Saturday, July 19, 2014

Compared to the older generation, the current generation to die faster?

Poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor diet make young people today are more at risk of developing blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity at a relatively young age when compared to the previous generation.

Not only that, it makes the current generation die sooner and are more likely to experience premature aging. This is according to researchers due to decreased metabolic health and reduce life

Heart disease can be detected from a single hair!

Although small, but it seems a hair store information about the health of the body, one of which is about the risk of heart disease. a study showed that a single hair can indicate a person's level of risk for heart disease.
Hair strands have information about one's stress level, which in turn could be an indication of whether a person will be exposed to more serious illness.Unlike blood tests

Diabetes Risk Factors This four Owned Women Only

Diabetes Risk Factors This four Owned Women Only - The majority of risk factors for type 2 diabetes in men and women is the same. But based on a study of 1 million women found that there are only a few factors that are owned by women. What are they?Studies conducted by Denice Feig of the Department of Medicine and Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto,

This Best & Worst Drinks He to Lose Weight

When trying to lose weight, most people only pay attention to the food consumed. In fact, the drinks you drink also affect weight.Drinks were also influential in reducing weight by increasing metabolism, control appetite and reduce calorie intake.Here are some of the best and worst beverages for weight loss, as quoted from Onlymyhealth:Best drinks1. Green tea
This is the best drink for people who

Friday, July 18, 2014

Let's Eat Healthy & Sports To Sleep More Soundly

Implement a healthy diet and exercise regularly to lose weight. Not only that, the researchers also found that these practices provide benefits for people with mild apnea disorders during sleep or sleep-apnea.Apnea is a condition in which there is a pause in a person's breath. In the 1.5 years of the study respondents with obesity-sleep apnea, the researchers found that respondents who did this

7 experienced stomach problems when traveling

Despite taking precautions by eating healthy foods or taking medicine anti-drunk, very difficult to avoid stomach problems, especially when traveling. When you're away from home, you find it difficult to keep healthy routines that you normally run every day. As a result, you are susceptible to a variety of health problems related to stomach. Well, here are some stomach problems that arise when

Identify 5 main symptoms of sleep apnea!

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder with difficulty breathing. People with sleep apnea usually stops breathing for a few seconds and can cause death. Recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea are more like the following quote from the Huffington Post.Waking up with a dry mouth condition
Usually wake up in the condition of dry mouth or sore throat caused by allergies. But the state was also associated