Saturday, April 6, 2013

The most common five lies on how to get the abdominal muscles

1 - You can hide the belly fat by performing abdominal exercises
It does not matter if I performed one million exercise for the abdominal muscles, it is impossible to burn fat certain area without other especially burning fat abdominal area, and experts say "can not overcome the style diet bad exercise," فعضلات abdominal made by the kitchen and not through gyms, where manner food accounts for 90% of the results that will get them, and can even burn fat covering the abdominal muscles, you must follow a balanced diet, and a training program to be supported by strong

2 - You must perform abdominal exercises every day to get the belly muscles prominent
Abdominal muscles intact if all the other muscles of the body, if you do not lead man exercises a day when it would be reasonable to perform abdominal exercises every day, and instead of your tummy muscles fatigue Pettmrenha day unnecessarily, you can Tmrenha only twice a week and will be quite enough

3 - feeling the burn inside the abdominal muscles by performing several different abdominal exercises and multiple iterations is what matters
This feeling is only an accumulation of lactic acid Badilatk and no more than that, in fact, exaggerate the performance of abdominal exercises will could lead to a pain area lower back, so always make sure to take care of the quality of the exercise, not quantity, and stuck system fixed to abdominal exercises the duplicates of only 10 to 15

4 - Eat only fat burning capsules will help you burn fat covering your stomach
Doses fat burning products is not magic, to show your stomach muscles soon be addressed, but the commitment to dieting help you burn fat and build muscle is the foundation, and fat burning products only help to support that process

5 - You can not get the belly muscles prominent because of your genes genetic
You may hear some people tell you that you can not burn fat covering your stomach because you do not have the genes appropriate, but in fact even people who have the worst genes, if they make choices best qualities of food and began to exercise Bzaka can also burn fat and get muscles belly prominent

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