Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Not affected by the other body if you're a beginner

I know it's very rare that you go to the gym is not affected by other body, where the magnitude of their bodies and their ability to carry heavy weights too.

But everyone of us has a special ability and a special force different from the others, so it is not important bearing sleeve, but it is always important to be careful on your continued bodybuilding exercises.

From there might be someone stronger to you, but that means he's better than you?, Of course not, but that means he has continued where they are a short period or longitudinal, but the most important is to continue.
You do not rehearse in order to be a hero in lifting weights, but only to improve the shape and strength of your body.

Try to get rid of worrying about how much weight you can or you can not drive.

Also see during the period of practice, some of the people practicing 6 or 7 exercises for muscle and only one, but this is mad
They always marvel and wonder why their bodies do not grow?

The answer is because they follow the style is Magdy, it may be that their bodies more harm than benefit them
You must be exercised 3 exercises per muscle max.

At the end of my talk I advise you to

1 - do not bother you carry, but cared only muscle workout constantly
2 - continue to insist on exercise, no matter how long period of time even if the year
3 - settled only three exercises maximum (per muscle).

Monday, April 22, 2013

Fruits Food bodybuilder muscle development

Many bodybuilders overlook fruit, one of the best food groups for muscle development

Many bodybuilders believe that fruits are fattening. This is however not the case if you know which to choose, when to eat and how much.
Most practitioners know they should consume simple sugars before and after their weight training sessions - and many of them use sugar in their protein mixtures as well as in other forms of supplements pre-and post -workout. Overall, these products contain glucose and dextrose are excellent sources of simple sugars for training. Often, bodybuilders avoid fructose because this form of simple sugar is more easily stored as fat than other carbohydrates. Then to abandon the fruits because of their fructose content, there is not one!
Yet what many bodybuilders do not know is that the fructose content varies markedly from one fruit to another. Many fruits are low and they are full of other important phytochemicals (beneficial for bodybuilding micronutrients) that can only be found in almost any other food source. The problem associated with the consumption of fructose is also sometimes overestimates. When you eliminate the fruits of power, it not only removes the fructose and other sugars they contain, but at the same time, beneficial nutrients that contribute to muscle development.
Here's what to know about fructose, which consume fruits, when and why to put on your plate.
FRUCTOSE: MYTH AND REALITY What is wrong fructose? If the fruits are bad news is that they contain this simple carbohydrate that our body does not degrade in the same way as other sugars of the same type.The fructose is not used directly by the muscles, as c This is the case of glucose and dextrose these two simple sugars are readily converted into muscle glycogen, the storage form of carbohydrates in the muscles. When they contain a lot of glycogen recovery and hypertrophy are facilitated and the performance has improved during the next meeting. Glycogen also gives the muscles that bodybuilders looking rebounded as appearance.
Against by, when there is input of fructose, the isomer of glucose must first pass through the liver to be converted to glycogen. The problem arises when liver glycogen stores are full: fructose is converted to fat and helps to increase the size of adipocytes. Since it is often difficult to know when the liver glycogen stores peaked, many bodybuilders are choosing to completely avoid fruit. In fact, such an extreme measure may be counterproductive because overshadow the fruit back to forego the valuable nutrients they contain.
The best time to eat fruit is in the morning upon awakening. At this time of day, the rate of liver glycogen is low because the body has used this fuel as an energy source during sleep. This also means that the body will supply energy to muscle protein degrading. When we eat fruit at sunrise, it gives the body an alternative fuel source which helps to stop muscle catabolism.
Other conducive to fruit slot: 30 to 60 minutes before the workout, especially if you do not eat carbohydrate for several hours. Fructose will fill liver glycogen, thus ensuring a supply of glucose to working muscles and sparing muscle glycogen. Another advantage is that fructose does not block fat during exercise as does glucose. The following the end of the session slot also lends itself very well to the fruit: it is still preferable to be the richest fruits in glucose fructose. Glucose is more easily set aside in the form of glycogen and it will raise insulin levels, thereby ensuring better muscle development more effectively. To find out what fruits to select these different times of the day, see the table "picking fruit."
"MORE" FRUITS Many bodybuilders pros already know the benefits of the fruit. "I preferred as the main source of simple sugars," said Mustafa Mohammad. "I eat two for breakfast, usually bananas, but sometimes orange or kiwi." They are still consumed by Mohammad fruits as sources of simple sugars before and after his weight training sessions. "I eat before and after my workouts because I am of the opinion that it is necessary to consume mainly foods to meet nutritional needs. If I use supplements like protein shakes, is for convenience or when it is more difficult for me to swallow solid food. "
Muhammad noted that consumption of fruit has other benefits. "They whet my appetite so I eat more," he says. "When I diet, it is not always easy to swallow whole chicken and rice all I need to maintain my muscle mass while trying to lose fat. I find that I can eat more chicken if I also take a fruit with the meal. It is this sweetness that helps me to improve my diet. "
Mohammad also uses fruits for more tone. "When I feel tired or lethargic, I eat one or two fruits with a protein food. As there are fibers, I do not care excessive elevation of insulin: fruits are digested slowly enough that this effect does not occur. The fibers also slow down the rate of digestion of proteins, which provides a continuous release of amino acids. "Mohammad said that when lack of energy, the liver glycogen stores may be low, in which case it should not fear that fructose is stored as fat.
IN SUMMARY As some actors, fruits are not entitled to the respect they deserve. Too many bodybuilders exclude them from their diet because they are wary wrongly fructose they contain. While we do not suggest to binge, which would only overload and liver glycogen stores may increase fat mass. On the other hand, do not eat fruit would be a mistake: their nutrients, fiber and simple sugars, good for building muscle will help you progress in your bodybuilding provided that consumption is consistent with the recommendations of FLEX. FLEX

Friday, April 19, 2013

Arnold schwarzenegger the bodybuilder

Is the best of March bodybuilding at all "so talked about Joe Weider spiritual father of bodybuilding in the world .. Many consider him the form full of what must be the human body .. is the man who dazzled the world for decades his body .. Then bedazzled the world for years Other films who made them, and still dazzle the world his performance so strong political and arrival for the office of Mayor of the City of California .. the man who owned all forms of power, the power of the flesh, the power of fame, and then the power of money .. and finally the power of politics.

"I do not think that no one got the raw material for strength as obtained by this man," This was an expression has been on the lips of one of the commentators during the elections the U.S. state of California, which Arnold succeeded in winning it three times in a row.
"I think that when we look at Arnold Schwarzenegger and achieved all we wish to become one of the players bodybuilding" Thus spoke the last commentator.

That "myth physical" as they call it, which almost achieves all wished for man on earth may Scurry than just a boy of fifteen years old when he entered the gym for the first time did not know where muscle biceps as he admitted before that to the owner months muscle Bai in the twentieth century through the philosophy and unique style in the use of the mind before the body to stimulate the growth of muscle, as the saying Arnold Building muscle real be through the mind and focus on the performance of the movement before it is through the exercise hard, listened to him which tells about his experience and says: When I started the exercise as a teenager in 1962, was a bus last of the "prominent" place, which has a gym, who practiced it to my house in the "shawl" kicks off at seven in the evening and the exercise was ending after the seventh of this I ride my bike home after each exercise, and because my hand has always been anaesthetized strong of exercise you often lose my ability to control the bike fall on in the ditch beside the road, was a sense of fun to sit in this hole with my hands hurts .. Was Lady Hurts to the extent that I could not comb my hair the next day but I am glad you realize that that pain means that my muscles grow.

After Li to open a big world, and after becoming a leader .. I discovered I could make myself a person who always wished to be .. By focusing and exercise, I can realize my goals no matter how tough look .. When it became the largest retained enthusiasm not only for bodybuilding, but to life itself, just applied opinions and decided things in my career has had a basis in the sport of bodybuilding.

Things that take advantage of the sport of bodybuilding

1 - the development of muscle size.
2 - increasing muscle strength.
3 - increased durability.
4 - increase the flexibility of muscles and joints.
5 - gives the body consistency.
6 - strengthen the heart, blood vessels, and the possibility of pumping a large amount of blood from each contraction.
7 - Reduce the risk of coronary artery.
8 - to change and improve the body.
9 - delaying the occupation of fat anywhere muscle.
10 - lead to a lifting speed of muscle representation.
11 - helps to control weight.
12 - a cure for obesity (unsatisfactory).
13 - a cure for the thinnest (unsatisfactory).
14 - delay and addresses of premature aging.
15 - makes you more energetic.
16 - improves mental state and Kmalk energy level.
17 - Director of tension and Mental fatigue.
18 - increased activity and alertness and improve mood.

Frankly bodybuilding does not give you the magnitude of muscular and athletic body only, but extends to the psychological state.
To see its benefits on the practitioner (bodybuilder)

1 - self-confidence: where we find a healthy player and Malk reflected power on his character where increasing self-confidence and rising level sports.

2 - charisma: should you noticed what enjoys's bodybuilding admired and respected wherever he went.

3 - Love rules: where commitment to a specific training program and the number of iterations and groups makes you tend to order in your life.

4 - Love Success: will result in success in the implementation of your sports program to save your determination to conquer the odds and not only in the training field but in all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Smoking destroys the muscles and delay your progress

Gyms and smoking do not mix, smokers on average their muscles less than non-smokers, an article about smoking published in the Nouvel Observateur in mid-2008, which is of particular interest for smokers practitioners of the sport of bodybuilding, in fact, this article describes a recent study found that cigarette smoking, lose muscle and reduces the synthesis of proteins, which means the body's inability to use amino acids that form protein to build muscle, if the protein will fall we can conclude that the recovery will be much harder after strength training, which damages the muscle, which requires a great job of protein for re-hospitalization muscle. Cigarette smoking increases the enzyme myostatin, which hampers the growth of muscles, and increases the smoking rate of enzyme MAFbx, which works on the analysis of proteins in muscle and therefore has a Triple Action to reduce the progress, which reduces the body's ability to build muscle growth and increase their destruction. increase the participation of smoking in many diseases, he is now accused in facilitating the melting of muscle mass in old age, which leads to a rapid decline in the size of the muscle.

Published an international group of scientists Multi-researched and have discovered that smoking impairs daily replenishment of muscle cells and lose muscle vitality and cause disturbances to the nervous system, Baadaltousel to this conclusion, it was necessary to compare synthesis of muscle protein from a group of non-smokers, and a group of heavy smokers (at at least a pack a day for 20 years) to measure the composition of the daily cells muscle, has the scientists injected each group with a mixture of amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and then proceeded to take samples to determine how they were processing many proteins that contribute to the daily maintenance of the block of muscle, The result was clear, Valmdkhnen were every day lower in muscle than non-smokers, and it seems that these experiments demonstrated that the harm tobacco is not on the lungs, but also on many other devices, such as tissues and muscles. Suffice it to say that smoking will help you to make progress in bodybuilding So if you want to progress in muscle mass significantly and quickly, so you have other reasons to quit smoking. smoke damage to the athletes: - Smoking increases the effect of nicotine on the activity of nerve and muscle strength.
- Affected the ability of the individual smoker in the restoration of healing after the effort, which goes on this period for friendly than if it were non-smokers. - Smoking affects the heart rate where the increase in smokers time to rest. - The low level of speed and muscular endurance and periodic breathing in smokers from non-smokers .

The importance of stretching exercises

On the subject of stretching exercises are the necessary things in human life, which is in need.
Many of us do after waking up morning exercise and also there are a lot of not practicing these exercises. It helps to increase blood flow to vital organs and the brain.
And is also useful in the night and explained Dr. Orfe Paxton, from the University of Chicago, the U.S. can exercise in the evening and night increase levels of hormones necessary for metabolic processes and metabolism in the body, and the effects of the sport confirms that some times of the day are better than others for performance sports regularly, adding that the sleep patterns that determined by the body's internal clock for 24 hours, may play an important role in the complex response of the sport.

What is the benefit of stretching exercises?

Stretching exercises is one of the most important exercises should exercise during the muscle building exercise of such exercises is something essential and not optional they are working on

1 - to prevent injuries in the rebuilding of the muscle.
2 - prevent snagging.
3 - working to keep the soft muscle.
4 - it is without the work of such exercises will be limited muscle movement limits, Fi movement beyond these limits will lead to a terrible injury or pain.

5 - and do it before your workout bodybuilding works on Trechah joints and ligaments and muscles.
6 - works to relieve pain after heavy exercise.
7 - is also working to remove the accumulation of lactic acid (deemed to be waste of muscle).

Considered exercises prolongation at the stage of recovery healing as movements massage internal muscle or group of muscle, this massage procedure helps to reduce the proportion of lactic acid in the muscle or group of muscle, which accumulates as a result of physical effort expended and also helps get rid of waste metabolism to a minimum, and found that the practice of lengthening exercises for several minutes during the interim periods of rest and after completion of the training module or competition is a suitable way to speed recovery and create healing muscles in preparation for the next stage.

Some guidelines for the training of prolongation:

- Lead exercises prolongation of muscle anywhere, provided that enough of this place space.
- Must be a moderate temperature place and warm as the cold incompatible with the idea relax muscles of prolongation.
- When you perform exercises outside the prolongation lounges in the cold days of heavy clothing must be worn.
- You should avoid taking any painful position during the implementation exercises prolongation.
- You should be breathing slowly and regularly, fully in control so lengthy process.
- Athletes who are facing some difficulties in the flexibility of the joints must gradual perform exercises prolongation.
- Must be on the athletes and coaches should know very well that the prolongation exercises are part of the warm-up and configuration necessary for the muscles and joints of the body to begin the training and competitions.
- Number of prolongation exercises that must be performed by sports depends on the objective of the module and severity of her time and the number of exercises that will be implemented for each muscle group.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Best fruits to amplify the muscle

There are lots of kinds of food that contain high levels of sugars,

But during the training you need a lot of nutrients

That are balanced in terms of nutritional value and low in sugar harmful,

The solution is a fruit, and there are a lot of types of fruit that is very friendly to those who want to amplify muscle and lose weight.

Banana fruits that contain carbohydrates, it is in the breakfast restores storage Djilakojin your muscles diet, which is also very useful to restock energy in the muscles, which is a great source of potassium, which reduces muscle contraction.


Lots of scientists that cranberries and addition of antioxidant Amadadat especially frozen it also is present in abundance in supermarkets, benefiting from the body is much to burn fat and produce the necessary calories for hours of training.

When you ask any player to build muscles where you get the necessary vitamin C you say orange, but there are kiwi He has loads of large and antioxidants that help to burn fat during exercise and vitamin C necessary for the body.

Bellows of studies have shown that apple peel contains Albrelik acid which increases the burning of fat as well as increased muscle blocks, with low levels of sugar, but the only drawback is that the more fruits that retain pesticide residues than other fruits.

It fruit contain a large amount of protein and up to 13 g, according to Keira players build muscle, and also a large amount of fiber, which is the main source of fat heart unsaturated unilateral sense useful, you can drink it or eat it directly through the Authority.

Watermelon is very important for the acids it contains, it is useful to build muscle and amplified because it improves blood flow and allow more food and stimulant to blood, which works to recovery, and also helps to relax the muscles in a very healthy way.

What should you eat before exercise?

Best dishes before exercise
. Prepare meals pre-performance exercises are very important because they will help you in performing exercises efficiently and get the best benefit from the exercises also prevent those diets low blood sugar, leading to feel headache and fatigue, so we chose you the best meals you can eat before the performance your exercise sports radios.

The banana panels natural energy where filled with banana carbohydrates are easy to digest and potassium, which helps maintain the functions of the nerves and muscles, so eating a banana medium will maintain the level of your diet is high, as is advised to eat bananas to exercises morning where you can eat a banana medium with half a cup of yogurt and wait half an hour before heading to the gym.
Filled with oat fiber, which means that it will launch carbohydrates into the bloodstream gradually as you can to save your energy level during exercise, oatmeal also contains vitamin B, which helps in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, just drink a cup of oatmeal before beginning your exercise half an hour.

Bread flour
A piece of bread made from flour is a good source of carbohydrates as you can put some jam or honey to get more energy or poached eggs for protein, and if you at lunch time you can work Sandwich bread flour and some slices of chicken meat so that has got 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 to 20 grams of protein.

Fruit Juices
Containing fruit juices on the high level of carbohydrates and protein are also easily consumed a quick digestion, try mixing half a cup of yogurt low fat with half a cup of fruit and a glass of fruit juice, and reminds experts that people prefer to ignore fruits and foods many carbohydrates and get protein and that needs to be great time to shift to energy during exercise unlike carbohydrate fruit which is fast becoming, protein is used to prevent muscle damage.

What should be avoided?
If you do not intend followers that list, it is important to keep in mind to avoid fatty foods before exercise because fat is not digested quickly and that makes you feel Baltkhmh, lethargy and abdominal cramps, although carbohydrates useful but you should avoid obtained from sweets, they lead to feeling Card sudden end Banayark during exercise, and should not be eating a lot before exercise as this will indigestion, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What’s the proper way to use resistance when training abs?

Again, I like to focus on endurance when it comes to abs because they’re stabilizers. I wouldn’t really do anything under 20 reps. If you can do a bodyweight move for say 50 reps, then adding some resistance and control to cut that number in half is a smart way to go. But I also don’t consciously think about reps — instead I think about feel. I don’t want to get to that point where my rep speed decreases. At that point, I’m done. I don’t want to break down too much muscle tissue. The speed shouldn’t be hindered over the course of a set. Once that slows down you hit that breakdown point.

Performing seven conditions

Bodybuilding like any sport where techniques and tactics and movements depend on the ability of the player to show his body best and through the review on the podium in front of the audience and jury, where puts all his effort and the results obtained during the training period before the eyes of everyone to get appreciation and encouragement to achieve success and achievement who aspires to.

Technology review and without doubt one of the most important skills that sports must builder body that he knows even if he had the most beautiful body among the contestants and the competitors did not mastered this skill, it can undervalues ​​his body and be evaluated less than others.

To explain the situation of the traffic must review stages of the review on the platform which is in most competitions three rounds of review, namely:

First round:
From which to review the positions of the seven known for review are as follows:
1. (FrontDouble Biceps)
2. (Front LatSpread)
3. (SideChest)
4. (Back DoubleBiceps)
5. (Back LatSpread)
6. (SideTriceps)
7. (FrontAbdominal-Thigh Isolation)

Second round:
Round relaxation or as some like renamed round symmetry (symmetry naughty body right and left) that stands rider relaxed without tightening the muscles with individual arms slightly as in the first video Previous a four-way front and rear and sides of the right and left and this situation appears form muscle during relaxation and harmony body suit length with width ... Etc..

Third round:
Round free and this course by choosing the rider of music and rhythm and scenario and assembly who wishes to him and there creations real in this area and can return contestant Kofta through this round because they show details he wants to he shows his desire and his way and there are a lot of competitions and tournaments that take a prize for the best review.
It positions favored by many positions squat and individual one thighs and review Albaacepc and Arnold Classic toast and the status of Samson and assembly Crab - which translates into position grip cancer was known by Rooney often they appear large amount of muscle at the same time and collect full giving larger stunning Anthae review and many innovative methods in the review ..
As already mentioned the basic three rounds and all the contestants, of course ...

There are special tours for a final of 5 eligible for the top three places and during this round, which was called the pastedown

The Through this the five contenders review round collectively and to do another assessment in terms of sizes and compare them directly.

Important recommendations:
- Can not get the best position fit your body postures previous to practice and I mean that, for example, but not exclusively Baacepc dual front notes that some people grabbing arms back and some Aqosha forward that does not mean that one is wrong, but this means that both racers knew the corner better to show his body In this review so you have to try and train in order to know the situation better and shape optimization.

- Says a lot of the coaches that you have to train on the review of each period and the period and I say with all due respect to them that you practice review every day because in the review appearance of the results and defects and learning the best way and the best approach and arm the strongest and thigh biggest and calves clearest you have to take advantage of all that the review integrated.

- When the review should be the rider to ensure that the referees took their time to see all the muscles and he stands in the corner that allows them to see all aspects of the offer, especially as they down him on the podium and he has to take into account that as little Captain in the video and put the Association in the Supreme .
- We can not fail here the importance of colors and oils used to show curves and muscle depth and equipped before going to the podium.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


The basic oat meal in the food program for most players and bodybuilding professionals ... especially breakfast, and a pre-workout meal because it can slow absorption and that gives you energy during exercise ...

This is a subject for oats

Benefits of oats

A favorite food for children, the sick and the elderly oats .. Lowers cholesterol and contradictory to the stress and brings sleep herbaceous plant oats around me like wheat and barley in Figure It usually grows between them and the seeds medium between love wheat, barley, commonly known public Balzoan usually says tares and Alzewan. Did not want the name of oats in ancient Arabic dictionaries not in the vocabulary has been known in the past under different names like Hrtman a Persian word and Khafor and Crdoman kind grown-called agricultural Khrtan or ID Khrtan.

The new word Chauvin fired in the last century on this plant. Oat known scientifically as Avena Sativa platoon grassy GRAMINEAE.

Original home of the oats is northern Europe and is now grown in all parts of the world and grown as a food crop and a medical and harvested oats usually at the end of the summer.

Part of the plant used oats: Seeds (seeds) and stems dry (Straw).

Chemical content of oats: Contains oat alkaloids (ALKaloids) and Sterolz (Sterols) and flavonoids (Flavonoids) and acid Sulaisak (Silicic acid) and starch (starch) and protein (Proteins), which includes gluten (Gluten) and vitamins, especially vitamin group B and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and iron and sodium hydrate carbon also contains fat and hormone close Ajeribin (hormone ovarian) and beta carotene plus vitamin B b (PP) and vitamin D. vary chemical content between the types of oats normal and Turkish red and short and prophetic but basic materials and core are found in all species.

Oats in ancient medicine: in English Medicine said Nicholas Gulpeper world in 1652 that prepared from dough puff oats with oil useful in the treatment of itching and leprosy. Before that, in 1597, said John Genand world that Boukhat of oat stalks and leaves are good for skin diseases and possibly for rheumatism.

The Europeans are using oat stalks and leaves in Hmamathm as a treatment for rheumatism and bladder and kidney problems. Oats have been used in ancient medicine as a remedy for chest diseases, especially lung disease, chronic cough and was used useful Klsqat for gout and pimples.

The oats in modern medicine has proven scientific studies the impact of seeds and stems and leaves oats on some diseases and proven treatment and has large factories for the manufacture of products from multiple oats and its derivatives, has made the study of clinical demonstrated that plant fibers dissolved like that found in oats by 40 grams per day lowered blood cholesterol within two weeks to three weeks as published studies in scientific journals respectable explained that 3 grams of soluble fiber if you take a day lowered cholesterol by 5% in 1997 allowed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) company Quaker oats and other plants to add this claim on their food products from oats. . In another study demonstrated through the oats reduces the level of uric acid in the blood. In a study worked on the athlete in Australia, which has put on a diet custom of oats only for 3 weeks found that an increase of 4% from the leonine plant oats to food custom of oats for the athlete significantly influenced muscle functions in sports during the exercise.

There are many uses and rolling at the moment on derivatives oats but not scientifically proven, but the positives as good as the use of oats as an antidote to stress and insomnia, calming and sleeping Mr and tonic for the nerves and tonic. Also used Indians oats for the treatment of addiction opium derivatives, tobacco, and oats live bouts pebble urinary tract disorders and urine and unrelenting and calms the pain of hemorrhoids and doctors advised patients nerves, intellectuals and weary eating oats as well as diabetics and patients thyroid. Made from oats boiled for babies from equal amounts of wheat barley and oats boiled in a liter and a half of water over low heat until boiling one liter and add sugar and given to children every day before feeding.

Important tests with the use of steroids

In this article the most important blood tests to anyone who used steroids in the past, currently used or planned for use in the future.
Doping as we know have a negative impact on health, and increase the chances of many of the potential health risks, through an understanding of what is happening in your body and what impact will be able to reduce these risks to a minimum, and you'll have the opportunity to do any necessary amendment by test results.
Rarely are conducting these tests for bodybuilders, but I would recommend that each player build objects conduct these tests at least once a year.

There are three types of tests to be performed:

Tests before the chorus (the rest period or by the use of steroids)
Tests during the course (while using steroids)
Tests after chorus (after the completion of the use of steroids)

We will discuss each type and then explain the details of the various tests:

Tests before the chorus (the rest period or by the use of steroids)

Lipids-standard full Set
Full Liver Panel
Electrolytes, Mineral and Glucose

Are these tests before you start using steroids.
And are used: a reference to the basis of the nature of our bodies, verification of how the body is affected and the results of the use of steroids and to make sure that the levels returned to normal after the completion of use.
Use of these tests also to see if there was any possible health risks inherent can worsen with steroids, for example if you have high blood lipids and enzymes liver high, is not wise at all to start using steroids, but would be foolish start, you must make sure that all the results in the normal range and there is no problems. If it is, is taking personal decision if you want to start using steroids or not, we do not encourage the use of steroids in any form without medical supervision.

Tests during the course (while using steroids)

Lipids-standard full Set
Full Liver Panel
Electrolytes, Mineral and Glucose

And are examination after 3-4 weeks of starting to use steroids, and then take a closer look at the results, to compare the results with your results basic (normal), if you notice affected very body to rate dangerous, must stop the use and start treatment required.

Tests after chorus (after the completion of the use of steroids)

Hormones-steroids LH / FSH
Lipids-standard full Set
Full Liver Panel
Electrolytes, Mineral and Glucose

The most important thing here is to look at the male hormones, and to make sure that the levels close to the pre-session levels, Boukhat should not be the same, but as close as possible. It should also note a decrease in the level of liver enzymes and approached levels Alasaasah.

Now we will take a look at all of the contents of these tests by category and explain the important things.

Assays hormones Hormone Tests

steroid (male)
Name examination normal level
Total Testosterone 241-827 ng / dl
Free Testosterone 8.7-25.1 pg / ml
Estradiol 10-53 pg / ml

LH / FSH (male)
LH 2.5-9.8 IU / L
FSH 1.2-5.0 IU / L

Name of test
TSH .35-5.5 uIU / mL
Thyroxine 4.5-12.0 ug / dL
T3 Uptake 24-39%
Free thyroxine index 1.2-4.9
This Alachtbardobaa used to detect the level androgen person and see if they need treatment.
When you have a testosterone level naturally, but the top-level in the primary results of the examination should be up to the same level after dropping out of the use of steroids and before starting any other use. It is not enough to be just within the normal range.
Estradiol Estradiol is the active form of the hormone estrogen in the body, it is important to check during doping levels, the use of steroids is associated with higher estrogen levels, leading to side effects (such as water retention, fat, and breast growth Gaenkmastia any female character) , and the results of tests provides a good idea of ​​estrogen Kamihamadadat that need.

Each of these hormones are responsible for stimulating testosterone production in the testes, and sperm production.
Should not worry too much if these values ​​low during doping is of influence the natural use of steroids, since you take androgen external, stop the body's production of androgen procedure, and is what Abb atrophy in Khjm testicles while using steroids without Astkhmam antibiotics or Catalysts .
The results of the examination after the chorus, check the levels of LH and FSH and plug it with testosterone levels, if the levels for the LH and FSH high and the level of testosterone is low, it could mean that the testicles have not returned to its former size and need more time and processing after chorus PCT.

Results essential before using any doping is the most important tests of thyroid, has lifted doping levels of the thyroid glands slightly during use, but it is very unlikely that there is a lasting effect. If the levels of thyroid glands are still high after dropping out of use without showing any decline, you may need to check if there are any problems Algzh thyroid with your doctor.

Lipids (cardiovascular) tests

Standard Full Set
Name examination normal level
Triglucerides 0-149 mg / dL
Total Cholesterol 100-199 mg / dL
HDL Cholesterol> 40 mg / dL
VLDL Cholesterol 5-40 mg / dL
LDL Cholsterol <100 mg / dL
LDL / HDL Ratio ♥ .6

LDL / HDL Ratio Risk Assessment men women
1/2 Average Risk 1.0 1.5
Average Risk 3.6 3.2
2 X Average Risk 6.3 5.0
3 x Average Risk 8.0 6.1

Additonal Testing
Name examination normal level
C-reactive Protein <5 mg / dL
Homocysteine ​​(0-30years 4.6-8.1 umol / L
Men (30-59) 6.3-11.2 umol / L
Women (30-59) 4.5-7.9 umol / L
> 59 years 5.8-11.9 umol / L

Apo Ratio Testing
Apolipoprotein men women
apoB / apoA-I Ratio <.9 <.8

Apo Ratio Risk Assessment men women
Low Risk <.7 <.6
Average Risk 0.7-0.9 0.6-0.8
High Risk> 0.9> 0.8
Body fat testing is one of the most important tests that have to be made, it is known that steroid (reconstructive hormones and Androgyny) have a negative impact on blood fats, which increases the risk of heart disease and blood vessels.
Should monitor the results of these tests, and possible to increase these percentages Biskl slow, increasing proportions of each course, which increases the chances of cardiovascular disease, so one should be careful to keep the levels in the normal range health.
Standard Full Set:
The most important aspect of this examination is the ratio of HDL cholesterol with LDL cholesterol LDL / HDL ratio, where These Alnsphaltoazin reflect the deposition of plaque from LDL cholesterol LDL and remove from Alclaustroa good HDL in the arteries. And use this ratio to evaluate the risk of heart disease, especially with people who have cholesterol levels.

Additional tests:
C-reactive protein and homocysteine: Both additional important signs in the examination of the health of the heart and blood vessels. C-reactive is a key indicator of inflammation in the body, while homocysteine ​​involved in the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and blood clotting.

Full Liver Panel

Name examination normal level
Albumin 3.5-5.5 g / dL
Globulin 1.5-4.5 g / dL
Total Protein 6.0-8.5 g / dL
Bilirubin 0.1-1.2 mg / dL
GGT (Gamma GT) <50 IU / L
ALP (Alkaline Phospatase) 25-150 IU / L
AST (SGOT) 0-40 IU / L
ALT (SGPT) O-55 IU / L
We discussed these tests in our article (bodybuilding and the health of the liver), and will be discussed here again.
As we know many of steroids and private 17AA oral put pressure largely on the liver.
Enzymes ALT Alanine aminotransferase and AST Aspartate aminotransferase are the most important indicators that show how much stress is on the liver.
These indicators will be mostly mostly high with amphetamine users during use. However there have been cases where the values ​​of these natural enzymes although there are problems in the liver, and this calls for additional tests for other indicators.

ALP Alkaline phosphatase and GGT gammaglutamyltranspeptidase both enzymes cholestatic biliary recession, which means they stop the flow of bile bile (yellow green liquid is produced by the liver and helps digestion).
Results with the rise of these indicators suggest bile duct obstruction (cholestasis intehepatic cholestasis), which means that the liver is no longer a functioning correctly metabolism and transport of yellow. Probably happened liver toxicity to the liver of dangerous steroids.

Materials must be taken to support liver function through the use of steroids, and if indicators continue increasing with use, you must discontinue use, then reading the article (objects and liver health) for more information.

Examine muscle enzyme Muscles enzymes test:

Name examination normal level
Creatine Kinase 38-174 u / L

Is used enzyme creatine kinase Creatine kinase enzyme CK as a marker of muscle damage, and kidney and heart damage.
And can increase levels naturally with exercise-intensity and endurance higher, and that sometimes leads to the belief that there were problems in sometimes for the heart and the potential risks of kidney, so The best test of this kind is after taking some rest after exercise intensive to achieve better results. If results are still showing high levels must work other tests to make sure the health of the heart and kidney ..

Blood tests:

Name examination normal level
WBC 4-11 K / MCL
RBC 81-103 FL
Platelet count 130-400 K / MCL
Hemoglobin 13-17 g / dL
Hematocrit 40.7-50.3 (men)%
36.1-44.3 (women)%
This examination is a very common, mostly everyone received him. The examination shows look good for public health.
During doping, because of their impact on eythropoiesis, the number of red blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration tend to increase. This has a positive effect on aerobic capacity and increase oxygen loaded in the blood, but an increase in red blood cells may cause an increase in the thickness of the hematocrit blood, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Kidney tests:

Name examination normal level
Uric acid 3.0-7.0 mg / dL
Creatinine .5-1.5 mg / dL
BUN 5-26 mg / dL
BUN / creatinine ratio 8-27
Measured in this test three of the primary waste products that are Afrazha and filtered by the kidneys. And high levels indicate that there may be a serious problem in the kidney, and tests are taken again, especially to make sure of that.
Where some of the results may not indicate a real risk, for example eating a high protein raises nitrogen urea in the blood, and to bodybuilders eat a large amount of protein, so you should not worry about this indicator significantly, especially if a not combined with other indicators rises.

Electrolytes, Mineral and Glucose

Test Name Name examination normal level
Sodium 136-146 mEq / L
Potassium 3.6-5.2 mEq / L
Chloride 98-109 mEq / L
Bicarbonate (carbon dioxide) 21-30 mEq / L
Phosphorous 2.5-4.5 mg / dL
Calcium 8.5-10.5 mg / dL
Iron 35-185 mcg / dL
Glucose (fasting) 70-110 mg / dL

If there is a problem with fluid and Alaketrolitz balance, will appear in the results of this examination, although it may be due to something as simple as an imbalance of sodium or potassium, but it may also reflect the more serious problems such as kidney disease.
Glucose level is good to see many health conditions such as metabolic syndromes, diabetes, and diseases of the pancreas, liver disease or kidney failure.

Prostate tests:

Test Name
PSA, serum 0.0-4.0 ng / mL
PSA Prostate-specific antigenPSA is a protein produced by prostate cells. High levels indicate cases of benign prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer. May cause some steroids prostate enlargement, and if the problem list before you can use it with aggravated use.

This is a summary of the most important tests that must work with users of steroids. I know it may be difficult performance always, most of the players build objects Tfranjn, and these tests may cost more than the same courses!! And there are a lot of other expenses such as gym memberships, materials treatment after the chorus, eating, and supplements. No wonder that many or most of the bodybuilders examine only if the problem begins to emerge. But prevention is better than cure, you do this Alvhsosat at least once a year, will be assured on your health, and will address any problem if found in its early stages, and that will save you a lot of money and health.

The most common five lies on how to get the abdominal muscles

1 - You can hide the belly fat by performing abdominal exercises
It does not matter if I performed one million exercise for the abdominal muscles, it is impossible to burn fat certain area without other especially burning fat abdominal area, and experts say "can not overcome the style diet bad exercise," فعضلات abdominal made by the kitchen and not through gyms, where manner food accounts for 90% of the results that will get them, and can even burn fat covering the abdominal muscles, you must follow a balanced diet, and a training program to be supported by strong

2 - You must perform abdominal exercises every day to get the belly muscles prominent
Abdominal muscles intact if all the other muscles of the body, if you do not lead man exercises a day when it would be reasonable to perform abdominal exercises every day, and instead of your tummy muscles fatigue Pettmrenha day unnecessarily, you can Tmrenha only twice a week and will be quite enough

3 - feeling the burn inside the abdominal muscles by performing several different abdominal exercises and multiple iterations is what matters
This feeling is only an accumulation of lactic acid Badilatk and no more than that, in fact, exaggerate the performance of abdominal exercises will could lead to a pain area lower back, so always make sure to take care of the quality of the exercise, not quantity, and stuck system fixed to abdominal exercises the duplicates of only 10 to 15

4 - Eat only fat burning capsules will help you burn fat covering your stomach
Doses fat burning products is not magic, to show your stomach muscles soon be addressed, but the commitment to dieting help you burn fat and build muscle is the foundation, and fat burning products only help to support that process

5 - You can not get the belly muscles prominent because of your genes genetic
You may hear some people tell you that you can not burn fat covering your stomach because you do not have the genes appropriate, but in fact even people who have the worst genes, if they make choices best qualities of food and began to exercise Bzaka can also burn fat and get muscles belly prominent

Friday, April 5, 2013

Importance of sugar cane juice

Cane juice quick and easy absorption and useful in cases of thinness and strengthens bones and activates liver and resists constipation and increases the secretion of urine leads to purification internal body and expels more toxins as that drinking sugar cane juice earns one degree of psychological comfort, calm, explaining that the secret of it is due to be sugars in it works to increase the composition soothing natural substance formed by the brain is "serotonin" seratonin, which leads to increase the capacity of man to bear difficult situations, such as distress, anxiety and stress and fatigue, a feature of life now. Therefore, a cup of sugar cane juice a day can bring to one's life a little calm to avoid pressure and adapt to a reasonable extent.

Also used in the production of molasses, which proved effective in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and fatigue resulting from a lack of lactic acid and carbonic in the tissues of the body. This rich molasses sugars, iron and potassium, which described him for heart patients and diuresis. As for patients with liver disease, sees expert food Egyptian that cup sugar cane juice gives human energy and vitality, because it is high calorie so described for the faint structure given in cases of fever associated with poor appetite, especially among children also uses sugar cane juice and other liquids sugary in feed acute hepatitis patient? cirrhosis?, because the patient feels relegation, wasting and often dizziness, but should take into account the patient's liver, which also suffers from diabetes, you must adjust the insulin dose in this case

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shoulders with the weight behind the neck

Standing or sitting on the bench, pelvis firmly pressed against the backrest, back straight, holding the bar behind the neck. Adopt a superior grip to the shoulder width, palms downwards:

inspire and develop the bar vertically without arching your back too: Keep abs toned.
expire at the end of movement
This exercise deltoid, particularly its middle and posterior portions, and the trapezius, triceps and serratus anterior. Although worked in a less intense, the muscles rhomboids, infraspinatus, teres minor and in depth supraspinatus involved in developing. This movement is standing or guide frame.

To avoid injuring the shoulder joint, especially fragile, it will lower the bar more or less behind the neck down, taking into account individual differences in morphology and flexibility. Avoid turning the head during exercises to avoid injuring the neck or spine. You will need to move your head slightly forward when the bar down to the neck, but at no time bending the neck should not be excessive.

Technique for crunch with twist

This exercise targets the mixed upper abs and obliques

lie on your back, knees bent at about 60 degrees, feet flat on the floor
place both hands on the neck
a cross motion, bring the right elbow and right shoulder to bust and oblique mount simultaneously left knee to right shoulder
advance the elbow as to touch the outside of the knee
do both sides