Monday, January 27, 2014

metabolism athletic

The differences between the metabolism of athletes and ordinary people : Muscle burns more energy? Products to speed up metabolism .
How many calories need muscles ?

For decades it was considered to be among larger muscles, more energy consumed the body spoke of figures 70 to 90 Kcal per day per kilogram of muscle . Thanks to this theory the belief that fat burning is needed to increase the volume of muscles spread .

However, one kilogram of muscle fibers 13 Kcal to about burning day ( 1) . This means that 10 kg of muscle mass consume 130 kcal , which is little compared to the daily demand of 2000-3000 calories. In fact, the metabolism of an athlete work otherwise .

What is metabolism ?

Begin to understand what is metabolism . In itself , metabolism is the effectiveness with which the body uses different nutrients and assimilates (mainly proteins , fats and carbohydrates ) to ensure implementation of internal processes ( 2).

The body of the athletes and sports people do not work in very different ways . The more experience a person's physical activity , the body will be better suited to this activity : increase energy deposits and improve muscle recovery processes .
Metabolic athletes window

When doing strength training , first glycogen stores , which are located in the muscle fibers run out. Glycogen is the result of the transformation of carbohydrates and is , itself , a sugar. This is a highly rapid source of energy for the organism.

After training , the glycogen stores are emptied : start " metabolic window", when the body needs about 50-100 grams of carbohydrates ( 3). This portion , if consumed in 1 to 2 hours after training , the construction will muscles , fat no .
Fun Fact :

Recent studies have shown that the theory of metabolic window is not entirely correct - is the most important pre -workout nutrition.

How many carbohydrates needed by the body ?

The 50-100 grams of carbohydrate ( of which we speak figure above) amount to a fairly large portion of food : cereals and pastas in only 25% of its contents are carbohydrates . This means that to meet the amount of 100 gr , it would need to consume half a kilo of pasta.

The amount of carbohydrate that requires a person who makes sport is a fairly minor : 100g carbs even mentioned would be the maximum amount that could be consumed , any consumption above this amount will go to the construction of fat deposits.
How much protein the body needs ?

Protein athletes demand plays a key role. It needs to consume about 50-70 grams of protein ( 4) to carry out a full workout and achieve post-workout recovery , this equates to 250-350 grams of meat. This amount should be added to the daily norm .

The daily demand for protein in an athlete can reach 2 grams per kilogram of weight, which is equal to 150 grams of pure protein in the case of a man of 75 kg. The demand for an individual athlete is not much lower : less than one gram per kilogram of body weight.

What foods affect the body ?

The metabolism depends not on specific products , but of these nutrients . If you train intensively and consume sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat, then the body learns to actively use these components to build muscles.

If you consume more than you need , your body begins to accumulate these substances as fat , if you eat less , use it to meet the most basic and only then build muscles needs. Feeding and recovery is 70% of success; training only 30% .
The influence of cardio metabolism

By doing slow cardio for the first 40 minutes of training , the empty body glycogen stores first and then burning the sugar and fat. It is virtually impossible to burn fat without first removing the insulin in the body.

If you always eat desserts and sweets, will be very difficult to empty glycogen stores , so it is very difficult to burn fat. To activate the mechanisms of fat burning cardio workouts are needed once every three days or so ( 5).

The training teaches the body to empty the internal nutrient reserves and use food to fill them again. The metabolism of an individual athlete not accumulate much of the calories as fat because it is virtually impossible to exhaust their deposits.

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