Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tea, weight loss beverage and fighting diabetes

Tea, weight loss beverage and fighting diabetes - If you have a problem with weight gain and risk of developing diabetes, consumption of tea is appropriate to deal with these two things. But other than that, tea turned out to contain other health benefits. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.Weight lossA study in 2011 proved that the consumption of green tea

8 The power possessed super human

8 The power possessed super human - If Superman can fly and SpiderMan issued cobwebs out of his hand, ordinary people turned out to also have super powers like them! What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.ImaginationThe power of imagination allows people to create ideas, images, and amazing concept. When imagination, the same man to create something that did not

Be careful, the perception of stress can trigger heart attack

Be careful, the perception of stress can trigger heart attack - Assumption that stress and depression can affect health, certainly reasonable for everyone. However, a study reveals that this is precisely the sort of assumption can be dangerous. Research shows that people who believe stress can affect their health more vulnerable heart attack.Researchers found that people who have such a negative

7 Health Benefits of salt for body

7 Health Benefits of salt for body - Talk about salt, you would imagine the negative effects that could be given by the salty foods for the body. Ranging from heart disease, high blood pressure, and others. But make no mistake, salt also has health benefits for the body.Here are some health benefits because of the body if taken as needed, as reported by the Third Age.1. BloodSalt is essential to

Know two types of nosebleeds and how to distinguish

Know two types of nosebleeds and how to distinguish - Nosebleeds occur when the blood out of the nose. Reasonable nosebleeds occur in children, but in adults, nosebleeds can be serious consequences. Although reasonable nosebleeds occur, but not many people who know the two types of nosebleeds. Nosebleeds are divided into two types, namely nosebleeds anterior and posterior nosebleed, as reported

Friday, May 30, 2014

Four cups of coffee a day is better than nothing at all

Four cups of coffee a day is better than nothing at all - Both coffee and tea is a healthy drink if consumed in the right amounts. At least two drinks can not be consumed more than three cups a day.But a recent study says that drinking four cups of coffee or tea a day is better than not drinking at all.During this time, the consumption of four cups of coffee a day were reported to improve high

Smoking weed makes people more lazy

Smoking weed makes people more lazy - Not only affects physical health, smoking weed it can also make people more lazy and reduces their motivation, according to recent research. Researchers found that cannabis can affect parts of the brain that deals with the problem of motivation.Previous research shows that smoking pot can make a person become apathetic. While current research indicates that

Walks on the beach to make people more relaxed

Walks on the beach to make people more relaxed - "Relaxing on the beach as" apparently not just a slogan. A study reveals that a trip to the beach or stay near the beach it can make people more relaxed and keep them away from the stress.Research conducted at the University of Exeter shows some of the benefits of spending time at the beach. Scientists conducted several experiments to show whether

Watch out, smoking can also be damaged emotional health!

Watch out, smoking can also be damaged emotional health! - Smoking appears to not only damage the physical health, but also their mental and emotional health. A survey shows that smokers have poorer emotional health than people who do not smoke.A survey conducted by Gallup and Healthways shows that the scale of health, smokers only score 72, while those who do not smoke have a value of 81.1.

The eyes look sunken and black? This is why!

The eyes look sunken and black? This is why! - Lack of sleep is not a trivial matter that can be ignored. Sunken eyes indicate that you do not sleep well for a period of time. And trouble sleeping can cause a variety of health problems such as memory loss, high blood pressure and even diabetes. Before it's too late, here are four medical cause why the eyes appear sunken, as reported Boldsky.1.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Watch out, staying up late can make the added fat!

Watch out, staying up late can make the added fat! - For some people, staying up late is certainly not a stranger. Many people are willing awake until nighttime for a variety of reasons, ranging from overtime, studying, traveling, or because it likes to party. A study reveals that the habit of staying up late can promote weight loss because most people often snacking and eating junk food when

Identify factors that cause skin cancer

Identify factors that cause skin cancer - There are still many people who are less aware of the importance of skin health. Most of them are more aware of the beauty of the skin. In fact, if the skin is not maintained then the health risk of deadly diseases such as cancer. To identify the triggers that skin cancer as reported by Fox News.Family historyIf your mother, father, siblings have a

Guava, a panacea for diabetes and diarrhea

Guava, a panacea for diabetes and diarrhea - Guava fruit is kind of easy in asia pacific. In addition it contains a lot of water, this fruit also has many health benefits for the body. Not infrequently, other parts of the guava fruit is used as a cure for the disease. Want to know what are the properties? Here are the health benefits of guava water for our bodies, as reported Boldsky.The health

Pilgrimage season is near, viruses Mers increasingly worrisome

Pilgrimage season is near, viruses Mers increasingly worrisome - Like a deadly virus called SARS mers are known to have infected a number of countries in the Middle East. This virus has even spread to other countries in Europe such as France. This is certainly very worrying, given the Hajj season getting close in late October.Authorities in Saudi Arabia announced that Summers claimed again. Two

Respiratory infections as infants increase the risk of diabetes

Respiratory infections as infants increase the risk of diabetes - Although it seems trivial, but diseases such as mild respiratory infection that occurs when children aged zero to six months may increase a child's risk for developing type 1 diabetes until doubled. If the child is exposed to a respiratory infection at the age of six months to 12 months, the risk will be reduced to 32 percent.Even

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Coconut, fruit with a single million benefit

Coconut, fruit with a single million benefit - Coconut is not only known as coconut water produced. There are a million other benefits from this one single fruit. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Health Me Up below.Coconut oilCoconut oil contains 87 percent saturated fat known to increase cholesterol levels. But it does not apply to coconut oil. Because half of the amount of

Why eyes cry when chopping onions?

Why eyes cry when chopping onions? - Almost everyone knows that peeling and slicing onions or onion can make the tears flow. But what is the cause?When onions are sliced, cells in it were damaged. Exit the named compound that reacts with the sulfenic acid enzyme and produce a gas called Propanethiol S-oxide. If the gas enters the eye and is mixed with water in it, it forms sulfuric acid.Presence

What is the ideal age for a child to learn to swim?

What is the ideal age for a child to learn to swim? - A video on YouTube of a 16-month-old toddler who learned to swim rampant discussed in cyberspace. It was finally raises a question for the experts, the actual number of ideal age for children to learn to swim?"There is no rule how the recommended age for children to learn to swim. However one also if we assume that the child can automatically

Bacteria in the gut associated with autism in children

Bacteria in the gut associated with autism in children - A small study found a link between bacteria in the digestive system to the risk of autism is owned by the child. Shortage of some types of bacteria in the gut increases the risk of children developing autism.The results obtained after the researchers analyzed the bacteria in the gut in 20 children with autism and 20 children without autism.

Mers deadly virus has not been feasible so a global threat?

Mers deadly virus has not been feasible so a global threat? - One victim Mers infections in the UK are reported to have died last June. With this, the death toll due to increase to 41 mers, and the number of overall infections were 77 people in the entire world. But according to scientists, Mers deadly viral infection is not dangerous enough to be considered a global threat.The study, conducted

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Alert, hypertension can be claimed eyesight

Alert, hypertension can be claimed eyesight - Eyes are the most sensitive part of the body. Not enough eye health by eating foods rich in vitamin A alone, but also of the mind. People who are stressed can trigger high blood pressure which leads to blindness. Then what is the relationship between blindness and hypertension? Check out more reviews Healthmeup reported.As already explained,

Press exercise weight potent appetite

Press exercise weight potent appetite - After heavy exercise, people tend to reduce the size of the meal, says a new study. Overweight people who ate fewer calories after vigorous exercise compared to when they are resting after.Several previous studies have shown that vigorous exercise associated with decreased appetite and hormonal changes associated with hunger and satiety. Recent research

9 Ways potent cholesterol lowering

9 Ways potent cholesterol lowering - Many people are now suffering from very high cholesterol levels. These health problems can be treated with lifestyle changes and eating habits, even bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking can affect cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore, it is very important to control cholesterol levels. Here are nine powerful way lower cholesterol, as reported

Lack of sleep makes teenagers prefer junk food consumption

Lack of sleep makes teenagers prefer junk food consumption - Sleep was not only related to physical fitness, but also deals with the selection of food, especially in adolescents. A study showed that teens who stay up late and not getting enough sleep would rather eat junk food than healthy food dna fruits."Teens who sleep less are not only eating more junk food, they also consume less healthy

So nerdy it can desist senility old time

So nerdy it can desist senility old time - Penchant read or write from childhood to adulthood it can provide benefits in old age. Research shows that people who actively use the brain for reading, thinking, and writing has remained brilliant brain when they are older.This study also shows that activities that stimulate the brain such as reading and writing could prevent a person from dementia or

Monday, May 26, 2014

10 Signs dogs and cats with cancer

10 Signs dogs and cats with cancer - Not just humans that can get cancer, it can be pets, especially dogs and cats. So what kind of signs? Recognize as quoted from Care2 following.LumpsNot all lumps are found on the body of a dog or cat is a sign of cancer. But it never hurts to make sure it is to the vet.Scent is not pleasantIf a dog or cat issue a foul smell from the mouth, ears, or other body

3 bad habits around sleep

3 bad habits around sleep - 've Slept eight hours a day, but the body still feel weak after waking up. Have experienced similar things? Maybe you do about sleep habits as reported from Fit Sugar following.Pressed the snooze buttonAlarm goes off, but the body was reluctant to get up and finally pressed the snooze button. Because bad habits interfere with sleep cycles. Moreover, an extra five or

Trypophobia, phobia of small holes

Trypophobia, phobia of small holes - Lately a lot of people talk about trypophobia or phobia of small holes. But you know, in these conditions in the medical field does not actually exist. So what is it trypophobia?According to Urban Dictionary, is defined as the fear of trypophobia small hole or asymmetrical shape that makes a person feel itchy and tingling all over his body and feeling

7 Essential nutrients in broccoli

7 Essential nutrients in broccoli - Broccoli is a super food that has remarkable properties for the body. There are at least seven essential nutrients contained in them. What is it? Listen more, as quoted from Care2 following.Vitamin AKnown vitamin is good for the eyes also play a role in maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin A also enhances the immune system keep away from all disease. Broccoli

3 Ways to easily sharpen brain function

3 Ways to easily sharpen brain function - The brain is one of the vital organs in the body. Without a healthy brain, then we can not do the activity properly. It's important to maintain brain health every day. Here are three keys that keep the brain healthy, Care2 reported.1. Nutritious foods and supplementsOne of the brain is the biggest enemy of excessive free radicals. To combat that, you have

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The choir as healthy with yoga

The choir as healthy with yoga - For some people, following the choir can be a hobby or their career path. However, research shows that sang in the choir can provide health benefits.Researchers found that when singing in the choir, the singers do not simply equate the tone but also heart rate. Scientists assume that this is due to the coordination of breath from the singer.Singing in a choir is

Now, bladder cancer can be detected by the smell of urine

Now, bladder cancer can be detected by the smell of urine - Scientists in the UK have created a tool that can 'smell a rat' bladder cancer cells in human urine samples. This tool uses a sensor that can detect gaseous chemical substance produced by cancer cells.Initial experiments indicate that this test provides accurate results. Approximately nine out of 10 trials prove successful detect bladder

5 Ways grilling healthy food

5 Ways grilling healthy food - Grilled food is more recommended to be consumed rather than when processed by frying or boiling. Because the nutrients in the food properly maintained. However, you should pay attention to how to bake healthy foods more as reported by the following Time.Aluminum foilBaked meat with too high a temperature could endanger the health of the body. It happened when

Watch out, turns dishwasher full of mushrooms!

Watch out, turns dishwasher full of mushrooms! - Turns dishwasher is the perfect nest for dangerous mold to grow, according to new research.Because the temperature is warm and humid, do not be surprised if the dishwasher into place Exophiala yeast, Rhodotorula, and Candida parapsilosis to breed. The fungus was reported to be harmful to human health.Research in the journal Medical Mycology was

Often use mobile lower body fitness?

Often use mobile lower body fitness? - Are you among those who stick with the cell phone? You should be careful, because a recent study suggests that spending too much time playing mobile phones can reduce your fitness.Researchers from Kent State University found that students who spend much of their time using the phone have a lower fitness levels than students who did not use cell phones too

Saturday, May 24, 2014

4 An easy way to persuade kids to want to eat vegetables

4 An easy way to persuade kids to want to eat vegetables - Children really like picky eaters. But that is no reason for parents not to serve healthy food for children. So try the easy way to persuade kids to eat the vegetables as reported by the following GalTime.PolishedTry puree the vegetables and put into everyday dishes. Children will not realize that there are vegetables in it but it will

10 habits that increase the risk of sudden death

10 habits that increase the risk of sudden death - No one could have guessed when death will arrive. But some habits can increase the risk of sudden death. What is it? Listen more, as reported by the following RocketNews24.Cycling on busy roadsAccording to research from Belgium, pedal cycling is healthy. But doing in the middle of a busy street area is dangerous to health because of

Soybeans can not prevent prostate cancer returning

Soybeans can not prevent prostate cancer returning - Men who have undergone prostate cancer surgery still have to face their fears if the cancer returned again. Unfortunately, research shows that eating soy can not prevent this.The study, conducted by researchers in the United States showed that the risk of prostate cancer returning in men who consumed soy supplements with men who did not consume

Rules eat before and after donating blood

Rules eat before and after donating blood - Blood donation is a noble one activity that nourish the body. However, in order to maintain good health, follow the rules of eating before and after donating blood as reported by the Health Me Up below.Prior to blood donation

Eat foods rich in iron, such as whole wheat, spinach, and watermelon.
In addition to iron, multiply also food sources of vitamin

Working at night increase the risk of infertility in women

Working at night increase the risk of infertility in women - A recent study says that women who work at night have a hard-risk children or barren to 80 percent.Not only that, an erratic work schedule could endanger women's health. Including the risk of miscarriage, fertility problems, and menstrual irregularities.Women who are shift workers also reported a two-fold risk of infertility or

Friday, May 23, 2014

10 Ways to prevent drowsiness fun while working

10 Ways to prevent drowsiness fun while working - How many times do you yawn when you work today? In addition to relying on coffee, it turns out there are several ways to prevent drowsiness at work. Listen more, as reported by the following Idiva.Drinking waterDehydration is one of the causes of sleepiness and fatigue while working. So while in the office, remain diligent in drinking water

Watch out, fish oils increase the risk of prostate cancer!

Watch out, fish oils increase the risk of prostate cancer! - Everyone knows that fish oil rich in omega-3 good for the brain. Fish oil even believed to reduce the risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's. But in either benefit that is owned by fish oil, it turns out fish oil can also be dangerous.Recent research suggests that fish oil rich in omega-3 may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Cheerful people more immune to heart attacks

Cheerful people more immune to heart attacks - Looks cheerful and always happy not only makes you a man who endeared, but also keep you away from heart disease. a study showed that people who have a cheerful heart attack risk smaller."Temperament is positive and happy to have an influence on the disease. As a result, you can be healthier," said researcher Lisa R Yanek of the Division of General

Aggressive children tend to become alcoholics as a teenager

Aggressive children tend to become alcoholics as a teenager - Children are less likely to become alcoholics it can be seen from their behavior as a child. Research shows that children who have behavioral problems when aged under five years were more likely to be alcoholics as a teenager.Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University study used data involving 12 647 participants were observed

Maternal depression make children vulnerable obesity

Maternal depression make children vulnerable obesity - In addition to an effect on mental health, depression suffered by a mother can also affect the health of her child. A study at Children's Hospital, Montefiore showed that mothers who are depressed are more likely to have children who are overweight or obese"This suggests that depression not only affects the mental state of the child, but also

Thursday, May 22, 2014

This is because other people are bitten by mosquitoes

This is because other people are bitten by mosquitoes - Certainly very annoying if you frequently bitten body. Your body will itch even get blisters due to scratching. Mosquitoes are often arise at any time, especially in a darkened room. But there are other reasons that make you bitten by mosquitoes. What is it? Check out his review below as reported by Reader Digest.Mosquitoes like people who

Sudden increase risk of cesarean childbirth complications

Sudden increase risk of cesarean childbirth complications - Women who gave birth by caesarean section are known to be at risk for sudden develop complications when they become pregnant again in the future. Risk of complications in childbirth increased by 12 percent.Caesarean procedure done when a sudden childbirth experience complications during pregnancy. This process can damage the blood supply

Hernia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Hernia: Causes, symptoms, and treatments - Hernia occurs when a weakened abdominal muscle layers. Consequently, muscle or fat can 'fall' and form a bulge. Usually the groin area is the location of the hernia.Then what is the cause of this disease? Check out the explanation, as quoted from the Health Me Up follows.CauseGroin is a potential weak point in humans, especially men. Crotch because they

Apple juice, healthy drink cholesterol-lowering

Apple juice, healthy drink cholesterol-lowering - Apple is a fruit that is full of nutrition. Then what about apple juice? Almost the same! This delicious beverage also contains many health benefits for the body. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Health Me Up follows.Risk of heart diseaseDiligent drink apple juice every day can lower cholesterol. Indirectly, the consumption of apple

Consumption of protein in the morning make a slim?

Consumption of protein in the morning make a slim? - Usually dinner is always served with a special. There are a variety of dishes ranging from vegetables to meat delicious. Quite often many people who choose meat for his dinner meal. But you know if you eat a lot of protein at night makes sleep difficult?Eating a lot of protein at night can have a negative effect on your sleep patterns. Because

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Eyes brilliant brain healthy sign!

Eyes brilliant brain healthy sign! - Eye care not only window. But also can tell about your health? Do not believe? Check out more reviews of the following as reported by Fox News.A study in Psychological Science found blood vessels in the back of the eye can reveal the health of your brain. The scientists found those with more veins have poor IQ in middle age. Other factors such as smoking,

Why holidays are good for health?

Why holidays are good for health? - There have been many studies that says that a vacation is able to restore stamina and good for overall health. Why so? Consider the reasons why the holidays are just that good health more as reported by the Health following.Reduce stressEven just a walk or outdoor physical activity each week, the stress levels in the body can automatically decreased. This is

7 Benefits of onions important

7 Benefits of onions important - Onion is one spice that gives flavor and delicious taste in a dish. Apart from that, it has many onions pivotal efficacy. What is it? Check out more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.Healthy heartResearch says that eating half a slice onions can lower bad cholesterol. Automatically, heart health was awake when raw onions consumed regularly.Containing

Prevent tooth decay by drinking milk every morning

Prevent tooth decay by drinking milk every morning - A study says that kosumsi cow's milk can prevent cavities after we eat high sugar foods, for example, is a breakfast cereal.On a small study in Chicago, as many as 20 respondents were included. They were then asked to enjoy a bowl of sugary cereal and then drink milk, water, or apple juice.During before and after the experiment, the researchers

Although never ill with cancer, she had a chance to get pregnant

Although never ill with cancer, she had a chance to get pregnant - A study says that women who have had cancer as a child and was successfully recovered at high risk of experiencing infertility. But they still have a chance of getting pregnant.Research in the journal Lancet Oncology was also found about two-thirds of women who've had cancer once was able to get pregnant.According to researchers

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Side sleeping position is the most healthy?

Side sleeping position is the most healthy? - When he was sleepy, many people do not usually think about their sleeping position. Though each sleep position has the pros and cons of each. Sleeping position can not only benefit, but also a negative effect on the body.So, what was the position of the most healthful? First you'll want to listen to the pros and cons of each sleeping position, as

Aspirin aids woman tackles colon cancer

Aspirin aids woman tackles colon cancer - With low-dose aspirin every other day is known to reduce the risk of colon cancer in women, according to recent research. The results obtained after the researchers observed 40,000 women aged 45 years and over.However, the effect of aspirin seems not immediately appear. Researchers found that the effects begin to be seen after use for 10 years."After

Colon cancer patients vulnerable to other types of cancer pain

Colon cancer patients vulnerable to other types of cancer pain - Patients with colon cancer who survived are known to have a high risk for developing other cancers, says a new study. The results obtained Researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle.The results of this study might help doctors to monitor and prevent the development of other cancers in patients who survived colon cancer

'Gen hunger' caused people often fail diet

'Gen hunger' caused people often fail diet  - Often fail to go on a diet and always feel hungry? It may be that the cause is in your genes. Researchers found that many people who have DNA extension that causes a person to remain hungry and hard dieting.Gene called FTO is carried by almost half of the British public and recently discovered a few years ago. Although researchers know that this gene

Prevent deadly disease with inflammatory diet

Prevent deadly disease with inflammatory diet - Root cause for some deadly diseases like heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's is inflammation. Inflammation is sometimes necessary for the immune system responds to infection and irritation. But inflammation can also damage the body and cause disease.The most common cause of inflammation is stress, lack of exercise, genetic predisposition and

Monday, May 19, 2014

Delaying retirement could lower the risk of brain disease in the elderly

Delaying retirement could lower the risk of brain disease in the elderly - Recent research has shown that people who delayed retirement have a lower risk of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia compared with those who retired at the age of 60 years.The research was conducted on 429,000 employees in France. They found that the risk of dementia decreased when somebody delay their

Do not do this after a caesarean!

Do not do this after a caesarean! - Today many women who choose caesarean procedures in childbirth. This process makes the mother is not sick and birth date can be determined. But behind the comfort there are some restrictions that must be done after cesarean section. The following review more, reported Boldsky.1. Be careful when going home from the hospital after surgery. Use the car seat

Potent cranberry juice cure a bladder infection

Potent cranberry juice cure a bladder infection - A recent study revealed that cranberry juice can cure bladder infections. Extracts from the fruit can even make medical equipment free of bacteria.Hundreds of patients had complications due to catheter use. The tools used to deliver fluids into the body and remove the urine causing bacteria and germs on the skin more easily enter the body and

Drinking plenty of water can improve concentration?

Drinking plenty of water can improve concentration? - A small-scale study proves that drinking water can improve mental performance and concentration.In the study, respondents who drank three glasses of water before following cognitive tests were able to get better grades than those who do not drink water at all.Researchers speculate that the sensation of thirst can lose concentration. So by

Increasing number of infertile men, right?

Increasing number of infertile men, right? - On a routine conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, some health experts argue about the issues 'sperm crisis' that happened during the last few years.The debate is not without reason. Because a previous study from France found that sperm concentration was decreased to 30 percent between the years 1989-2005.Not only

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Consumption of sweet foods increase the risk of colon cancer

Consumption of sweet foods increase the risk of colon cancer - Recent research reveals that eating sweet love to eat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is cancer arising in the colon or rectum.Previous research found that colorectal cancer is associated with a person's food intake. People who eat more fruits, vegetables, or other healthy foods have a lower risk of

Flat shoes with high heels is just as dangerous?

Flat shoes with high heels is just as dangerous? - Flat shoes are one of the most popular types of shoes. In addition to a simple form, this shoe is considered more comfortable than high heels. If explored more deeply, it turns out these shoes as dangerous as high heels!As reported by the Genius of Beauty, orthopedic experts suggested that the girl does not wear flat shoes every day. Therefore,

Listening to music can reduce pain

Listening to music can reduce pain - Music can not only give you peace and consolation during stress. A recent study found that music can even relieve physical pain experienced by a person.Researchers at the University of Alberta found new evidence that music can change a person's acceptance of pain. this was discovered after they carried out tests on 42 children aged between three and 11 years.

Men lower the obesity gene in children and grandchildren

Men lower the obesity gene in children and grandchildren - Parents not only inherit property or valuables but also genes, good or bad. Like the obesity gene to be passed on father to his children and grandchildren.Recent research has revealed that fathers who are obese and have a weight problem will pass on the issue of children and grandchildren. The researcher explains that this is related to

Lovers of spicy food is the type of thrill seeker

Lovers of spicy food is the type of thrill seeker - Not everyone likes spicy food. But why would anyone be willing to torture her to eat foods that cause the burning sensation?A study reported in the Institute of Food Technologists conference also revealed the reason. According to researchers, the reason why someone could really like spicy food is due to the nature of the person, especially if he

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Secrets to sleep soundly during the summer

Secrets to sleep soundly during the summer - Hot air that makes a lot of people can not sleep at night. They will continue to feel the heat plus the number of mosquitoes that come. Summer is often coupled with emotional make sleeping uncomfortable because of the heat. Here are tips for a comfortable sleep during the summer reported by eHow.1. Prepare the beds were uncomfortableUse cotton or linen

5 How to control your weight without dieting

5 How to control your weight without dieting - Diet is not the only way to control weight. There are more effective ways, namely by adjusting your mindset about food itself. However, you will encounter many challenges when you have to be in a banquet serving a variety of dishes. Here's how to manage your diet to keep it controlled, as reported Boldsky.1. Do not eat until you are fullAvoid eating

5 bad habits in the morning

5 bad habits in the morning - It has often been mentioned that skipping breakfast is a bad habit that should be stopped. But other than that, there are many other bad routines that are often done in the morning. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.Difficult to wake up in the morningMany people are having trouble up early fault of their own, which was late in

Frequent exercise can lower the risk of stroke

Frequent exercise can lower the risk of stroke - Frequent exercise to sweat is known to lower the risk of stroke in middle-aged to elderly, according to recent research. Compared to people who never exercise, people who work up a sweat at lower risk."A healthy diet, a healthy weight, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of stroke by 80

Less vitamin D scaled physical abilities in old age

Less vitamin D scaled physical abilities in old age - Not getting enough vitamin D can cause health problems in old age. A study showed that elderly people with vitamin D deficiency had physical function problems such as difficulty walking around the house than people who consume enough vitamin D."Seniors who have low levels of vitamin D have problems such as difficulty moving body functions.

Friday, May 16, 2014

3 bad habits that make a fitness decreases

3 bad habits that make a fitness decreases - A healthy body can not be obtained with it. You have to maintain fitness and health by doing healthy habits every day. Some habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can damage the health of course.But other than that there are some bad habits that are small, but can also affect your health. What is it? Here it is, as reported by the Huffington Post.

Pregnant over the age of 35 years? Consider this

Pregnant over the age of 35 years? Consider this - There is a new woman can get pregnant at the age of 30 years. It is a happy and disturbing because that age are considered vulnerable to conceive. Consider the risk of containing reported by Fox News.1. Lose weightMost women who give birth after 35 would be fine. But many complications that could be prevented. So if you have heart disease,

7 Things that damage eye health

7 Things that damage eye health - Lifestyle, work culture, eating habits, polluted environment and attitude towards their health is a factor that can affect the overall health of the body. Lifestyle that we follow today put too much pressure on the body which in turn makes our risk of contracting various diseases. And eyes be one part of the body that is often affected by an unhealthy lifestyle

Avoid food 6 cause of stress!

Avoid food 6 cause of stress! - Some foods have properties increases levels of the hormone cortisol - stress. If you do not want to necessarily bad mood, you should avoid foods that cause stress as reported by the All Women Stalk following.Saturated fatSaturated fats not only improve cholesterol in the body, but also trigger the production of excess cortisol hormone that triggers stress.Refined

Triglycerides and cholesterol, what's the difference?

Triglycerides and cholesterol, what's the difference? - Heart health depends on cholesterol levels. While in addition to keeping cholesterol, you also need to control triglyceride levels. Then what is the difference between triglycerides and cholesterol? Check out more as reported by the Health Me Up below.DefinitionTriglycerides are compounds present in foods and blood plasma. Triglycerides are

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Walking and running, which one is better?

Walking and running, which one is better? - Cardio exercise can be done by running or walking. Both physical activity are equally healthy, but which one is better? Find the answer by listening to a full explanation about running and walking, as reported by Health Me Up below.BenefitThe benefits of running is to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease risk, prevent osteoporosis,

7 super food which strengthens bones

7 super food which strengthens bones - There are only a few food sources contain vitamin D. Ideally vitamin D produced in the body when you are exposed to sunlight in the morning. However, modern lifestyles keep us busy so rarely work out in the morning. That's why, we should be more frequent eating foods rich in vitamin D. Bone health depends on the consumption of vitamin D. Here are the foods

One of four operating errors caused by technology

One of four operating errors caused by technology - Technology or equipment that is used is the cause of one of the four errors that occur in the operating room, according to new research.Even the more complex type of surgery performed, the higher the risk of errors that occurred. For example, open-heart surgery.But actually there are ways you can do to reduce the risk of such errors, ie by

Discrimination is difficult to make fat people lose weight

Discrimination is difficult to make fat people lose weight - Discriminate in obese people because of their weight not only hurt them psychologically, but also physically. study revealed that obese people who experience discrimination will be more difficult to lose weight and tend to become obese.Compared with obese people are not discriminated against, people who have been discriminated against

5 Natural Ways delay menstruation

5 Natural Ways delay menstruation - There are many underlying reasons that a woman wants to delay her menstrual period. He may want to postpone menstruation because they have come a long way and the other. For that, you can use natural and safe methods to delay menstruation for several days. If you want to delay a menstrual period in a long enough period of time, it is advisable to seek advice

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 habits of successful people in the morning

10 habits of successful people in the morning - Healthy habits is one of the routines for successful people. Do not believe? Consider the various habits of successful people in the morning as reported by the Huffington Post following.Barack ObamaThe first black American president is actually the type of person who likes to stay up. But Obama regardless of hours sleep, in the morning he took the

10 Sources of indoor air pollution

10 Sources of indoor air pollution - Who says air pollution can only come from the street? Turns pollution can be found in the house. Consider the sources of air pollution inside the home more as reported by the following Care2.

Cleaning products are responsible for 10 percent of the source dispersers of toxins in the home.
Detergents and fabric softeners can also be toxic, so choose your

Prevent cavities with this food!

Prevent cavities not only can be done by diligent brushing your teeth, but also eating certain foods. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.ApleEating apples every day is the easiest way to prevent cavities. Because apples are sweet and sour at the same time so it stimulates saliva production and reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.Chewing gumIf you choose to chew

5 food that cools the body

Summer makes the body sweat easily so make you thirsty quickly. So the body is not dehydrated quickly, you should be diligent to consume the water balance in the body fluids. In addition, there are other delicious foods that can cool your body. Check out more reviews as reported by Genius Beauty the following:1. watermelonIn addition to being one of the treats of summer's most delicious and

9 powerful fruit lose weight

9 powerful fruit lose weight - Weight control is the best way to stay healthy and fit. Why? Ideal weight make you avoid various diseases, particularly heart. Therefore, you should pay more attention to what you eat to maintain ideal weight remains. Here are the fruits that are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are important to protect us from disease, as

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

6 Avoid these foods during menstruation!

Women often experience changes in mood and appetite level rise during menstruation or PMS. And during the menstrual period lasts, the stress level will also go up because of the mood swings. Stress levels during the menstrual cycle can be reduced, if you want to eat the right foods.However, most women experience symptoms such as lethargy and lack of passion during menstruation because they lack

This reason should not drink while eating

This reason should not drink while eating - Sipping water during dining amid seemingly harmless, it was helpful when there is food in my throat choked up. But do you know that the drinking water in the middle of a meal can be bad for digestion and health?Macrobiotic counselor Shonali Sabherwal explains that drinking while eating can inhibit digestion and increase insulin levels quickly. This of

Trouble sleeping at night? This is why!

Trouble sleeping at night? This is why! - There are many reasons that make someone difficult to sleep at night. One of them is related to a medical condition. If you are one of those who often have trouble sleeping at night, here are medical reasons that affect these conditions, as reported by the Daily Mail.

1. Muscle cramps

Causes of muscle cramps in the calves, thighs or legs at night is not

Identify 11 types of heart disease are dangerous!

Identify 11 types of heart disease are dangerous! - Most people classify all types of cardiovascular diseases into one category, namely heart attack. However, often we do not realize that heart disease is the end result of many types of heart disease. Having a heart attack are the implications of heart disease. The term cardiovascular refers to the heart itself and blood vessels that supply blood

Drinking 5 cups of tea a day keep the men from prostate cancer

Drinking 5 cups of tea a day keep the men from prostate cancer - Drinking five or more cups of tea per day can reduce the risk of a man known for malignant prostate cancer, according to new research. Men who drank five cups of tea a day had stage IV prostate cancer risk 33 percent lower.

In addition, drinking five cups of tea every day can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer stage II to 25

Monday, May 12, 2014

Asthma can be cured by itself when an adult child

Asthma can be cured by itself when an adult child - Asthma sufferers would be so excruciating, especially if the affected are children. However, a recent study indicates that asthma can be cured by itself when the children get older. Unfortunately, the possibility of recovering this only occurs in one in five children affected by asthma.Even so, it would not seem to apply to girls who had asthma

Tips for cleaning fruits and vegetables are naturally

Tips for cleaning fruits and vegetables are naturally - You certainly know that washing fruits or vegetables with water alone is not enough to eliminate chemicals attached to them. But whether vegetable washing liquid packaging safely used?If you are often alarmed when using cleaning fluid packaging, now you can use natural ingredients to wash vegetables and fruits. Here are some tips provided by

10 facts about bananas

10 facts about bananas - Bananas are one of the fruits that are nutritious and cheap and easy to obtain. Benefits of this fruit is very diverse for health. Consider the important fact that is not less interesting about bananas more as reported by the Appetite for Health following.Friend dietersFruit banana is low in calories with high fiber. Bananas also have carbohydrates that take longer to

Eliminate bad habits in 6 Steps!

Eliminate bad habits in 6 Steps! - Everyone would have one or two bad habits, or even more. But do not worry. Although already become a habit, it does not mean forever unalterable. Here are tips to eliminate bad habits in 6 steps, as reported by Shine!.1. SpecificMore specific things you want to accomplish, the better. Do not make goals that are too general, such as "Not a slob," but make more

Beware, anemia may increase the risk of brain disease!

Beware, anemia may increase the risk of brain disease! - Seniors who experience symptoms of anemia or anemia are known to have higher risk of developing dementia, according to new research. Dementia is a brain disorder that makes sufferers experiencing functional decline and memory."We found an increased risk of dementia by 60 percent in the elderly with anemia. Upon calculating other factors

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Here's how to read food labels correctly

Here's how to read food labels correctly - Reading food labels is one way to lose weight. But not many people know how to read food labels correctly. Therefore, try to see tips as quoted from Appetite for Health following.Nutrient contentSometimes the food front with the words 'made ​​from natural ingredients', 'low fat', 'sugar-free' or 'organic' and others. But do not be fooled. Although the

Salmon reduce the risk of skin cancer

Salmon reduce the risk of skin cancer - Recent research has found that eating salmon twice a week may protect against skin cancer risk. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can destroy malignant cells in skin cancer.This finding could even lead to the development of aerosol or gel containing molecules that can fight skin cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, such as mackerel and salmon, can

5 Nutrients against muscle pain

5 Nutrients against muscle pain - You often feel muscle cramps, stiffness and pain? Of course this would be tortured and made sleeping uncomfortable. Muscle cramps can be caused by fatigue and lack of stretching, poor circulation, dehydration and certain nutritional deficiencies. Here's a great nutrients that fight cramps muscle, reported Mind Body Green.1. WaterWhen you are dehydrated water

Watch out, lower the intelligence of children often fight!

Watch out, lower the intelligence of children often fight! - Fighting not only cause physical pain, but it also affects the brain. Recent research has shown that adolescent girls who never did fight at least one time has decreased IQ. The same is true of teenage boys.The study, conducted by researchers from Florida State University found that girls who did the fights has decreased IQ as much as

Violence as a small increase women's risk of thyroid disease

Violence as a small increase women's risk of thyroid disease - Violence perpetrated on children not only a bruised scar lost in a matter of weeks, but also other issues that will be there until they are adults.A study revealed that women who experienced physical abuse as children have an increased risk of thyroid disease more than women who did not experience physical abuse as a child."We found a

Saturday, May 10, 2014

6 Ways to get quality night sleep

6 Ways to get quality night sleep - Good night's sleep - at least 7 hours per night - is a must for our body. From the perspective of health and fitness, a good night's sleep can help us stay slim by helping to maintain insulin sensitivity. It also reduces the risk of colds and increase the body's resistance to stress. A good night sleep also improves memory and brain performance. Here are six

These characteristics of children with mental disorders

These characteristics of children with mental disorders - As a parent, you will immediately know if the physical state of the child was unwell. But what if the child's mental condition is not healthy? Signs of mental illness in children and adults is different. Therefore you must be keen to see it for the health of your baby. The following symptoms of mental disorders in children reported by

4 Sports is safe to do during menstruation

4 Sports is safe to do during menstruation - Most women are usually advised not to do strenuous exercise during menstruation. However, exercise can actually beneficial for menstruating women. This is because exercise can improve blood circulation, reduce bloating and also helps in reducing menstrual cramps. Here are some safe exercise performed during menstruation, as reported Boldsky.1.

10 reasons to eat tomatoes

10 reasons to eat tomatoes - Tomato, who is not familiar with this vegetable. The red round it has a refreshing taste and amazing properties. For those of you who are lazy to eat tomatoes, you should think again. Consider the great benefits of tomatoes for health reported by Care2.1. Tomatoes are rich in phytonutrients called carotenoids collection that serves lower the risk of breast cancer.2.

How to shrink the fat on thighs

How to shrink the fat on thighs - Some women lack confidence if the circumference of her thighs are too big. You too? Check out how to shrink the fat on the thighs, as reported by Mag for Women following.Eating proteinThe right foods can help the body lose weight. One of them increase the consumption of protein and reduce carbohydrates and fat.SportSome sports are also quite powerful in helping

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sports can make richer? This is why!

Sports can make richer? This is why! - Exercise was not only to make the body healthy, but also affect the career and your finances. Do not believe? A recent study published in the Journal of Labor Research reveals that women who exercised 20-30 minutes three or more times a week had a nine percent more income than women who did not exercise.How exercise can affect income? Here it is the reason

How to deal with children with mental disorders

How to deal with children with mental disorders - Mental disorders in children must be overcome in order to recover the child mental health and can be cheerful like any other normal child. If mental disorder is allowed and not immediately checked, then the effect on the baby's future. Do this in children with mental disorders as reported by FoxNews.Do a check-upIt's important to meet with a

5 Identify the causes of bleeding gums!

5 Identify the causes of bleeding gums! - You see blood while brushing your teeth? In most cases, swollen and bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease. However, there are some other things that can cause gum problems. Whatever the reason, you still have to take care of gums and oral health. Here are the causes of bleeding gums, as reported by HowStuffWorks!1. Poor oral hygienePoor oral hygiene is

Drinking chocolate can desist dementia in the elderly

Drinking chocolate can desist dementia in the elderly - Chocolate is not only sweet and so idol for children and women, but also can be useful for seniors. The research reveals that drinking chocolate each day can help seniors maintain brain health and ward off dementia.The results obtained after the researchers conducted a study of 60 seniors who do not have a brain disease. They found that

20 Wonders of honey for body

20 Wonders of honey for body - Honey has long been used as a medicine and beauty. Honey does have amazing properties for millions of health. Let's refer to other honey wonders for the body, reported Healthmeup.
Honey is a humectant-rich compounds. This helps retain moisture in the skin and restore elasticity, making the skin supple.
It helps remove dead skin cells and prevents the appearance of

Thursday, May 8, 2014

10 Dangers of Sugar to health

10 Dangers of Sugar to health - Excessive sugar consumption can promote weight loss. It was indeed clear. But there are many other threats to the health of the body's sugar. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.HeartA recent study says that eating too much sugar is able to interfere with the mechanism of the heart in pumping blood. So if it is left unchecked,

Watch out, love to make people put on weight!

Watch out, love to make people put on weight! - Every person who is in love definitely feel the flowery and happy every time. But be careful, fell in love with it also can have a negative impact. A study showed that more than 60 percent of couples gain weight when they feel in love.Approximately 62 percent of people admitted to getting fat after they undergo a romantic relationship. While 72

Too much TV makes toddlers tough talk

Too much TV makes toddlers tough talk - Toddlers who watch television more than three hours in a day are known to be susceptible to hard talk and speech problems. Not only that, they are also more likely to be victims of bullying by her peers.Recent research has revealed that too much TV can lose the ability to speak and math skills of children. Maximum, children are only allowed to watch two

Migraine disease solved sunglasses

Migraine disease solved sunglasses - Do you often get headaches? The scientists recommend wearing sunglasses to reduce headaches. This is important especially for those who suffer from migraine.Migraine sufferers avoid light as much as possible when the disease strikes. Light can make migraines worse, even though the light was dim.As reported by Genius Beauty, scientists from the University of

Avian influenza H7N9 is able to infect human beings!

Avian influenza H7N9 is able to infect human beings! - A recent report in the journal British Medical Journal says that the H7N9 bird flu virus that originated from China will most likely be able to infect human beings.As evidence, the researchers found that a father's bird flu virus to transmit it to their children around the southeastern part of China.As reported by Digital Journal, H7N9 is the

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

4 Know your own health through this!

4 Know your own health through this! - Children are often taught to remember numbers or key numbers in case of emergency if there is anything they have experienced and they need help. Own health is actually not much different from this.There are several things that must be recognized and known about yourself, such as cholesterol levels, glucose, blood pressure, and others. For physicians who are

Red-haired young men at risk of getting cancer

Red-haired young men at risk of getting cancer - A recent study says the discovery that could be considered a bit racist. Because according to researchers from the National Institute for Health and Medicine in Finland, the red-haired man had a distinct advantage in health.Recent research has revealed that men are rather red-haired 54 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who

Prevent dehydration with these foods

Prevent dehydration with these foods - During the summer the body needs plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Drink eight glasses of water per day is a must. You can also add food to prevent dehydration.According to Derek Flanzraich, CEO and founder, a health site, a lot of food that can quench your thirst and provide health benefits."People can get water from about 20 percent of

15 highly dangerous chemicals in cigarettes

15 highly dangerous chemicals in cigarettes - Many already know that smoking is not a good thing for the health of the smoker and the people around him. This is because in many cigarettes contained deadly chemicals.If the frequency of exposing the body, of these hazardous chemicals can be at risk for the disease. The surprising finding that cigarette there are more than 3,000 chemicals are deadly

4 Identify the causes of hair loss in men

4 Identify the causes of hair loss in men - Men began to experience the most severe hair loss at the age of 35 years, and at the age of 50 will be more severe baldness, which is about 85% of his will significantly thinning hair. At an early age, it is recommended for men to care for natural hair. As quoted from Men's Health, recognize the causes of hair loss seen her fall out of the case.1. Hair

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Efficacy of lemon fruit can inhibit the growth of cancer cells

Efficacy of lemon fruit can inhibit the growth of cancer cells - This fruit is very fresh when served with drinks and food. The content of vitamin C are also many benefits to the body. In addition to toning properties, it turns out lemons are also useful for the treatment of cancer, which is to slow the growth of cancer cells. There was also a lot of other benefits, what are the benefits and

15 Signs bodies of water shortage

15 Signs bodies of water shortage - Be careful when the body is deprived of water, as many emerging diseases. Sign the body is less able to know if the water in your mouth while eating dry food and urine color is not white and often feel constipated. Especially when the weather is hot, you are at the recommended drink plenty of water. Quoted from, see 15 marks the body lacks a lot of

10 Ways to order higher quality sleep

10 Ways to order higher quality sleep - To maintain a healthy body fit and healthy we must sleep at least 6 hours a day. Many people who do not sleep at 6 hours a day, the reason for difficulty sleeping and working overtime. Though it is very important to sleep enough to keep the cells that have been damaged at the time of daily activities was replaced with a new one. For those of you who have

Like midnight snacking but afraid of fat? Try these 6 foods

Like midnight snacking but afraid of fat? Try these 6 foods - If you frequent snacking midnight and could not shake the habit. If yes, please continue your habits are and you no longer have to worry about your weight will go up. Because you just replace your usual snack eaten with foods that do not cause weight gain, as quoted from the following Frozen blueberriesIf you frequent

This causes difficulty quitting smoking

This causes difficulty quitting smoking - Try to ask people who have successfully quit smoking, they would answer, that quitting smoking is a hard thing done. American Cancer Society, researchers from the U.S., said that about 70% of smokers who want to quit smoking, but only 40% survive alone. They are 40% done in earnest. So that's why the rest of his bus failed? Even very difficult to do so?

Monday, May 5, 2014

6 Types of stomach pain and how to cope

6 Types of stomach pain and how to cope - Abdominal pain is not always caused by food consumption, because many unexpected that causes abdominal pain. To treat abdominal pain, not random drug in a drink can. You have to know the cause of abdominal pain first, then you can do the proper treatment.

As quoted from Good Housekeeping, you should know the types of stomach pain and how to find out as

Find out when the best time to exercise

Find out when the best time to exercise - Due to a solid routine, sometimes a person is very difficult to find a suitable time for exercise and. It turns out the time when doing sports also have a big impact on the results as desired. Now you do not need to be confused anymore when looking for the right time to do sports, because the experts will reveal the best advice when to exercise.5 This is

Do not consume these foods when not want cavities

Do not consume these foods when not want cavities - To keep your teeth in order to stay healthy is not enough just to brush our teeth, but food consumption was also influential. The wrong foods will be bad for your teeth, such as cavities and make teeth so yellow. For that, you must know at least three types of bad foods for teeth when consumed regularly as quoted from eHow following.Starchy

4 food energy booster

4 food energy booster - If you often have less powerful, tired and weary, do not rush to buy the first drink packaging stamina enhancer. Beverage packaging in an instant energy booster is not necessarily safe for consumption. Still there are other natural ways are certainly safer for the body.Quoted from Shine!, The following four foods that contain lots of nutrients and can make you re-powered.1

Overcome aging skin with lemon

Overcome aging skin with lemon - With the cheap price, lemon is also very easy to be encountered in the fruit and vegetable vendors. Lemon it's very unique, very different even once felt with other citrus fruits. Fruits are rich in vitamin C has many benefits. In addition to drinks made ​​fresh and are also used in cooking, it turns out lemon juice can make the skin away from aging.Besides can

Sunday, May 4, 2014

6 Benefits of running for health

6 Benefits of running for health - Healthy lifestyle not only consume foods without sugar and greasy , but should also exercise . Exercise should not be done at the gym , at home or in a public place can be done , such as running . With running , many benefits can get , which can reduce the fat in the body , overcoming type 2 diabetes , heart disease , high blood pressure , stroke , and cancer .

Pain medication actually trigger headaches

Pain medication actually trigger headaches - Do you suffer from frequent headaches and taking pain medication? And that happens even headaches getting worse. That is because you carelessly take headache medicine. Indiscriminate eating headache medicine can cause other health problems. So should carefully choose headache medicine." Because of the type of headache is very diverse, you have to

An easy way to introduce the importance of drinking water to children

An easy way to introduce the importance of water on child - His name children must have been very difficult to persuade them to drink water, not sweet taste is sure to be the main reason they reject it. If they are lazy to drink water, then they will dry lips and chapped. You definitely do not want your child exposed to many diseases due to lack of drinking water, and therefore you must be smart

6 Sports that extend life

6 Sports that extend life - To keep the body healthy and fit, the consumption of vitamins and nutrients is not enough when not at the gym together. Exercise not only keeps the body so athletic, but can prevent all kinds of illnesses. Certainly allow us to live longer, and save money for the cost of treatment of various diseases.Sporting activities that do not necessarily have to go to the gym and

This same difference in heart failure heart attack

This same difference in heart failure heart attack - Many argue the same heart failure heart attack is the same. But it can attack the same organ. In fact, heart failure and heart attacks and have different ways of treating different too.Excerpted from Health Me Up, the following explanation as to where the differences were over heart attack and heart failure following.DefinitionHeart failure

Saturday, May 3, 2014

10 The benefits of eating raw eggs for health

10 The benefits of eating raw eggs for health - Consuming raw eggs for most people would consider disgusting, especially an unpleasant taste and chewy - chewy definitely make people lazy to eat it. However, behind the disgust and discomfort, it appeared that raw eggs are very much beneficial for health. What kind of benefits, the following 10 benefits of eating raw eggs for health as in the

5 Drinks cleaning toxins from the body

5 Drinks cleaning toxins from the body - In the modern era, as now, everything is instant. Food and drink very rarely experienced in get, and all-round package that contains hazardous substances. Not surprisingly, an unhealthy lifestyle that makes us so accustomed to eating nutritious food and less nutrition. So that toxins lodged in our bodies. To overcome these toxins try to enjoy healthy

5 Causes of dry cough

5 Causes of dry cough - Cough can affect anyone, whether young children, adults, and the elderly. Common types of cough santa easily cured with medication, can even heal by itself without taking drugs. But if a dry cough, it can not be considered trivial. When dry cough attack you, you may have symptoms of a serious illness. You have to know the causes of dry cough, as reported by Mag for Women

10 Advantages of drinking tomato juice on a regular basis

10 Advantages of drinking tomato juice on a regular basis - This fruit often encountered in the cuisine. The orange fruit is also very tasty in consumption. Usually many are processed into beverages, such as juice. But not only that, the tomato also has many other benefits when consumed on a regular basis. What are the other benefits? As in reports of Mag for Women, see 10 benefits of tomatoes

4 Benefits cry for health

4 Benefits cry for health - Cry and shed tears so many causes, eg sadness, pain and so forth. If you do not want to cry in resistant-resistant, because crying is a lot of benefits for health. Like what are the benefits? Here are 4 benefits of crying as quoted Mag for Women.1. Remove toxinsDid you know that when we cry toxins can get out of tears, and of crying and tears will make the eyes so

Friday, May 2, 2014

6 Benefits of snacking on sunflower seeds

6 Benefits of snacking on sunflower seeds - Lucky for you who frequently snack sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds for snacking is very much beneficial for health. Like one of them is good for the heart. So what other benefits of sunflower seeds this? The following properties and other health benefits of sunflower seeds to snack as quoted from the Health Diaries follows.1. Creating a healthy

Often harbored emotions make up 70 percent of the cancer risk!

Often harbored emotions make up 70 percent of the cancer risk! - Harbored emotions is not a good thing. In addition to the negative impact on mental health, it can also harbored a dangerous emotion to physical health. Researchers revealed that people who often harbored emotions in a long time dead-risk youth are three times higher.Research at the Harvard School of Public Health showed that the

6 surprising benefits of cinnamon

6 surprising benefits of cinnamon - Many know that cinnamon is used for flavoring food and cooking, but behind the taste and smell that turns savory cinnamon can also make the body healthy. As can control blood sugar and others.So what are the health benefits of cinnamon? As quoted from Care2, following the six benefits of cinnamon shocking to human health.1. Prevent blood clotsCinnamon oil can

5 Symptoms of a sleep disorder that needs to be known

5 Symptoms of a sleep disorder that needs to be known - Rights that people frequently experience insomnia every night is. If you often have trouble sleeping, you are suffering from sleep disorders. Try to identify the first symptoms, as reported by ABC News following.Still exhausted've Slept for eight hours a day, but when you wake up, the body is still feeling fatigue. If this is the case, you

10 foods that make the abdomen more distended

10 foods that make the abdomen more distended - When you're on a diet or lose weight, be careful in choosing food. Because it might not be your weight down, but instead will go up. Such as the following 10 foods, if any in the list of your weight loss program, you immediately delete. Here are 10 foods that make the abdomen more distended as in the following quotation Care2 dati.1. Artificial

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 odd question about babies

5 odd question about babies - New mothers who have children are usually concerned about a few things. For example, ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing this right? "or look at the baby and said, "Is this normal?"There is no guide book how to raise a child. But some weird questions like that reported this turned GalTime most frequently asked by parents.Why do babies suck her thumb?When newborn calf

Though eating a lot but still thin

Though eating a lot but still thin - Wonder it, but every day eating a lot, but still thin and weight is not up-rise. Not that our friends who only eat a little skinny. This can be influenced by several factors, what are the factors? Here as in the following reports from eHow.GenIf your parents or your grandparents every skinny, so you can go too thin due to hereditary factors. This is caused

5 food relief thrush

5 food relief thrush - Thrush not only make lip sore, but also made ​​a poor appetite. When the body does not consume any food, the body will be sick and weak. Canker sores do not want it and make the body sick attack. Well, if the thrush is attacking you, trying to cope with 5 healthy foods as quoted Boldsky below.1. Vitamin BVitamin B deficiency usually trigger canker sores, anemia, fatigue,

9 Fatty foods are good for health

9 Fatty foods are good for health - Do not be afraid to eat fatty foods, fatty foods because not all be bad for the body. In fact you need to consume fatty foods for the body to remain healthy. But do not consume as well, because one can choose fatty foods will make your body unhealthy, and even make the body fat. Therefore, the following 8 fatty foods are good for health if consumed regularly as

3 Reasons why eating chocolate is good for health

3 Reasons why eating chocolate is good for health - Chocolate is a favorite food of many people. Not just because it tastes delicious, but because the chocolate was also good for the health of.One proof that chocolate is good for the health of a study recently said chocolate could make the elderly brain remains active. Consider another reason why chocolate is good for health, as reported by Live