes and sweets etc. You do not have to cut this completely, give yourself one day each week fraud when you can eat whatever you want. Just remember not to overdo it.

3. Cut sugary drinks

Most people think that juices, soft drinks and alcohol is not a big problem, but what they do not realize is that all of these drinks are actually full of calories and sugar empty. By replacing these with plain water, tea and coffee in fact, you can cut up to 500 calories a day.

4. Enter some exercise to your daily routine

An easy way to speed up the process of your metabolism is to start doing some exercise. No need to go to the gym if it is a problem for you, there are many other activities that you can do - walking, jogging, swimming, body weight exercises at home or even workout workout like burpee. When combined together, exercise and diet has very strong for the fat-burning effect.

5. Try eating smaller dishes

Researchers at Cornell University study with 85 individuals who have good information from the nutrition and healthy eating. Subjects were divided in two groups, were given either bowl 34oz and 17oz or asking him to help themselves from a range of different flavored ice creams. Helped the group that was the biggest (34oz) pot themselves with ice cream 31% more than the group pot 17oz. Proved to be a trade-off for our panel with a smaller one should do the trick of making us eat less.

6. Add some essential fatty acids to lose weight

Besides increasing our immune system, is known healthy fats such as omega-3 to help reduce excess weight and body fat. For the use of healthy fat sources: fish oil, seeds, nuts, avocados, etc..

Exercise squat

Exercise squat

Squat is weight lifting exercises which trains full lower body muscles such as the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, and legs. This exercise is one of the most important exercises Rafii weightlifting where this exercise will train the most important muscles responsible for strength and endurance, a pelvic muscles. This is a complex exercise of exercises with weights heavy, but most important of all, when applied properly will prevent back pain due to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, and legs associated with lower back pain. The squat exercise will strengthen bones, ligaments, tendons, the lower section of the body.

Some coaches argue that squat exercise is the main reason for back and knee pain, and as a result has been the emergence of similar to squatting exercises such as the squat seat, Zerr Squat, etc.. In any case remains squat exercise is the best sport weightlifting exercises to gain strength and muscle. Some coaches trains players half squatting exercise and it will lead to knee pain because of the pressure on the legs. Unlike the full squat exercise that uses the pelvic muscles and legs.

Application and how to practice exercise:

The start of movement and upright. And be Albarbel (Barbell) resting on the trapezius muscle in the upper back. Movement is affected when the pelvic returns (rear) back and bend the knees to be the trunk Below cooperation with gravity located on Albarbel. And now the most important part is how to climb, and you are at the bottom Keep your balance and first through the pelvis and then click on the abdominal muscles and the rear so it will be applied exercise correctly.


There are a lot of tools used in helping to perform exercise such as cage exercise independent of means for an assistant. Smith Machine (Smith Machine) do not apply exercise where you remove the balance leading to tremendous pressure on knee and back muscles.

World records:

Vlad Elahzov, 566.9 kg, Russia.
Shin Haman, 457.5 kg, United States of America.

Better promotion of natural metabolism

Better promotion of natural metabolism

Why should speed up your metabolism? And increase your metabolism and makes the body fat burner efficiency and calories, and makes building lean muscle and job a lot easier. Metabolism is defined, and also known as the basal metabolic rate, and the energy needed to keep the body while resting at normal temperature conditions, and the digestive system is not very active. Metabolism is basically a group of physical and chemical processes in the body, which sustains life, help us to grow and reproduce. Why do we need boosters metabolism?

As we mentioned, burning energy while resting is only just enough to support key biological processes. Unfortunately as we age, and this spending energy becomes smaller, and we say that our metabolism has slowed. This is where, in addition to exercise, supplementing comes into play.

Everything will consume promote metabolism in fact, because it takes energy to digest our food. However, it was found that the flag when it comes to losing body fat and calories is a far cry alike. Some foods require more energy than a way to be digested others, and increase your metabolic rate can basal up to 30% and help you get the fitness and build lean muscle more easily. This is the highest metabolic boosters:

1. Protein

Everyone of you know how important protein. Protein provides the body with the necessary building blocks, and are used to build muscle tissue. It also plays a role as an antioxidant and strengthens your immune system. But the truth is that interesting protein has a strong thermal effect on the body. It needs a lot of energy to be digested and this makes the process a great metabolism booster. And high protein as well as fiber intake moderate help you lose weight in the long term. Good sources of protein include: meat, fish, eggs, nuts, almonds and whey.

2. Fiber-rich foods

Fiber is food that can not be digested. But it passes trough in the body and alter the way the nature of the contents of the digestive system, and the way they are absorption of other nutrients and chemicals. Fiber is critical to our health and well being. Good sources of fiber include fruits and starchy vegetables and some grains. In no particular order here are a few high-fiber foods that have a role metabolism boosters.

- Leafy vegetables - spinach and turnips
- Cauliflower and broccoli
- Pepper
- Raspberries, blueberries
- Apple
- Orange
- Grapefruit
- Cabbage
- Oats (plain, not flavored)
- Nuts such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, etc..

3. Grapefruit and oranges

The studies showed that the participants, which included ½ grapefruit to every meal lost weight without changing anything else about their lifestyle or diet. Orange has a similar effect. Each of these fruits are high in fiber and vitamin C, which has the characteristics enhance metabolism.

4. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in polyphenols catechin, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Research has shown that polyphenols antioxidant properties such as with potential health benefits. This is a compound that is believed to be the main ingredient which helps to increase your metabolism and aid in fat loss. In addition, green tea contains caffeine - a powerful tonic that speeds up the heart and boosts your metabolism.

5. Caffeine

One of the main reasons that you drink coffee in the morning is to wake us. Caffeine found in coffee and drug-like effects on the body - it speeds up the heart, and this in turn increases blood flow and energy consumption. Caffeine can be used effectively to accelerate the process of metabolism, but a lot of it can cause irregular heartbeat and anxiety.

6. Capsaicin

Capsaicin is a phytochemical found in hot peppers like cayenne pepper, chili and jalapeno. It's actually a chemical responsible for the hot and burning sensation you feel when you eat pepper. In addition to the many health benefits such as: anti-inflammatory pain reducer, and "bad" cholesterol reducer, capsaicin is also a strong supporter metabolism. Increased metabolic activity of up to 30 minutes after you consume it.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon help you lose weight in two different ways. One way is by controlling and reducing sugar levels in the blood. Cinnamon also has a thermal effect on the body. To digest, the body creates a chemical reaction that increases the strength of body temperature and metabolism. When speeds up metabolism, you burn more calories and lose weight faster.

8. Water

That's right - ordinary water. Almost 2/3rds of our body weight is "water weight." Being adequately hydrated to ensure that you have optimum metabolic rate. Water is one of the most underestimated of metabolism boosters. Drinking water helps metabolize fat and expel toxins from the body. Cold winter of energy greater than water used by the body to warm to normal body temperature and digestion.

The importance of warm-up exercises before exercise

Why is it important to warm up before exercise?

Warm is the act of preparing for the event or workout or exercise during practice for a short time before that. Warm-up helps reduce the risk of aches and pains that come with exercise. Physiological reason to warm up the system is to help your blood circulation to pump oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles. The idea is to increase the session throughout the body in a gradual manner. Even preparing proper warm body safely to the increased demand of exercise. Cold muscles do not absorb shock or impact as well, and are more prone to infection.

Help warm you prepare mentally and physically for exercise and reduces the chance of injury. During warm-up, and can often any injury or illness you have to be recognized, and to prevent further injury. Other benefits appropriate warm up as follows:

Increase the circulation of blood through your tissues, which makes muscles more flexible.
Increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. This prevents you from breathing early exit.
Preparing to stretch your muscles
Preparing your heart to an increase in activity, and prevent a rapid increase in blood pressure
Prepares you mentally for the next exercise

Increased muscle temperature - and high temperatures inside the muscles that are used during the warm-up routine. Muscle temperature both contracts more forcefully and relaxes more quickly. In this way can enhance both speed and power. Also, the likelihood of excessive muscle and much less damage.
Increased body temperature - and this improves muscle flexibility.
Aneurysm - and this reduces the resistance to blood flow and decrease stress on the heart.
Improve the cooling efficiency - through the activation of heat dissipation mechanisms in the body (efficient sweating) an athlete can cool efficiently and help prevent overheating early in the event or race.
Increase the temperature of the blood - blood temperature increases as it travels through the muscle. With high blood temperature, and oxygen binding to hemoglobin weakens oxygen is more readily available in the muscle, which may improve stamina.
Average improvement movement - is to increase the range of motion around the joint.
Hormonal changes - your body increases its production of hormones responsible for regulating various energy production. During warm-up this balance of hormones increases the carbohydrates and fatty acids available for energy production.
Mental preparation - and warming up is also a good time to mentally prepare for this event by clearing the mind, increase concentration, and review the skills and strategy. Can also relax positive images of the athlete, and building focus.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Welcome You To Blogs Bodybuilding For Health

Welcome you in the form of a blogger Bodybuilding For Health, a blog talking about bodybuilding and put our competence of topics such as: nutrition, food supplements, weight loss programs, nutrition programs, fitness pictures.

We hope that we might receive impressive.