Saturday, March 2, 2013

The simplest ways to get rid of excess fat on the stomach

The best and simplest ways to get rid of excess fat on the stomach
First: You need to constantly pray, and where a person can burn 580 calories at least, God Almighty and Holy Prophet peace be upon him not only orders and commands us to benefit humans in terms of spiritual and health

Second: to begin immediately to change and replace bad eating habits habits new sound and correct based on the integration of the pillars of basic food, which is building the human body, such as sugars, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as intake of fat and not preventable and eating dietary fiber by at least 40-60% of the meal.
Third: Be careful and make sure to:

1 - Eat "grapefruit" before eating reduces the sense of hunger.

2 - Start your food with authorities fortified Green ملعقتا vinegar to give you a sense of satiety for a long time.

3 - Be sure to eat foods rich in fiber they take longer to chew, which reduces the sense of hunger and alleviate constipation.

4 - Reduce the amount of salt in food because the abundance prevent put excess fluid in the body which increases your waist, note that the body does not need is more urgent than one teaspoon per day, "4 grams."

5 - eating yogurt 3 times a week to achieve good results and contribute to the alleviation "rumen" because it contains bacteria "Allambrobasils Cidovals" that lead to ferment milk, also contains the enzyme "lactase" digester for sugar "lactose" found in milk, which is the enzyme that lose 85% of adults, especially in the Arab and African peoples, and cause a shortage in poor digestion and intestinal disorders and bloating.
The study also pointed out that the yogurt increases the body's ability to burn excess fat, which makes him lose this fat and retain muscle.

Of the most popular diet programs to remove abdominal obesity
2 fruit variety (except figs, grapes, dates, banana, and mango) and preferably a glass of orange juice or grapefruit + liquids: tea, or coffee, or soda, or lemon water without sugar.
- A green salad.
- 4 tablespoons boiled vegetables.
- Grilled steak or a quarter of a chicken, boiled or grilled fish 2 or a can of tuna "without oil."
- Yogurt option, or 3 tablespoons beans with lemon, or boiled egg, or a piece of cheese with tomatoes.
- With a slice of toast or a quarter of a loaf.

Fourth: drinking three cups of water before meals, it fills the stomach and reduces the eating, and has no calories. And not to drink cold liquids with or immediately after eating

Fifth: It is recommended to wear a belt around the abdomen to reduce the size of the stomach (repackaging from the outside rather than the process of repackaging the stomach) and the exercise of tummy tucks and exercises to strengthen the back as well as attention to flatten the body and maintaining the form of textures.

Sixth: Eat slowly for more than twenty minutes, a Vschar satiety quickly without that fills your stomach a lot of food because fast food fills the stomach a lot of food before a sense of satiety.

Seventh: you must comply with workout, it is possible that the abdominal muscles are weak and need to be strengthened. And in this regard can use home appliances where making tremendous result. In addition to walking, as walking every 10 kilometers helps burn 800 calories, it is through sport can eliminate the of rumen final. '

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