Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shoulders with the weight behind the neck

Standing or sitting on the bench, pelvis firmly pressed against the backrest, back straight, holding the bar behind the neck. Adopt a superior grip to the shoulder width, palms downwards:

inspire and develop the bar vertically without arching your back too: Keep abs toned.
expire at the end of movement
This exercise deltoid, particularly its middle and posterior portions, and the trapezius, triceps and serratus anterior. Although worked in a less intense, the muscles rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres minor and in depth supraspinatus involved in developing. This movement is standing or guide frame.

To avoid injuring the shoulder joint, especially fragile, it will lower the bar more or less behind the neck down, taking into account individual differences in morphology and flexibility. Avoid turning the head during exercises to avoid injuring the neck or spine. You will need to move your head slightly forward when the bar down to the neck, but at no time bending the neck should not be excessive.

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