Thursday, April 18, 2013

The importance of stretching exercises

On the subject of stretching exercises are the necessary things in human life, which is in need.
Many of us do after waking up morning exercise and also there are a lot of not practicing these exercises. It helps to increase blood flow to vital organs and the brain.
And is also useful in the night and explained Dr. Orfe Paxton, from the University of Chicago, the U.S. can exercise in the evening and night increase levels of hormones necessary for metabolic processes and metabolism in the body, and the effects of the sport confirms that some times of the day are better than others for performance sports regularly, adding that the sleep patterns that determined by the body's internal clock for 24 hours, may play an important role in the complex response of the sport.

What is the benefit of stretching exercises?

Stretching exercises is one of the most important exercises should exercise during the muscle building exercise of such exercises is something essential and not optional they are working on

1 - to prevent injuries in the rebuilding of the muscle.
2 - prevent snagging.
3 - working to keep the soft muscle.
4 - it is without the work of such exercises will be limited muscle movement limits, Fi movement beyond these limits will lead to a terrible injury or pain.

5 - and do it before your workout bodybuilding works on Trechah joints and ligaments and muscles.
6 - works to relieve pain after heavy exercise.
7 - is also working to remove the accumulation of lactic acid (deemed to be waste of muscle).

Considered exercises prolongation at the stage of recovery healing as movements massage internal muscle or group of muscle, this massage procedure helps to reduce the proportion of lactic acid in the muscle or group of muscle, which accumulates as a result of physical effort expended and also helps get rid of waste metabolism to a minimum, and found that the practice of lengthening exercises for several minutes during the interim periods of rest and after completion of the training module or competition is a suitable way to speed recovery and create healing muscles in preparation for the next stage.

Some guidelines for the training of prolongation:

- Lead exercises prolongation of muscle anywhere, provided that enough of this place space.
- Must be a moderate temperature place and warm as the cold incompatible with the idea relax muscles of prolongation.
- When you perform exercises outside the prolongation lounges in the cold days of heavy clothing must be worn.
- You should avoid taking any painful position during the implementation exercises prolongation.
- You should be breathing slowly and regularly, fully in control so lengthy process.
- Athletes who are facing some difficulties in the flexibility of the joints must gradual perform exercises prolongation.
- Must be on the athletes and coaches should know very well that the prolongation exercises are part of the warm-up and configuration necessary for the muscles and joints of the body to begin the training and competitions.
- Number of prolongation exercises that must be performed by sports depends on the objective of the module and severity of her time and the number of exercises that will be implemented for each muscle group.

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