Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is called fiber type that dissolves in water , forming a gel or gelatin in the intestine . This consists of pectins, gums and mucilages .

Soluble fiber properties
Foods that contain soluble fiber useful for controlling cholesterol levels in the blood and to maintain stable sugar levels slows the absorption of glucose , helping to control hyperglycemia , slowing digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Soluble fiber has intestinal regulatory properties , has laxative effect, which helps normalize intestinal transit. Is fermented by the intestinal flora and is broken down into short-chain fatty acids and gases , helping to prevent colon cancer and diverticulosis.
It also helps to satiate the appetite for property to absorb water and multiply its volume by providing satiety , is a good help in weight loss diets .
It is found in whole grains (barley , oats, rice , ect. ) , Legumes ( soy , peas, etc. . ), Fruits ( strawberry, apple , citrus, etc. . ) And vegetables (broccoli , cabbage , beets , etc.).

I hope you find it helpful, comment and suggest . And do not forget to share !

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