Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ideal diet for muscles

The power to increase volume

mentioned that if eating excess calories , the body makes new fat cells, which in turn are almost impossible to remove. If, once you have been overweight , chances are that you will have to fight this trend in the future too.

It is for this reason that the traditional method for gaining weight is not the best option , " eat everything and then dry mass" is a method of the past . If you want a dry embossed body fat , you must be careful with not only calories, but also with lots .

Cycles for increasing cycles to dry mass

There are two contrasting types of people who train : some fear increase its mass even in a gram of fat , they make lots walker and have great physical activity, which also leads to not increase their volume and muscle mass , which is what they really want.

The other contrasting type are people who eat any meal to increase the mass actually do not care what kind of weight ( fat or muscle ) . In general , these people also make a mistake , as burn fat without losing muscle mass gained is very difficult. 

Lose weight and increase volume while

Lose weight and build muscle mass are two different physiological processes , for various reasons they can not be performed simultaneously. By increasing muscle mass , you are also increasing the fatty tissues and fat burning muscle mass is lost .

If you want to increase your muscle volume , you must be prepared to slightly increase the amount of fat in the body. However, this does not mean that you will go up full kilograms of fat. Modern diets can minimize the increase in body fat. 

How fast muscles grow ?

Macdonald Leila ensures ( 1) that under ideal conditions the increase in muscle mass is 250 grams a week. Of course, this does not match the figures that promises huge advertising of foods and sports supplements , but these are 12 kg per year.

Increase over a quarter of a pound a week is only possible for people with special genetics. In general, if a person manages to gain weight again, this is due to fluid retention or increased body fat, not muscle .The strategy to increase " dry mass "

The first rule for building mass is to increase the normal amount of calories by about 20 %. Climbing the calories , you will increase the levels of fat , without increasing them, you can not give the body the material and energy to build muscles.

The second rule is to consume adequate protein and fat percentage . You should consume between 2.2 and 2.5 grams of protein per kg of muscles you have and 25% of daily calories should come from fat . The remaining calories should be derived from carbohydrates. 

The fitness model Marc Fitt : routine and sports supplements for an ideal body shape professionally .

The pre and post - workout nutrition

Macdonalds recommendations suggest : before exercise consume 15 grams of protein and 25-30 grams of carbs , after exercise consume 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates (per kilo of muscle). Naturally , the caloric value of sports supplements included in the daily amount .

An important note : if you do not follow the rule to increase the calories by 20 % , any sports supplement will be able to solve the problem. Neither the amino acids ( BCAA ) , or the protein cocktails may increase muscle mass if the body lacks energy.Choosing foods for muscles. 

Proteins ingested before and after exercise should be rapidly absorbed ( recommended cocktails powder , isolated proteins and gainer ) . The meat and eggs are absorbed many hours later, therefore, are not quick sources of protein pre and post workout .

Regarding carbohydrates and calories during the day , the main rule is variety. Combine different types of protein: beef, poultry, fish . Also eat different dishes and accompaniments : different wheat pasta , brown rice and vegetables.
The traditional method to increase muscle mass with increasing body fat is wrong , because once uploaded fat levels , you will have to fight with them for life. The ideal way to increase the dry mass method is raise the amount of calories by 20% and control

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