Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Proper nutrition of glutamine

For many years researchers have been left impressed by the numerous applications of amino acid supplementation . These are the building blocks of protein synthesis to achieve greater muscle mass.

Glutamine can be synthesized in the body through other amino acids such as glutamic acid , valine or isoleucine . Most of the glutamine containing protein sources , but some athletes say that need additional supplementation .

It is a non - essential but very important in case of intense workouts , stress, illness , etc. amino acid.
Constitutes 60 % of the deposits of free amino acids in skeletal muscle.
Synthesize other non- essential amino acid, mucopolysaccharides and nucleotides.
It is found mainly in milk , meat, peanut, almond , soy, beans and turkey.

Anti Catabolic effect : muscular prevents loss of mass.

Promotes protein synthesis : increased lean muscle mass .
Enhances the immune system.
It is an important brain fuel .
Relieves the catabolic effects of glucocorticoid use in case of injury .
It can be converted to glucose without insulin plasma levels are altered.
Contributes to glycogen recovery after training .
Help with post- traumatic recovery : involved in wound healing .

How to use:
Should preferably be taken before training on an empty stomach.

The recommended dose is 50mgr./día/kilogramo body weight.
It is usually recommended along with taurine and creatine.

I hope you find it helpful, comment and suggest . And do not forget to share !

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