Friday, January 17, 2014

Cholesterol, advantages and disadvantages

Cholesterol is a lipid that is found in blood. It is used to produce hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help digest fat.
There are two types of cholesterol , HDL, which protects us from cardiovascular disorders and collects the bad cholesterol ( LDL). Normal levels of HDL should be higher than 40 milligrams.

Persons who exceed 300mg/dl (hypercholesterolemia ) are at high risk of cardiovascular disease . The causes of high blood cholesterol level , may be due to :

Genetic predisposition ( endogenous cholesterol ) .
Obesity .
Lack of exercise .
Ingestion of diets high in animal fat ( exogenous ) cholesterol.
Habitual consumption of alcohol and snuff .
Stress .
Diabetes, gout , etc .

How to reduce it :
Healthy , diet low in saturated fat and rich in unsaturated fats , fruits , vegetables, legumes , fiber , essential fatty acids is recommended.
Regular physical exercise .
Relaxation techniques to reduce stress.

Control of cholesterol in food:

- Foods high in cholesterol :
Pork .
And serrano ham .
Viscera .
Lamb .
Any visible fat from meat.
Poultry skin .
Yolk .
Shellfish and crustaceans .
Butter -Margarine, mixed .
Whole milk cheeses , butter - cream .
Bakery .

- Low-cholesterol foods :
Hake, cod .
Semi - skimmed milk , low fat cheese .
Lean meat (no fat ) beef - ox - horse.
Rabbit and skinless chicken .

- Food cholesterol :
Cereals and cereal .
Tubers , fruits and vegetables .
Olive oils - corn - soybean - sunflower .
Fat dairy .
Nuts .

- Foods with HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol ) :
Nuts .
Olive oil .
Chocolate 90 % black .
Blue Fish .

I hope you find it helpful, comment and suggest . And do not forget to share !

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