Monday, December 16, 2013

Remove all fat from the diet

If completely eliminate carbohydrates from the diet is a wrong step , completely eradicate fat it is too.

There are dietary fats that besides being absolutely essential for the body to function properly, have the particularity to accelerate the process of burning body fat and strengthen the anabolic hormones.

You have certainly heard of the omega 3 fatty acid, a type of fat vital for the proper functioning of the body and has many functions , including active metabolic rate , which means that the body can burn calories more efficiently during 24 hours a day , but those good fats also promote the production of anabolic hormones , such as testosterone , whose basic structure is cholesterol.

So it is important to eliminate any source of saturated fat , such as animal , sausages , butter and cheese , preserves and fatty meats , etc. , but leave a gap to incorporate some foods that provide essential fatty acids, such as vegetable oils olive , rapeseed or flaxseed , fatty fish like salmon , sardines , mackerel , herring, and some avocado and nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts , almonds , hazelnuts, etc. .

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No train heavy

I do not know because people you train hard and heavy to build muscle mass and when the time you defined comes passing train with light weights , like aerobics it were , that is used very little weight , do many series and many repetitions .

That's a mistake that costs them lose muscle , and slowing the rate of removal of fat . Heavy training induces growth of muscle mass, which goes against the body to use muscle as an energy source , and seeking to destroy amino acids into glucose . Is on , it showed that the increase in the ratio of lean body mass , or muscle, raises metabolic rate causing a higher calorie intake , or what is the same burn more body fat and prevents it from forming.

Moreover, apart from owning a higher rate of lean mass increases the metabolic rate 24 hours a day, even in the resting phase , we must also consider that intense weight training raises the metabolic rate during the session and it remains so several hours later, before returning to normal.

In summary the hard and heavy weight training to build muscle also favorably impact on the elimination of fat, so even in the definition phase Dealers Used all possible weight.

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Leucine : protein synthesis accelerator

Basically amino acids are the building blocks of proteins , but play many other roles besides that , for example, activated regulatory protein in muscles that trigger protein synthesis and increase the size of the fibers.

Muscle tension , amino acid levels in the blood, particularly leucine, as well as insulin , are key factors in the development of muscle tissue and metabolic pathways that activate signals inside of cells that promote protein synthesis in muscle and slow degradation , accelerating the remodeling and repair.

Some biochemical substances called ribosomal protein S6 kinase and objetibo rapamycin (mTOR ) are important communicating molecules that are sensitive to changes in energy status and determinants in protein synthesis . Function as biological programs to align the amino acids needed to produce new muscle tissue.

Researchers at the Medical Division of the University of Texas, USA , have concluded that weight training after administration of a high leucine supplement communicating activated protein molecules that promote protein synthesis and muscle growth .

Leucine is an essential branched principal called , BCAA amino acid and therefore the use of these is very positive for bodybuilders.

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vitamin D: a natural ally

Vitamin D is a very important feature , we can get it through food and sun exposure .
Its deficiency produces bone changes , dental disorders and metabolic disorders. Its excess leads to weakness, fatigue, headache , nausea , etc. . Besides the lack of vitamin D leads to other symptoms such as irritability , muscle aches , inability to sleep or stomach problems.

New scientific studies have shown it can help protect the body from other conditions such as cancer , type I and II diabetes , kidney disease , heart disease and high blood pressure.
The sun, an undisputed ally of vitamin D should be taken in moderation , sun exposure between 15 to 20 minutes is recommended. 3 to 4 times a week , depending on where you live. The sun should be given directly on face, arms , legs and back , free clothing , sunscreen and sunglasses, because it is also very important to the effect of sunlight received through the eye.
Sun exposure should be outdoors, as through a window, on cloudy days or in the shade does not generate sufficient and necessary amount of vitamin D.

- Foods and Vitamin D
- Related to the foods that naturally contain vitamin D are :

Oily fish , especially salmon.
Canned tuna and sardines .
Fish oil.
Cheese .
Butter .
Milk fortified with vitamin D.
Breakfast cereals .

Who is at risk for vitamin D deficiency ?

Elderly person .
Obese people.
People with dark skin.
People with limited exposure to sunlight .
People who have difficulty absorbing fat diet .
People taking drugs called glucocorticoids.
Terms of sun exposure : altitude and air pollution

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Creatine supplementation

Creatine supplementation is popular among athletes. It is a combination of amino acids ( arginine, glycine and methionine ) which are formed in the liver , pancreas and kidney . Phosphocreatine (PC ) is used for immediate energy in the muscle that keeps the level of ATP (energy source of the cell) necessary for muscle contraction. Creatine is found naturally in herring, pork, beef, salmon, tuna and cod.

Theoretical justification of creatine supplementation .

During short and explosive type , a biochemical reaction that forms the adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) that is determined by the amount of creatine phosphate which has been stored in the muscle occurs . When reserves of creatine phosphate (CP ) start to run low, the performance deteriorates rapidly due to the inability to resynthesize ATP at the required pace.

Thus, creatine supplementation increases the total amount of creatine in muscle and PC content . Increasing the availability of PC ATP levels increase during intense exercise and the rate at which ATP is resynthesized after exercise of high intensity and short duration accelerates.

Composition of creatine supplements .

Creatine supplements can be found in your presentation, in several ways:

Pure creatine monohydrate .
Creatine monohydrate with simple sugars ( glucose, dextrose, etc . )
Creatine Monohydrate with fast sugars and lipoic acid.
Creatine monohydrate added to protein / carbohydrate .

Positive effects after taking creatine :

Increases total creatine in muscle by 10-20 %.
Increases in total PC muscle by 20-40 %.
Accelerates the rate at which ATP is resynthesized after high intensity exercise :

- Efforts explosives .
- High intensity exercises .
- Repetitive exercises maximum or submaximal exercise .

Increases anaerobic threshold and maximum oxygen consumption ( body's ability to transport oxygen to the muscles at submaximal and maximal efforts ) .
Glucose intake with creatine increases the concentration of insulin ( anabolic hormone ) which counteracts cortisol ( catabolic hormone ) .

Although no toxicity should not be consumed in huge quantities. Before training (20-30 ` ) on an empty stomach , the recommended dose is:

Loading Phase : 20-25 gr / day ( in divided doses ) for 7 days.
Maintenance phase: 10 g / day in divided doses ) for 60 days.
Break phase: 30 days without drinking.

There are cases that taking creatine does not produce improvements in athletic performance .

When less than 20 g / day for 5 days ingested or when 2-3 g / day ingested during training ( with or without a loading phase ) .
In less than 5 weeks of usage periods.
When the recovery time is too long or short between sets.
In aerobics.

Effects of creatine intake on body composition .

Increases total muscle mass

- Retains fluids ( causing an increase in total weight).
- Increase the amount and quality of training.
- Increases protein synthesis promoting strength gains .

Side effects due to the intake of creatine.

Weight gain caused by water retention .

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Tea : pleasure and natural medicine

Tea makes us good mood. Promotes wellness, vitality and care is also a good elixir of beauty. Tea not only seduces the senses . If delves into his secret, will reveal all the forces must operate .
Tea not only heats the inside, helps you forget the time and help you relax. Tea contains various contents of much medicinal value : essential oils, tanning agents and bitter and bioactive substances. These agents are in each tea in a special and natural composition, compose your special energy.

If you drink tea regularly will help to maintain health. Tea strengthens inter alia defenses , helps disinfect, stimulates metabolism, eliminates fatigue and seeks a pink and smooth.

Then they let the different types of tea and their properties :

Green tea

The black tea

Green tea

Scientific studies have shown the healing power of tea (2 or 3 cups a day). Green tea contains caffeine but unlike coffee that is attached to tanning substances and slowly distributed throughout the body. So stimulating reaction lasts longer, this type of caffeine increases metabolism, blood flow to the brain , concentration and learning ability , relieves physical and mental fatigue , regular use of green tea helps in the sense of anguish , as against stress and depression.

Acidic and tanning substances not only provide green tea its distinctive aroma, acidic substances activate digestion and metabolism, and tanning substances produce a calming effect on the stomach and intestines.
Green tea contains vital vitamins such as vitamin C and beta- carotene , both vitamins are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals. Green tea , therefore , has a protective effect being a good ally in cancer prevention . EGCG ( epigallocatechin gallate ) is a vegetable substance , together with other substances , can stop the growth of cancer cells in the stomach , liver and skin .
Besides , EGCG hinders blood coagulation thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
It is a natural diuretic , it stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body and prevents fluid retention .
Consumed in excess in any of its forms can be toxic (liver , kidney, high blood pressure) . If iron deficiency anemia should be consumed within such earlier or later , a mealtime to prevent tannins interfere with the absorption of iron.

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Black tea

The black tea is a variety that is more oxidized , has a stronger flavor and contains more protein .
The catechins and polyphenols it contains , provide antioxidant benefits act against free radicals, helping to reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular , degenerative and even as prevention of cancers . ( 3-4 cups per day )

It has an astringent effect, being beneficial for diarrhea , since it has tannins , but we must keep in mind that these can cause digestive problems for constipation , irritable colon or stomach problems.
It has a diuretic effect , so it is indicated in diets, but their abuse , loss produce lots of electrolytes, which if not compensated with diet, can cause cramps.
As a stimulant drink, helps to improve alertness , learning and memory.
Should exercise caution in the consumption of black tea : children , people with nerves and anxiety or sleep disorders

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Food Hydrocarbon

In this post I have a list of foods that provide hydrocarbon 10 gr. carbohydrate .

Foods are in clean weight and oil , or the edible portion of food (no shell, no eggs, etc).

1. Cereals and cereal
10 gr. puffed rice , toasted corn flakes , puffed wheat
15 gr. rice , pasta , breakfast cereals , semolina , corn, maize and wheat flour , type Mary crackers, tapioca
20 gr . white / brown bread , sliced ​​bread , toast .
50 gr. sweet corn

2. pulses
20 gr . chickpeas , beans (white , pinto ... ) , dry peas , lentils
30 gr. of soybeans

3. tubers
50 gr. potato and sweet potato

4. fruits
10 gr. of dates and raisins
20 gr . dried figs
30 gr. prune
70 gr. figs , plums and nectarines
80 gr. Persimmon , cherries, custard apple, banana and grapes
100 gr. apricot , prune , kiwi , mango , apple and pears
120 gr. raspberry and peach
150 gr. Strawberry , Granada, guava, tangerine, orange , persimmons and pineapple
275 gr . melon
325 gr. papaya
425 gr. watermelon .

5. vegetables
55 gr. fresh pea
100 gr. onion and frozen peas
120 gr. spring onion , Brussels sprouts and beans
140 gr . leek and carrot
200 gr. squash , green beans and turnips
225 gr. chard , kale and cabbage
250 gr. mushroom , mushrooms , endive , escarole
280 gr , thistle , canned asparagus and peppers
325 gr. watercress , cauliflower and spinach frozen
350 gr. artichoke
375 gr. eggplant and radishes
400 gr. celery
450 gr. asparagus and tomatoes
525 gr. cucumber
625 gr. spinach
720 gr. lettuce

6. Refined carbohydrates
6.1. Canned

10 gr. Jelly , jam and honey
20 gr . quince and fruit paste
30 gr. sugar jelly
45 gr . peach or pineapple salad in syrup

6.2. juices

50 ml . grapefruit
65 ml . peach and grape
80 ml . apple and pineapple
100 ml . orange
250 ml . tomato juice

6.3. Sugar, scones and pastries

10 gr. sugar
15 gr of buns , shaped pastry , cake , croissant , donut , muffins , crackers , chocolates, sweetened cocoa powder , dark chocolate , tea biscuits , apple pie
20 gr . Fill bread chocolate, cheesecake, cakes, pastries , candies , and marzipan

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Tips for healthy living

All they tell you that you lead a better life , but do not know how to do or know the reasons to do so. Find here some tips that will help you achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Well, if you need a boost to go this route, we tell you who recently discovered through a study done in the United States, at Mayo Clinic, the woman has one chance in three of developing cancer , although 65 % of these diseases can be prevented if we took a healthy lifestyle .

Story continues below

To achieve this lifestyle is necessary to consider health in a comprehensive way , as this will enjoy a fuller life. To this end , we present a pattern of behavior and health tips that provide a better quality to our existence. Follow them and you will see the changes.

1 - Leading an active life
A sedentary lifestyle only brings inconvenience to our body , so we are looking how to perform exercises at home or you play sports outside.

If not possible, go for a walk at least half an hour a day. Remember that your heart is a muscle that needs exercise to stay healthy , like the rest of the muscles in your body.

The exercises , especially aerobic , help you stay healthy, strong and reduce stress, lose weight , prevent disease and , of course, live longer.

2 - Monitor food
It is not becoming obsessive with the theme and made counting calories all day , but have the awareness to go into choosing the best food market in order to enjoy better health.

Find the way to lead a balanced diet that does not neglect any necessary food for your body , ie , including vegetables, fruits , poultry , vegetables, fiber and plenty of fluids.

3 - Reduce intake of saturated fats
At this point it must be clear that there is much less to remove , but not have them everyday consumer .

I mean , you can eat a pizza or junk food once a week or every ten days, but the rest of the time seeks to include healthier foods to your diet .

In addition , experts advise harness the cooking broth containing nutrients that flow of food to be cooked , and use a lid to bake them to recover condensate , steam rich in nutrients . It is best to cook steamed vegetables to boil .

4 - Eat more fruits and vegetables
This item no more science. We all know the benefits of fruits and vegetables and healthy they are. We deliver a host of vitamins and minerals, plus fiber rich , ideal for maintaining normal digestion .

5 - Prefer whole grains and good fats
Eat well in every way, always with more fruits, vegetables , grains, lean meats , keeping the limit calories and saturated fats and observing the size of the portions you serve .

6 - No smoking
The snuff is the most common form of drug abuse and the cause of death most preventable , according to studies done in the United States.

Smoking can cause heart attacks , stroke , emphysema , chronic bronchitis and cancers of the lung , larynx , mouth , esophagus , bladder , pancreas and cervix . Not for nothing is that each year more than 440,000 people die from diseases caused by the use of snuff .

7 - Maintain a healthy weight
They have conducted research that has shown that excess weight is a serious health problem for many people, and that increases your risk of developing serious diseases, including heart , stroke , diabetes , cancer and high blood pressure .

Low weight, on the other hand , is directly related to heart problems , low resistance to infections , chronic fatigue , anemia , depression and other diseases.

These diseases are preventable if a balanced diet and weight carried , ie , if a normal and balanced level remains controlled. To do this, it is best to change habits, including eating and physical activity. This makes it possible to maintain a healthy weight for life .

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tasty recipes for energy

Optimal nutrition plays an essential to maximize athletic performance and physical role, because if we talk about bodybuilders or fitness enthusiasts, food becomes more important if possible, because in addition to seeking maximum physical performance, these athletes pursue change your body composition to achieve maximum muscle development in lower coefficient of fat.

Carbohydrates are nutrients that provide energy to the body and help to fill glycogen stores, promoting muscle hypertrophy.

When you revisions these recipes will have to take into account the following points:

Each recipe includes nutritional values​​.
Please note the total caloric intake.
All the ingredients are very healthy.

Rice with cod, peas and truffle
Rice with prawns and squid
Rice with red mullet

Rice with cod, peas and truffle

Ingredients (4 person):
240gr . Rice pump
150gr . fresh peas
80gr . boiled codfish
Garlic oil
2 chopped shallots
Chive oil
Chopped chives
8gr . truffle

For the broth :
One pea pod
Fennel , celery , onion , garlic and parsley
Spines of fresh cod
500 ml of water cooking cod gut

Saute rice, shallots and truffle cut into thin slices in a pan with a little oil and garlic. In addition , prepare the broth with all the ingredients and cook over low heat for 1 hour. When ready , add it to the pan in batches so that the rice is creamier . At the end , add the cod and peas. Remove . Add the chopped chives , a pinch of salt and truffle slices on top.

Nutritional information ( per person):
Kcal : 760
Proteins: 22gr .
Carbohydrates: 128gr .
Fat: 13gr .

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Rice with prawns and squid

Ingredients (4 person):
240gr . Rice pump
12 fresh prawns
2 medium squid
1 head of rape
1 red pepper, 2 onions , 6 tomatoes 1 celery
1 leek , 1 carrot , 4 green asparagus,
1 artichoke, 1 bay leaf
1 small glass of white wine
Sugar, paprika, olive oil and salt

For the sauce , a fine mince the onions and add to a pan with a dash of oil. When browned , add three tomatoes ( previously blanched , peeled , and cut into small pieces without seeds) . Take a pinch of salt , one of sugar and bay leaf. Fry everything and adds the two pieces of squid cut into small dice. Add the chopped pepper . Monkfish boil with water and salt , when boiling broth keep a while, adds two peeled and chopped tomatoes , a pinch of paprika and a little white wine.
In a skillet brown the second onion , leek , celery and carrot. Reserve. Then . do the same with the asparagus and artichoke . Once fried , add the rice and stir slightly. Add a little stock ( go adding that as the former is absorbed ) and sofrito .

To make the garnish: brand oil in a pan with the heads and tails of the previously peeled prawns.

Nutritional information ( per person):
Kcal : 550
Proteins: 38gr .
Carbohydrates: 71gr .
Fat: 12gr .

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Rice with red mullet

Ingredients (4 person):
240gr . Rice pump
150gr . fresh peas
80gr . boiled codfish
Garlic oil
2 chopped shallots
Chive oil
Chopped chives
8gr . truffle

For the broth :
One pea pod
Fennel , celery , onion , garlic and parsley
Spines of fresh cod
500 ml of water cooking cod gut

Saute rice, shallots and truffle cut into thin slices in a pan with a little oil and garlic. In addition , prepare the broth with all the ingredients and cook over low heat for 1 hour. When ready , add it to the pan in batches so that the rice is creamier . At the end , add the cod and peas. Remove . Add the chopped chives , a pinch of salt and truffle slices on top.

Nutritional information ( per person):

Kcal : 760
Proteins: 22gr .
Carbohydrates: 128gr .
Fat: 13gr .

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Proper nutrition of glutamine

For many years researchers have been left impressed by the numerous applications of amino acid supplementation . These are the building blocks of protein synthesis to achieve greater muscle mass.

Glutamine can be synthesized in the body through other amino acids such as glutamic acid , valine or isoleucine . Most of the glutamine containing protein sources , but some athletes say that need additional supplementation .

It is a non - essential but very important in case of intense workouts , stress, illness , etc. amino acid.
Constitutes 60 % of the deposits of free amino acids in skeletal muscle.
Synthesize other non- essential amino acid, mucopolysaccharides and nucleotides.
It is found mainly in milk , meat, peanut, almond , soy, beans and turkey.

Anti Catabolic effect : muscular prevents loss of mass.

Promotes protein synthesis : increased lean muscle mass .
Enhances the immune system.
It is an important brain fuel .
Relieves the catabolic effects of glucocorticoid use in case of injury .
It can be converted to glucose without insulin plasma levels are altered.
Contributes to glycogen recovery after training .
Help with post- traumatic recovery : involved in wound healing .

How to use:
Should preferably be taken before training on an empty stomach.

The recommended dose is 50mgr./día/kilogramo body weight.
It is usually recommended along with taurine and creatine.

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Increased congestion : Arginine

There 's a reason that arginine is one of the most popular market of sports nutrition supplements, has to do with our internal system of rewards. After kill daily in the gym, you want to see results. Taking arginine before training and you will see almost immediately that the muscles are not only more congested in the gym but also grow faster .

Works because Arginine is converted to nitric oxide in the body, a vasodilator that relaxes the walls of the veins and allows more blood through them. This will contribute to the more fluid and nutrient muscles, which temporarily enlarges its size.

Research is showing that other amino acid compound ( propionyl- l -carnitine glycine) promises to increase nitric oxide. Best of all is that when taken with arginine may further increase levels of nitric ( NO) oxide.

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Protein foods

In this post I have a list of foods that provide protein 10 gr. protein .
Foods are in clean weight and oil , or the edible portion of food (no shell, no eggs, etc. . ) .

1. Protein foods with 1.5 gr. fat 10 gr. protein ( 1 serving )

    50 gr. of lean beef
    50 gr. beef tenderloin
    50 gr. liver
    50 gr. cooked ham
    50 gr. pork loin
    50 gr. turkey
    70 gr. chicken
    70 gr. rabbit
    70 gr. hare
    50 gr. conger
    50 gr. seabass
    50 gr. thumbscrews
    60 gr. cod
    60 gr. golden
    60 gr. sole
    60 gr. hake
    60 gr. whiting
    60 gr. monkfish
    60 gr. trout
    60 gr. stripe

Two . 4 g protein foods . fat ( average ) 10 gr. protein ( 1 serving )

    35 gr. lean ham
    50 gr. beef steak
    50 gr. of lean pork
    65 gr . mackerel
    65 gr . mackerel
    65 gr . mer
    65 gr . salmon
    65 gr . sardine

Three . Protein foods with > 5 g . fat 10 gr. protein ( 1 serving )

    70 gr. pork chop (13.7 gr. grease )
    55-110 gr. lamb chop (8.5 gr. grease )
    55-75 gr. leg of lamb (10.5 gr. grease )
    80 gr. whole egg (9 gr. grease )
    90 gr. egg white ( 0.2 gr . of fat )
    60 gr. egg yolks ( 19.8 gr. of fat )

April . Milk and dairy products

    270 ml . milk (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    80 gr. fresh cheese (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    95 gr. white fat cheese (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    65 gr . Burgos cheese (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    40 gr. Manchego cheese (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    25 gr. Parmesan (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)
    2 yogurts (10 gr. = 1 protein serving)

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Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is called fiber type that dissolves in water , forming a gel or gelatin in the intestine . This consists of pectins, gums and mucilages .

Soluble fiber properties
Foods that contain soluble fiber useful for controlling cholesterol levels in the blood and to maintain stable sugar levels slows the absorption of glucose , helping to control hyperglycemia , slowing digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Soluble fiber has intestinal regulatory properties , has laxative effect, which helps normalize intestinal transit. Is fermented by the intestinal flora and is broken down into short-chain fatty acids and gases , helping to prevent colon cancer and diverticulosis.
It also helps to satiate the appetite for property to absorb water and multiply its volume by providing satiety , is a good help in weight loss diets .
It is found in whole grains (barley , oats, rice , ect. ) , Legumes ( soy , peas, etc. . ), Fruits ( strawberry, apple , citrus, etc. . ) And vegetables (broccoli , cabbage , beets , etc.).

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Fewer calories = more longevity

More and more research centers studying in depth the global, or specific nutrients, preventing cell aging diet. A lack of work with human, animal research numerous times caloric restriction associated to increased life expectancy, although the mechanisms that cause it are not exactly known .

Research has shown in experimental animals that a low calorie diet sirtuins , enzymes associated with longevity.

In fact, in the laboratory it has been found that a reduction in food intake extends life in a wide range of species and a low calorie diet has beneficial effects on various biomarkers of aging , such as decreased sensitivity to insulin, a precursor of diabetes that is associated with age and especially the reduction of the damage from free radicals. One of the ways to produce organic free radicals occurs when food is converted into energy in cell structures called mitochondria.

For years , are various research centers that seek to know in more detail the effect of diet on sirtuins , which would help the development of new therapies to regulate metabolic disorders and combat degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

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Trans Fats. All you need to know

Trans fats are a type of non - essential unsaturated vegetable fats - , obtained from baking and hydrogenation processes . Are obtained after subjecting oils to high temperature processes , such as occurs when foods with vegetable oil, are introduced in ovens at high temperatures , or to get the liquid fat to become solid by adding hydrogen .

Trans fats are found in a wide variety of foods, such as most foods made with partially hydrogenated oil, such as baked , fried and margarine products. Trans fats also occur naturally in some meat and dairy products.

Why we use trans fats?

This hydrogenation process fats and oils for frying, which are very useful for the food industry are obtained , since they help to improve the durability , taste and texture of the products like margarines, breads fat , muffins , cookies, cakes , bakery products, snacks , chips , fast food ......
The food industry uses these fats , because they are cheaper than other fats of animal origin . Products made with trans fats, require less cooling and can maintain their consistency at room temperature, which would not be possible if other types of fat such as lard were used.
In the case of margarine , the hydrogenation process of vegetable oils creates a product having the consistency, texture and appearance of the butter .
Some home treatments such as frying , may end up transforming fatty acids into trans fats, frying mal eventually oxidize and break down the oil . Therefore it is recommended to use olive oil, not exceed 180 º C and not reuse the oil more than 3 or 4 times.

Effects of trans fats on health.

Recent studies showed that although these fats contain no cholesterol, are able to increase LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood and decrease HDL (good). The high level of blood cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease , people with high cholesterol levels are more likely to develop these diseases .

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Magnesium and its importance for sport

Magnesium is a vital mineral to stay healthy and is essential for the proper functioning of the body . About 25 gr. about the amount of magnesium that can store 1 adult in your body , 60% of that amount becomes part of the teeth and bones and the rest is part of the muscles, liver and other organs and tissues.

The best known of magnesium benefits are its properties as a muscle relaxant and an adjunct to calcium absorption , regulates blood sugar levels , aids in relaxation and contraction of muscles preventing cramps, spasms, vertigo , dizziness or fatigue.
Promotes the absorption and metabolism of other minerals, besides maintaining healthy bones, cartilage, joints and teeth. It is a powerful cardiovascular protector, regulates heartbeat, maintains cholesterol rates at low levels and in turn regulates blood pressure.

- Magnesium deficiency

It usually affects people who consume processed and 1 diet poor in natural nutrients.
People with liver problems.
People with intestinal disorders.
People with kidney disease.

- Foods rich in magnesium

Animal : prawns, shrimps , oysters , clams , crayfish , lobster , octopus , caviar, fresh salmon , cod , turbot, fresh and canned tuna , canned anchovies , sardines , squid , trout , beef (especially) , lamb , chicken, pork , goat cheese ( cured and semi-cured ) , soft cheeses, yogurt, milk, eggs , etc. .
Plant Origin : almonds , cashews, pine nuts, walnuts , chestnuts , peanuts , hazelnuts , prunes , raisins , pumpkin seeds , sesame and sunflower seeds , whole grains , whole wheat bread , legumes, especially soy products and beans, chickpeas , beans, lentils and peas , vegetables preferably dark green like kale , spinach , artichoke, also corn, potato , cabbage , eggplant, peppers, etc. . Among fruits : figs , avocado , kiwi , banana , pineapple , cherries , melons, etc. .

- Instructions for use of magnesium
Magnesium intake above natural sources has a therapeutic effect that can be exploited in the treatment of :

Bone Health - Osteoporosis - Hypertension - Thrombosis - Cardiovascular disease - Diabetes - Depression - Anxiety - Muscle spasms - Cramps - liver and kidney problems - Cholesterol - Constipation - Fibromyalgia - Heartburn - pre- menstrual pains - Migraine - Nausea and vomiting - Tremors - Seizures - Epilepsy - Asthma - Bronchitis

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Eating few times a day

When you are ready to get rid of fat regardless everything is valid , such as eating fewer times a day .
This error is enormous, because doing so is telling the body to preserve at any cost put your fat and burn muscle.

Numerous studies have shown that when the body goes many hours without food , starts the survival mechanism that preserves uncompromising stored fat, which is what sustains life , and instead the body sacrifices muscle tissue as energy source.

You have to do just the opposite , eating many times a day and in small quantities , so first because you are sending the message to the body that food is plentiful and therefore no need to preserve the fat. Another good reason is that every time we eat there is an expense that is called dynamic that comes from simply eating , ie the act of eating and digesting food also burns calories , so if the same volume of food as repartís in several occasions , energy expenditure will be higher.

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Diet and diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an abnormal increase in the blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia). This disease causes chronic and requires lifelong treatment .
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is simple when you have symptoms . Thus in a patient exhibiting an osmotic diuresis ( increased urination due to the presence of certain substances in the liquid filtered by the kidneys , increasing the amount ) and is hyperglycemia , the diagnosis is indisputable.


When a subject without symptoms have excess blood glucose in fasting conditions , the diagnosis is easy .
The problem arises in those without symptoms and with normal blood sugar, but they suspect diabetes. In these cases they are subjected to a test more specific fasting .

Nutrient inputs

Protein: The protein intake oscillate between 10 and 15 % maximum. Higher percentages are deprecated . In any case, the proteins must be of good quality , complementing those of animal origin ( meat and fish ) with vegetable proteins .
Carbohydrates: The percentage should be between 55 and 60% of the total energy . Regarding the type of carbohydrate should be mainly complex (bread, legumes , potatoes, cereals , pasta etc. . ), Leaving the simple discounted to the intake of milk, some dairy products ( low fat ) , vegetables and fruits.
Fat: The amount of fat that is advised by 25 and 35% of the total caloric value. The key to the intake is on the careful choice of the type of fat . Saturated fat should not exceed 7-8 % of the total energy , so that the milk fat should be avoided , fatty meats and dairy products ( sausages) and pastry products rich in coconut oil and / or palm. For what regards cholesterol , this should not come into the diet than 100 mg/1000 kcal amount . and never exceed 300 mg . / day , and cardiovascular risk should not exceed 200 mg . / day .
Dietary fiber: The inclusion in the diet, has shown many advantages in metabolic control in diabetes mellitus , the beneficial fiber content should be around 70 mg / day . . Overall the diabetic diet should contain a lot of plant foods to the detriment of animal origin.

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Oatmeal Pancakes

The pancakes ( crepes) are light and fluffy , apart from perfect to do a load of carbohydrates before exercise or to recover from a hard workout.

Down here we leave the ingredients that we use in the kitchen and how to prepare them.

½ cup ( 70 gr. ) uncooked oatmeal
half a cup of plain yogurt
half to three quarters of a cup of milk ( 120-180 ml. )
an egg or 2 egg whites
1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoons brown sugar
half teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup flour (140 gr. ) , Half full , half white flour

In a bowl mix the oats , yogurt and milk, leave the mixture between 15 to 20 minutes to allow oats to soften and hydrate.

  Beat the egg or 2 egg whites , oil, then add it to prepare the oats, stir and add sugar , salt , baking powder and finally the flour gently and surround
beat again and let stand a few minutes preparation .

  Heat the pan with a little vegetable margarine and go by the pancakes
Serve with honey, jam , syrup, Nutella or dulce de leche.

Nutritional information :
2 pancakes : 330 kcal , 57 gr. carbohydrate , 10 gr. and 7 g protein . fat

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Role of physical activity in the treatment of obesity

Obesity is not always produced by only differences in lifestyle compared to non-obese .
For example, the active life and sports coincide with lower weight, but not the sedentary alone the cause of obesity cases . What's more, most sports like weightlifting or is accompanied by a significant increase in weight and bulk.

However, as a general rule, people , athletes look more dynamic and active than thin and sedentary .

- Physical activity as a therapeutic instrument faces , should not be taken in isolation. Should be related to two other elements :

The actual weight of the person .
The food you make.

Let us focus on physical activity , obesity as a tool , as a slimming item meets an attractive triple therapy :

Prevents the diet a single treatment center .
Decreases pressure and psychological control over eating . ( reduces obsessive behaviors )
Prevents or reduces the development of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, regardless of weight reducing diseases .

Is also an element of consolidation of weight decrease in the long-term prospects .

- Components of physical activity :

Sharp component : is the sports session itself , directly linked to the quality, duration and intensity is 1 single or isolated session or the full amount of a training program . The sharp component , wastes energy proportionally to the effort , but does not produce qualitative changes in the functioning of the body .
Chronic Component: if acute physical activity is repeated periodically with 1 regular and adequate intensity , the training effect is achieved . Through this body gets ( though not permanent ) lasting adaptive changes in the proportions of muscle and fat in the distribution of these characteristics and functioning. The chronic effect of exercise produces beneficial conservation and protection of muscle mass , in addition to aerobic exercise , muscle quality achieved favorably modifies the metabolism of the arteries , creating conditions that prevent the development of atherosclerosis . Hormonal changes induced by exercise especially correct metabolic abnormalities that accompany those obesities , in which fat is deposited primarily in the upper half of the body .

The most recommended exercises are long-lasting and continuous , rhythmic movements . Its effective implementation is achieved if the person attains a degree of aerobic training. The most effective are those in which the person must carry the weight on his legs , hence the walks , idle, or jogging are the most desirable , we must also consider cycling , swimming, tennis.

Its action on the weight is not as fast as the diets in the short term . Their results are visible in the long term , but no less spectacular .
Your practice must be supervised or guided by professionals to minimize risk.

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Protein supplements

Athletes are increasingly concerned about the potential benefits of nutritional supplements. Many people are increasingly more aware of the new studies in nutrition and not doubt the importance of eating high quality protein and biological value as the basis for their daily meals. Thus , protein is the nutritional key that opens the doors of muscle growth .

The proteins are involved in important cellular processes such as the formation of enzymes , hormones , antibodies, contractile tissues (actin , myosin, tropomyosin , etc.), etc. .

Along with carbohydrates and lipids are the immediate principles which provide energy to our diet . Also provide the body elements regenerators plastics body tissues.

Proteins are macromolecules consisting of nitrogenous basic units called amino acids (joined in long chains ) . These amino acids can be of 2 types :

Essential : are amino acids that the body can not synthesize and must obtain them from the diet. They are:

- Isoleucine .
- Leucine .
- Lysine .
- Metiomina .
- Phenylalanine .
- Threonine .
- Tryptophan .
- Valine .
- Histidine .

Non- essential :

- Alanine .
- Arginine .
- Aspartic acid .
- Asparagine .
- Cysteine ​​.
- Glutamic acid .
- Glycine .
- Proline .
- Serine .
- Tyrosine .

Low levels of the 9 essential amino acids limit protein synthesis in the body, hence the importance of not only the quantity but the quality of the ingested protein. The protein -based animal products like eggs, milk , etc. . provide near optimum mixtures of amino acids . As to the amount below 20 % of total calories ingested intakes athlete maintain a state of muscle catabolism , totally inadequate for the athletic progress situation .

Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein.

Initially no attention to the nutritional quality lent disparate figures were given. Subsequently international organizations gave figures 1g . per kilogram of body weight specifying which should include proteins of animal and plant origin . Current recommendations vary committees nutritional experts worldwide , according to WHO 0.6 g / day / kg body weight.

The CDR is the RDA to ensure not suffer deficiency diseases and are based on some general statistics and be taken as baseline values. But athletes deviate from the average individual, both physical activity and the effects of exercise physiology has on your metabolism. So many sports dietitians recommend that a figure around 2gr/día/kg body weight.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Water as stimulating testosterone

If as it should be , you read publications like this , in which the information about nutrition is a cornerstone of its content , you know that water is a key element to ensure optimal performance and promote good health .

  The muscles have a water content similar to the body in general , about 70 %, which shows that it is the number one component .

  Athletes generally know that if they reduce their water percentage in only 2 % , its performance may decline up to 10% , which is scientifically proven . Supplements employ builders which have the property of increasing the intracellular content of water because it increases in volume, gain strength and accelerate protein synthesis .

  Not long ago has released a study in which there was evidence that ingesting 500ml. Cold water may accelerate the metabolism and consequently increase the consumption of calories and reduce body fat .

  Now he has published a paper in the scientific journal Journal of Applied Physiology in which it was found that those athletes who trained with a slight dehydration had lower testosterone levels , compared with those who exercised well hydrated . According to these studies , the low hydration increases the production of cortisol, a catabolic hormone that inhibits testosterone.

 So drink plenty before, during and after training to assure an optimal level of testosterone.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Learn amino acids


The amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins. Amino acids and proteins are the building blocks of life.

When proteins are digested or decompose amino acids are left . The human body requires many amino acids :

Decomposing food
Repair body tissue
Perform many other body functions

Amino acids are classified into three groups:

essential Amino Acids
Nonessential amino acids
Amino conditional

Essential amino acids :

Can not produce their own body. Therefore must come from food .
The nine essential amino acids are :


Non- essential amino acids :

Non- essential means that our bodies produce an amino acid, even when you do not get from the food we eat .
These amino acids are :

aspartic acid
glutamic acid

Amino conditional :
Conditional amino acids are generally not essential , except at times diseases and / or stress.
They include:


It is not necessary to ingest essential and nonessential amino acids at every meal , but it is important to balance them all day .

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Monday, November 18, 2013

50 tricks to speed up the bodybuilding

In this post we will talk about what we all know is that muscle is fashionable and not fat . So everyone runs away from fat as the devil himself , because they know it is unhealthy and unsightly addition . Men and women looking to have a hard body , smooth and toned , flab -free and composed of firm tissue.

  We are formed by muscles and bones wrapped in fat coated under the skin that is the ultimate package . Yes , there are veins , tendons and ligaments , but proportionally speaking , are small substructures . Therefore, if we want that aspect of terse and hard our muscles need to work well.

  We will leave here 50 tricks to speed the bodybuilding . Needless to implement them all at once because possibly you are already doing any of them . However, read well enough to know if you are neglecting some point, or you can add to speed trick bodybuilding and re-grow your muscles.

    The first 10 tricks
    There are another 10 tricks
    Next 10 tricks
    Another 10 tricks
    Last 10 tricks

Learn the strengths

1) Focus on every rep you do: there is no point doing the exercises mechanically . Feel the muscle working . Develop the habit of isolating yourself while doing a series.

  2 ) Train always at the same time : whenever possible , try to train at the same hour. Your body will get used to be exercised at any given time and automatically enroll all their might .

 3 ) Varies sets and reps : generally not be made less than 3 nor more than 6 sets for a particular exercise . The repetitions should not exceed 15 , but if we vary the number of sets and repetitions within these limits so that the muscle does not get used .

  4) Do not forget the leg work : leg hard work is very demanding, but instead affect the overall growth of all your physique. This large muscle activity and promotes increased respiratory and metabolic function .

  5 ) regulates carbohydrates : if you're the skinny guy with abs always visible and very thin skin , try to eat plenty of carbohydrates such as rice , potatoes , pasta and cereals. On the contrary if you are someone who are somewhat overweight , reduce your intake of carbohydrates and only take them at breakfast and lunch , or get fat .

  6) Protein is the key: the muscles are composed of water and protein , so make sure you do not miss the solid raw material with which to build them. When one does not grow, in most cases sufficient to increase protein intake . With only daily protein intake contributed by foods is not enough. Consume protein powder and tomato smoothie mid-morning and mid afternoon , with at least 30-50 grams of protein per serving .

  7) Do not miss training sessions : miss a workout because of a TV show and soon find valid any excuse to lose another . The results are harvested based on the continuity and repetitive stimuli .

  8) Train with progression : try progressing your previous performance , at least one exercise for each session.

  9) Rest between sessions : the muscles are stimulated during training, but recover and grow after while you rest . Try not to overdo physical activities outside workouts.

  10) Do not smoke : Smoking is injurious to health. Furthermore, negatively affecting appetite and destroys vitamin C in addition to impair the respiratory and pulmonary recovery .

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Things you should not do

11) Find the muscular congestion : congestion try to feel a deep muscle in the area you work before to conclude that muscle training . The muscle should be very congested before moving to another group.

  12 ) Set some goals : try to mark you goals like getting an inch over arm circumference in a month, or add 5 kilos more to " bench " at a given time .

  13 ) Eat 5 times a day to gain muscle weight you need to eat more, but is much more practical and beneficial to add a couple more meals a day to pile more food on your plate , in 3 meals.

  14 ) No sobreenternes : if you train with great intensity all the time your progress will stop. Train , but do not exhaust yourself . The intensity is necessary for growth , but it can not be maximum in each set of each exercise .

  15 ) Outdoor Oxygen : even if you think that is not related to bodybuilding , it is important to get every day a good dose of pure oxygen and for that nothing beats a leisurely stroll outdoors.

  16 ) Keep your enthusiasm high : if you feel your enthusiasm declines, then it's time to stoke the fire . Lee fitness blog like ours , magazines , go to competitions , etc. .

  17 ) Maintain high intake of vitamins and minerals : take one tablet a good multivitamin a day with a meal. That will ensure you do not miss any lack of vital nutrients . You need vitamin C , E and B complex, calcium and potassium also due to intense physical exercise.

  18 ) Sleep at least 8 hours . : Muscles grow while you rest . Do not think you can develop a good muscular body if you do not get enough sleep .

  19 ) Do not junk food atiborres : all heavily processed foods : sweets, chocholate , cookies , soft drink and soda , pizza and other quick cooking foods are not the most suitable for your diet .

  20 ) Do not skip breakfast : the most important meal of the day probably because breakfast when your body can take without food for about 10 hours or more . So you can never progress. Eat breakfast with plenty of protein and carbohydrates every day.

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Tips to get the magnitude of muscle

21 ) Attack positive training : you do not go to your workout as an obligation to fulfill. Do it with heart. Attack each session with renewed enthusiasm , everyone who thinks you're closer you realize your dream of a perfect body . Enjoy.

  22 ) Avoid alcohol : drinking a beer from time to time , or a glass of wine with meals will not hurt anyone, but regular use of alcohol can be detrimental to your physique. It decreases your appetite and all it brings are empty calories .

  23 ) Relax : Stress and emotional stress are detrimental to your physical performance . Do not let the problems overwhelm you , get to work to solve them. Do not take your worries to the gym or get congested .

 24 ) Do not practice other sports : while trying to gain weight and muscle , refrain from other sports . You need all your energy for your muscles to grow . Once you obtain your ideal weight and size of your muscles is satisfactory , you can practice them.

  25 ) Do not let the slow progress frustrate you : everyone progress through periods of stagnation or even negligible , it is completely natural. In this cycle will progress another marked . Do not be disappointed and leave , because then it will be the end. Evaluate your program and if everything is correct that break will be temporary.

  26 ) Learn to discern slow progress of stagnation : when you do not progress , is it because you do not increase 2 kilos a month or gain 1 inch of arm? Progress can not continue without interruption , if so bodybuilders have 300 kilos , that would move thousands of kilos . Everything has a rational limit . If you can do one more rep with the usual weight is that your strength improves , if you increase 500 grams in a month is that you're stuck . Multiply that progression for 12 months and in a year your strength will increase considerably and have won six kilos and almost 4 inches of arm. Rate small progress .

  27 ) Change your program every five weeks : if you introduce slight changes in almost every session , as reps, sets , or weight used , the body tends to adapt to everything, so every five weeks changed your training program . The change will be a challenge and your muscles will struggle to adapt , that means growth.

  28 ) Do not use light weights : no use light weights to build strength and muscle.

  29 ) Use the progressivity : the muscle grows when having to overcome a resistance for a given time and if it occurs repetitively . This is easy to understand that you will make the muscle larger fight against resistance if you want to continue to increase its volume.

  30) follows a predetermined routine : muscle growth occurs as a consequence of repeatability therefore each group can be trained cyclically in time.

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Tips during the exercise bodybuilding


31 ) Drink milk between meals milk is the best food for weight gain. It is the food chosen by nature for the growth of all young mammals. If you have difficulty gaining weight drinking milk.

  32 ) Moderation at the beginning: if you are a beginner or untrained take some time , do it sparingly at first , otherwise you risk to injury or overtraining . Even if you are trained , do light sets of warm up before tackling the really tough .

  33 ) Do not do too many exercises per group: one muscle group will grow faster as a result of heavy bombing based on only one or two exercises. A variety of exercises to a group during the same session does not lead to rapid gains in term of strength and muscle volume .

  34 ) Be nice joints : choose exercises that are easy on the joints . If you feel that some exercises are not comfortable for your joints review your technique and if execution is perfect and the feeling persists , stop doing it most likely will not fit your frame. Note that if you are injured you do not progress .

  35 ) Do not doubt yourself : not for a second doubt that you will get the perfect body or the body SpecialGym . Be gain muscle weight or fat loss have not doubt that you will. Your blind faith in the success you will achieve what you want.

  36 ) Mentalízate before your session : If you're feeling a little lazy before your session , seeks to prepare mentally entoces half hour earlier. Visualize yourself doing the exercises and do it positively .

  37 ) Minimize rest between sets : your workouts can be much more productive if you decrease progressively rest between sets. Reducing the time equivalent to increasing workload .

  38 ) Do not train after a heavy meal : at that time the stomach needs blood to the digestive process , but if you train , the blood will be required by the muscles so that the digestive process is altered.

  39 ) Do not underestimate any group : arms will grow if you train your whole body if you train only the upper limbs. When you train a group , the largest influx of growth is located there, but there is a part that affects the rest of the body .

  40 ) trains in a commercial gym : home workout is better than nothing, but if you have to train seriously progress where others do . The atmosphere of being surrounded by people with the same objective , size and strength, helps to train harder.

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Gain muscle strength

41 ) Warm muscles well : never start an exercise with a weight limit. The first series should be lightweight and comfortable to allow muscles and joints are prepared progressively as well as mentally you adjust the new movement . After this short period can bomb the butt muscle without risk of injury.

  42 ) controls the rate of each repetition : do not hit a weight pulling to raise much they weigh. Do not use inertia or sudden movements to lift a weight with the excuse that it is heavy. If you do this is because it is too heavy . Each repetition should be done with a uniform rate and controlled speed .

 43 ) Do not train your abs more than 3 days per week: the abdominal nerve affects a very important area . Exercising excessively that area can have adverse effects on muscle progress .

  44 ) Train with a partner stronger than you : the "use" of a sparring partner stronger than you can lead to great improvements in strength and volume. Need not use it at all exercises, but heavy seeks his help and his challenge. Unconsciously you pointed higher.

  45 ) Use compound exercises : to gain strength and overall volume nothing equals compound exercises . Isolation exercises allow you to use light weight and only affect a muscle or a muscle area , while allowing use heavy weights compounds strongly affecting stakeholders and providing an overall growth flow throughout the body .

  46 ) Train with good equipment : no need to train the latest technology , but it is clear that the more items you have the better .

  47 ) 2 replicates more : the last 2 reps of a set are the hardest to do, but also are the most effective . The remaining replays serves to bring the muscle to the threshold of fatigue , the last 2 generate growth.

  48 ) Break the mental barriers : if you do not look bigger and muscular hardly get that aspect . If every time you think of yourself , in your body , you look like you'll be putting obstacles in your mental development. Try creating a mental image in your head appears on the body you really crave getting .

  49 ) The intensity is the key : go to the gym day after day, to make a routine robotically preset not itself guarantee any results . One thing is up and down a weight and quite another train with intensity , this means that each repetition must be done with concentration, control and mental strength.

  50 ) Conclusion : there are no miracles or magic potions that guarantee success . The secret is to be consistent and applied to hard work. Maybe in these 50 tricks to speed the bodybuilding are not all the answers, but it can mean a clear vision of what you need to improve your results.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Developing a diet plan

Food is important to feed the body and invest in good overall health . Maybe sleep over breakfast , work through lunch , you skip meals or snacks gorge yourself with not too healthy . Stress and fatigue associated with long hours of training and planning efforts sporting activities can cause food to become a source of stress , rather than being one of the pleasures of life. Given the current culture of the rush, eat well might seem more difficult than ever.

To develop a good diet plan must take into account :
    Eat three different food at every meal . The more variety of foods eat more vitamins , minerals and other nutrients will be consuming . Try to pick thirty-five different types of food each week , instead of the same ten or fifteen foods that can get currently consuming . You can do this not only eating bran flakes with banana, but different types of cereal , adding fruits- not just a turkey sandwich for lunch , but various types of bread and filling , not only lettuce in the salad , but lots of vegetables of different colors.
    Choose foods in their natural state . Unprocessed foods and what they are minimally processed have more nutritional value and less sodium , trans fats and other unhealthy ingredients . For example , oranges instead of orange juice, wheat bread instead of white bread, boiled potatoes instead of fries.
    Act with moderation. Instead of classifying a food as good or bad for your health , be moderate and try to follow a diet that provides between 80% and 90 % of food quality and 20 % or 10 % less nutritional richness . Thus, fries , soda , pizza , take place in a healthy diet, one must balance them with healthier alternatives during the day .

Although a well balanced diet is ideal for good nutrition , a diet must avoid linear, ie , banana , banana , banana , rice , rice , rice . Eating repeatedly makes life simple, but it can lead to improper diet and chronic fatigue.
When we go to develop a diet plan , diet must make a circle , in which two thirds is occupied by fruits, vegetables and whole grains , and one-third protein and foods rich in calcium.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Glutamine for bodybuilding

The " glutamine " in dietary supplement is very beneficial to avoid overtraining which usually takes place after intense weight training sessions associated with a lack of rest and poor diet . What is Glutamine? What are these effects? Here are answers to these questions on glutamine.

glutamine definition
Glutamine is an amino acid that is part of the family of non-essential amino acids. The body then uses glutamine provided by the diet, but it is capable of making itself according to its needs. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood. It plays a very important role in the immune system.

Effects and benefits of glutamine
Accelerated recovery
better digestion
Immune System
Increasing the concentration of leucine in muscle fibers
Increase in GH
Increased fat burning during and after exercise
Although the body produces glutamine itself , it is possible that the body can run out. When you make more intensive weight training sessions , your immune system is compromised because of large amounts of glutamine are used.

If you do not meet a minimum recovery between each session, the body will not have time to rebuild these reserves and glutamine deficiency may occur.

This glutamine deficiency causes a weakened immune system. Then you become more susceptible to infections and muscle injuries , expenses you lift decreases and you can even see a decrease in muscle mass . This is overtraining !

Take glutamine dietary supplement reduces the risk of overtraining and thus prevents the degradation of muscle mass after sessions of extreme bodybuilding.


Glutamine promotes the storage of glycogen
If you want more energy , consider taking this versatile amino acid that is glutamine. Research indicates that he has the advantage of improving the storage of glycogen . A study by the University of Padua in Italy showed that giving glutamine plus glucose polymer , would promote the storage of glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles.

Reminder: when sugars (or carbohydrates ) you eat , they are stored as glycogen which will serve energy to cells, especially in muscle tissue. In this study, seven male subjects with an average fitness participated in three different experiments . First, subjects performed an exercise bike ergonomic , designed to deplete glycogen stores fast fibers and slow fibers in their muscles. They were given either a 18.5% solution of polymer of glucose , 8 g of glutamine or a solution of 18.5 % glucose polymer plus 8 g of glutamine. ( A dose of 8 g glutamine is slightly higher than that contained in a teaspoon amount . )

During the three tests , they also received a continuous supply of glucose hang two hours. Blood levels of glutamine increased significantly after ingestion of glutamine alone or with glucose polymer . In fact, the concentrations were higher than about 70 % of the base rate , 30 to 40 minutes after ingestion of glutamine. So for those of you who think that glutamine can not pass through the intestines because they swallow the for use as an energy source, the idea is to be reviewed.

In addition , the ingestion of glutamine had no effect on insulin levels. However , as might be expected, the ingestion of glucose polymer (with or without glutamine ) produced a significant rise in insulin levels , which lasts 30 to 90 minutes. It is interesting to note that glutamine was as effective as glucose polymer solution to increase the rate of muscle glycogen after exercise to exhaust its reserves. So if glutamine is as effective as glucose polymer to stimulate refill muscle glycogen , what are the implications for the diet of a bodybuilder ? This study suggests that taking a protein-rich meal and glutamine is itself a powerful stimulus for the resynthesis of muscle glycogen . Add some carbohydrates to the mix and you may be a more efficient way to store muscle glycogen .

Glutamine may promote glycogen storage without changing the plasma insulin. According to the authors of the study, glycogen synthesis could be the result of the effect of glutamine on the increase in cell volume . Remember that an increase in cell volume may itself act as a signal that accentuate gains muscle proteins. So in theory , glutamine seems to help promote glycogen storage and in the long term, may increase gains in muscle protein .

Conclusion ? Although foods such as meats and dairy products are rich in glutamine , the body uses this amino acid for so large that even if I eat lots of protein functions, it is likely that we will draw still part supplementation . In fact, it would have to eat 2.2 pounds of beef and more to get the equivalent of a teaspoon of glutamine supplement form . Thus , a dose of 5 to 10 g of glutamine may be guaranteed . Not only the resynthesis of muscle glycogen is found in potentiated , but it will provide fuel to your immune system and your digestive system. As low levels of glutamine are associated with muscle catabolism , consider glutamine supplementation as an insurance policy against muscle atrophy.

Hazards, risks and side effects of glutamine
Glutamine is an amino acid , so there is no danger , risk or side effects to consume in moderation.

recommended dose
5 to 10 g , two to three times per day.

When to take glutamine ?
At sunrise , before (45 minutes) and after training .