Monday, January 27, 2014

metabolism athletic

The differences between the metabolism of athletes and ordinary people : Muscle burns more energy? Products to speed up metabolism .
How many calories need muscles ?

For decades it was considered to be among larger muscles, more energy consumed the body spoke of figures 70 to 90 Kcal per day per kilogram of muscle . Thanks to this theory the belief that fat burning is needed to increase the volume of muscles spread .

However, one kilogram of muscle fibers 13 Kcal to about burning day ( 1) . This means that 10 kg of muscle mass consume 130 kcal , which is little compared to the daily demand of 2000-3000 calories. In fact, the metabolism of an athlete work otherwise .

What is metabolism ?

Begin to understand what is metabolism . In itself , metabolism is the effectiveness with which the body uses different nutrients and assimilates (mainly proteins , fats and carbohydrates ) to ensure implementation of internal processes ( 2).

The body of the athletes and sports people do not work in very different ways . The more experience a person's physical activity , the body will be better suited to this activity : increase energy deposits and improve muscle recovery processes .
Metabolic athletes window

When doing strength training , first glycogen stores , which are located in the muscle fibers run out. Glycogen is the result of the transformation of carbohydrates and is , itself , a sugar. This is a highly rapid source of energy for the organism.

After training , the glycogen stores are emptied : start " metabolic window", when the body needs about 50-100 grams of carbohydrates ( 3). This portion , if consumed in 1 to 2 hours after training , the construction will muscles , fat no .
Fun Fact :

Recent studies have shown that the theory of metabolic window is not entirely correct - is the most important pre -workout nutrition.

How many carbohydrates needed by the body ?

The 50-100 grams of carbohydrate ( of which we speak figure above) amount to a fairly large portion of food : cereals and pastas in only 25% of its contents are carbohydrates . This means that to meet the amount of 100 gr , it would need to consume half a kilo of pasta.

The amount of carbohydrate that requires a person who makes sport is a fairly minor : 100g carbs even mentioned would be the maximum amount that could be consumed , any consumption above this amount will go to the construction of fat deposits.
How much protein the body needs ?

Protein athletes demand plays a key role. It needs to consume about 50-70 grams of protein ( 4) to carry out a full workout and achieve post-workout recovery , this equates to 250-350 grams of meat. This amount should be added to the daily norm .

The daily demand for protein in an athlete can reach 2 grams per kilogram of weight, which is equal to 150 grams of pure protein in the case of a man of 75 kg. The demand for an individual athlete is not much lower : less than one gram per kilogram of body weight.

What foods affect the body ?

The metabolism depends not on specific products , but of these nutrients . If you train intensively and consume sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat, then the body learns to actively use these components to build muscles.

If you consume more than you need , your body begins to accumulate these substances as fat , if you eat less , use it to meet the most basic and only then build muscles needs. Feeding and recovery is 70% of success; training only 30% .
The influence of cardio metabolism

By doing slow cardio for the first 40 minutes of training , the empty body glycogen stores first and then burning the sugar and fat. It is virtually impossible to burn fat without first removing the insulin in the body.

If you always eat desserts and sweets, will be very difficult to empty glycogen stores , so it is very difficult to burn fat. To activate the mechanisms of fat burning cardio workouts are needed once every three days or so ( 5).

The training teaches the body to empty the internal nutrient reserves and use food to fill them again. The metabolism of an individual athlete not accumulate much of the calories as fat because it is virtually impossible to exhaust their deposits.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sex hormone

Why married men have lower testosterone levels ? Bajan ? Testosterone levels with age? All about the methods to increase testosterone levels .

The most important hormone in men.
Testosterone is considered the quintessential male hormone . Is it responsible to give men the their gender characteristics , responsible for sexual and erectile function . Moreover, the growth of muscle tissue would be impossible without it.

Contrary to what many people believe , testosterone is not related to aggression : prone to be aggressive men with low testosterone levels of cortisol ( stress hormone) and this is because cortisol lowers testosterone levels.

Testosterone and love
Scientific research , dating back to mid-2000 , show that men fall in love with testosterone levels ( 1). This may be a natural defense mechanism that " aid" to the formation of stable couples and procreation.

Interestingly, parenting and child care involve to reduce testosterone levels , however , this happens for a certain period ( 2). After 2 or 3 years into a relationship , levels of this hormone are normalized , allowing "back to the hunt".

Testosterone and age
In " The metabolism after thirty " mentioned that testosterone levels decrease with age , however , this occurs in negligible percentages. The secretion of testosterone at age 35 is only 5% less than 25 years .

A significant decrease in the male hormone is observed after forty years, when the percentage of low secretion by 10 % every five years. By age 50, testosterone levels are only 60 % of the levels of this hormone in a 25 years (3 ) .

Supplements to increase testosterone.
Before thinking about supplements to raise testosterone levels, it is more logical to start consuming vitamins and minerals, without which the lower levels of this hormone . It includes vitamins and minerals in the daily diet , not only will raise these indicators also improve health.

The absence of zinc , magnesium and vitamin D is related to the drop in testosterone levels. The consumption of these minerals help to raise these indicators to normal (average ) figures , however , zinc and magnesium, by themselves , are not able to increase beyond these levels.

The amount of microelements necessary

If we are to speak of doses, then we must keep in mind that a man need daily 10-20 grams of zinc, 400-1000 IU vitamin D and 350 mg of magnesium. Also, consume 2 grams of calcium daily positive impact on testosterone. Calcium is best to consume in cycles ( 2).

A large majority of men worldwide suffer from lack of these micronutrients . For example , if you often have limb spasms , chances are you suffer from lack of magnesium , low immunity and brittle nails are symptoms of a lack of zinc.

7 made of the history of condoms : why only in 1991 advertising censorship was lifted in U.S.Obesity and testosterone

Overweight is one of the factors that lowers testosterone levels , because fatty tissues are capable of converting the male hormone in women . The more overweight you are a man , the higher your estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels ( 4).

High levels of female hormones in males , help support the free fatty acids in blood in adipose tissue , which reduces the risk of a thrombosis . It is clear that women are more prone to fat accumulation and obesity than men.Testosterone and physical activity.

The less fat there is in the body of men, unless you convert testosterone into estrogen ; slender being goes hand in hand with normal hormonal indicators in mhombres . Also, the more higher the levels of testosterone, it will be easier to burn fat .

In regard to strength training , they significantly increase the amounts of testosterone , as the body needs this hormone to "build" and " keep " the muscles. The theory that high levels of testosterone can cause baldness, is a myth without reason.

One easier to normalize the levels of testosterone in the body is corrected methods microelements lack of zinc and magnesium . Also, get rid of overweight and do strength training has a positive effect on the indicators of this hormone.

Ideal diet for muscles

The power to increase volume

mentioned that if eating excess calories , the body makes new fat cells, which in turn are almost impossible to remove. If, once you have been overweight , chances are that you will have to fight this trend in the future too.

It is for this reason that the traditional method for gaining weight is not the best option , " eat everything and then dry mass" is a method of the past . If you want a dry embossed body fat , you must be careful with not only calories, but also with lots .

Cycles for increasing cycles to dry mass

There are two contrasting types of people who train : some fear increase its mass even in a gram of fat , they make lots walker and have great physical activity, which also leads to not increase their volume and muscle mass , which is what they really want.

The other contrasting type are people who eat any meal to increase the mass actually do not care what kind of weight ( fat or muscle ) . In general , these people also make a mistake , as burn fat without losing muscle mass gained is very difficult. 

Lose weight and increase volume while

Lose weight and build muscle mass are two different physiological processes , for various reasons they can not be performed simultaneously. By increasing muscle mass , you are also increasing the fatty tissues and fat burning muscle mass is lost .

If you want to increase your muscle volume , you must be prepared to slightly increase the amount of fat in the body. However, this does not mean that you will go up full kilograms of fat. Modern diets can minimize the increase in body fat. 

How fast muscles grow ?

Macdonald Leila ensures ( 1) that under ideal conditions the increase in muscle mass is 250 grams a week. Of course, this does not match the figures that promises huge advertising of foods and sports supplements , but these are 12 kg per year.

Increase over a quarter of a pound a week is only possible for people with special genetics. In general, if a person manages to gain weight again, this is due to fluid retention or increased body fat, not muscle .The strategy to increase " dry mass "

The first rule for building mass is to increase the normal amount of calories by about 20 %. Climbing the calories , you will increase the levels of fat , without increasing them, you can not give the body the material and energy to build muscles.

The second rule is to consume adequate protein and fat percentage . You should consume between 2.2 and 2.5 grams of protein per kg of muscles you have and 25% of daily calories should come from fat . The remaining calories should be derived from carbohydrates. 

The fitness model Marc Fitt : routine and sports supplements for an ideal body shape professionally .

The pre and post - workout nutrition

Macdonalds recommendations suggest : before exercise consume 15 grams of protein and 25-30 grams of carbs , after exercise consume 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates (per kilo of muscle). Naturally , the caloric value of sports supplements included in the daily amount .

An important note : if you do not follow the rule to increase the calories by 20 % , any sports supplement will be able to solve the problem. Neither the amino acids ( BCAA ) , or the protein cocktails may increase muscle mass if the body lacks energy.Choosing foods for muscles. 

Proteins ingested before and after exercise should be rapidly absorbed ( recommended cocktails powder , isolated proteins and gainer ) . The meat and eggs are absorbed many hours later, therefore, are not quick sources of protein pre and post workout .

Regarding carbohydrates and calories during the day , the main rule is variety. Combine different types of protein: beef, poultry, fish . Also eat different dishes and accompaniments : different wheat pasta , brown rice and vegetables.
The traditional method to increase muscle mass with increasing body fat is wrong , because once uploaded fat levels , you will have to fight with them for life. The ideal way to increase the dry mass method is raise the amount of calories by 20% and control

Monday, January 20, 2014

Arnold Schwarzenegger training Biceps Video

Despite old age, but he is still practicing his favorite sport, Arnold Schwarzenegger training Biceps Video.

Mr. Olympia Champion Phil Heath Photos

Full Name: Phillip Jerrod Heath
Born: December 18, 1979, Seattle, WA
Height: 5’9"
Competition Weight: 245 lbs
Off-Season Weight: 275 lbs
Residence: Arvada, CO

Arms: 22
Legs: 32
Calves: 20
Neck: 18.5
Waist: 29

Competitive placings
’03 NPC Northern Colorado – 1st
Men’s Novice & Open Overall Champ
’03 NPC Colorado State – 1st Men’s Light-Heavyweight
’04 NPC Colorado State – 1st Men’s Heavyweight & Overall Champ
’05 NPC Junior Nationals – 1st Men’s Heavyweight & Overall Champ
’05 NPC USA’s – 1st Men’s Heavyweight & Overall Champ * (Awarded Pro Card)
’06 IFBB Colorado Pro Show – 1st
’06 IFBB New York Pro – 1st
'07 IFBB Arnold Classic - 5th
'08 IFBB Ironman Pro - 1st
'08 IFBB Arnold Classic - Runner-up
'08 IFBB Mr. Olympia - 3rd
'09 IFBB Mr. Olympia - 5th
'10 IFBB Arnold Classic - 2nd
'10 IFBB Mr. Olympia - 2nd
'11 IFBB Mr. Olympia - 1st
'11 IFBB Sheru Classic - 1st
'12 IFBB Mr. Olympia - 1st
'12 IFBB Sheru Classic - 1st

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weight training in adolescence

It is very normal for children or in this case the Teen want to start training to get stronger as their heroes on television, but we are always in doubt , when is the best time to start training in the gym? .
The truth is that children can gain from age 8. However you can get more out of puberty , just for the great hormone production and thus can gain volume and considerable force. During adolescence, the body secretes more testosterone ( anabolic hormone ) , so it's the right time to build strength and muscle.

There are also many myths that remove our head. One of them is that they still think that if the person who will train has not fully developed and usually moved pesos , the epiphyseal plate is closed prematurely the child's height was limited . It has already been shown that this is not so and that the injury of these plates is very common in teenagers who train with weights.

Then there are parents who believe that this sport injuries appear both ligament and tendons. This is somewhat incorrect because if the proper execution and a weight according to the strength of the practitioner will strengthen both the muscles and tendons , ligaments and bones , so that it decreases the risk of injury used .
However, the teen has two points against very pronounced : youth and daring. Dare is not a defect at all , but when two men get together, nature takes na fight for the leadership and this is when all lesions appear together .

Then we let a guideline to follow for proper physical development of adolescents.

Pick a gym where there is a monitor to the customer .
Always Realize global warming and other work specific muscle .
Perform the exercises with proper execution , which leads to not overdo the weight lifted .
Stretch of 4-6 seconds muscle worked between sets .
More exercise is not always better.
If you train with a partner do not compete to see who rises more . Each has its strength and each will highlight a muscle more than another.
Do not forget to train your legs .
Stretch always at the end of training.
Do caridobasulares .
Eating a diet based on the goals you want to get much help .
Remember that sleep is important for muscle development .

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Lunches and snacks innovative

Sweet is a temptation that plagues nearly every meal of the day, it starts with breakfast and continues with snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Fruits , juices, coffee and sugar, biscuits , toast with jam, scones , muffins , bread with chocolate ... are among the most consumed sweets or sugary foods. But the balance must also be in the tastes: sweet , salty , sour and bitter . The advice is to forecast various snacks to alternate and combine different flavors , so when choosing the "salted " does not always have presence of sausages.

Then 14 proposals for new and tasty snacks taste is : · Toast with tomato , tuna and anchovies · Toast with ham, asparagus and quail egg · Pan with goat cheese and raspberry jam · Seed bread with honey and tahini ( sesame cream ) · Bread Loaf dry muesli · · cheese with quince fruits and nuts · · Grapes and cheese smoked salmon toast with pineapple and orange · Flea young garlic and shrimp omelet with red peppers · Tosta , Ajit and anchovies with touch of basil · Pan · sardines with grilled vegetables and rice cake spread with tuna pate · rice cake smeared with sardine pate

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Coffee: another cup for better health

Over the years coffee has been maligned as a trigger for high blood pressure and other health diseases . Recently however, studies show that the opposite is true , a real gold mine of antioxidants that can repair and heal .
According to the number Prevention September 2010 , the more you drink, the more health benefits to some extent , of course :

Drink at least one cup of coffee a day , and you can reduce your risk of premature death from all causes by about 40 %.
Drink at least two cups of coffee a day , and you can reduce your risk of death from heart disease by 25 %.
Drink at least three cups of coffee a day , and will reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia by 65 %.
Drinking four or more cups of coffee a day , and you will be more than 50% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
The caffeine in coffee , of course , can give you energy for your workouts and help you burn more fat. Dare to live longer, healthier and more efficient .

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Cholesterol, advantages and disadvantages

Cholesterol is a lipid that is found in blood. It is used to produce hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help digest fat.
There are two types of cholesterol , HDL, which protects us from cardiovascular disorders and collects the bad cholesterol ( LDL). Normal levels of HDL should be higher than 40 milligrams.

Persons who exceed 300mg/dl (hypercholesterolemia ) are at high risk of cardiovascular disease . The causes of high blood cholesterol level , may be due to :

Genetic predisposition ( endogenous cholesterol ) .
Obesity .
Lack of exercise .
Ingestion of diets high in animal fat ( exogenous ) cholesterol.
Habitual consumption of alcohol and snuff .
Stress .
Diabetes, gout , etc .

How to reduce it :
Healthy , diet low in saturated fat and rich in unsaturated fats , fruits , vegetables, legumes , fiber , essential fatty acids is recommended.
Regular physical exercise .
Relaxation techniques to reduce stress.

Control of cholesterol in food:

- Foods high in cholesterol :
Pork .
And serrano ham .
Viscera .
Lamb .
Any visible fat from meat.
Poultry skin .
Yolk .
Shellfish and crustaceans .
Butter -Margarine, mixed .
Whole milk cheeses , butter - cream .
Bakery .

- Low-cholesterol foods :
Hake, cod .
Semi - skimmed milk , low fat cheese .
Lean meat (no fat ) beef - ox - horse.
Rabbit and skinless chicken .

- Food cholesterol :
Cereals and cereal .
Tubers , fruits and vegetables .
Olive oils - corn - soybean - sunflower .
Fat dairy .
Nuts .

- Foods with HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol ) :
Nuts .
Olive oil .
Chocolate 90 % black .
Blue Fish .

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

The importance of potassium

Properties of potassium:

Potassium maintains the balance of fluids in the body.
Drive the nervous impulse through the nerves.
Determines muscle contraction or relaxation, so it is very important after exercise, and it is usually recommended in diets for sports foods rich in potassium such as bananas.
Regulates blood pressure.
It regulates the heartbeat.
Involved in the metabolism: Helps insulin secretion, convert sugar into glycogen, protein synthesis, etc..

Sources of Potassium:
Animals: Meat, fish, milk and dairy products.
Vegetables: Potatoes, beans, tomato, avocado, lentils, prunes, orange juice, melons, bananas, spinach, wheat germ, soybeans, nuts, raspberry, etc..

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The properties of the mushroom

Mushrooms contain a very high amount of water ( between 82% and 92% ) and a very low content of carbohydrates and about fats. Have between 1% and 3% carbohydrate on a 1.5 % fat. Therefore it is used in some diets to lose weight, being the staple food for 1 or 2 days in the weekly schedule. It is a food rich in potassium and high in fiber , this produces a greater satiety prevents the onset of constipation and reduce the absorption of cholesterol and toxins .

A food rich in vitamins and minerals
While low in fats and carbohydrates , are quite rich in minerals and vitamins food . Despite having said that mushrooms can be a substitute for animal protein, the protein content of mushrooms is relatively low and does not approach the protein content of meat or fish , medium protein content is similar to vegetables (2% -7%), except when they are dehydrated containing 9%.
Potassium addition , mushrooms contain much phosphorus, which is so necessary in the formation of teeth and bones , it also helps to perform mental activities or keep quiet avoiding stress the body.
However, the most noteworthy is mineral selenium ( 20 mg . Per 100 gr . Weight ) . Selenium plays an important role as an antioxidant , preventing cell degeneration by free radicals , helps maintain testosterone levels and sperm count in men and protects the eggs from free radicals.
Mushrooms are rich in copper, a mineral that helps maintain the immune system, the vascular system and the nervous system in good condition.
Speaking of their vitamin content , mushrooms are rich in B vitamins (B2 and B3).

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The importance of the fruit

It is recommended to take 400 grams or 5 servings of fruit a day , but consumption of these foods among the European population is still insufficient. Associating a healthy diet by eating fruits and vegetables is an axiom known by all. Now the theory is one thing and quite another to put it into practice . A report by the European Council Food Information ( EUFIC) has analyzed the factors influencing the consumption of fruit and vegetables in Europe. The study reveals that in Europe are made, on average, diariamante 220 ​​grams of vegetables (including legumes and nuts ) and 166 grams of vegetables. Even so , the intake does not exceed more than 400 grams , including both food recommended by WHO .

Among children , data is even more disturbing because it hardly eat 85 grams of vegetables and fruit 140 grams per day . It is proved that the level of consumption of fruit and vegetables in children depends on their parents teach by example is key. 400 grams or " 5 servings a day " fruit and vegetable The World Health Organization proposed as dietary goal to eat at least 400 grams daily of fruits, vegetables and greens to be indisputable source of nutrients such as vitamins , minerals and trace elements , fiber and a countless variety of phytochemicals, many with antioxidant protective effect. Is widespread in Spain , the expression "5 a day " to remember the importance of eating these foods daily. It insists that it is advisable to take two servings of vegetables and three of fruit, of which at least one should be a fruit rich in vitamin C (oranges , tangerines , strawberries , kiwi , cantaloupe, etc. . ) . However, it should not obsess if you do not get to eat the "5 pieces or servings per day " , since according to the size of the fruit or vegetable (eg, there are apples , pears and tomatoes almost a quarter of a kilo ) is reached without difficulty ingesting 400 grams of vegetables recommended by WHO .
Search the moment ? Breakfast with fruit? There has to be seen as an obligation. If you do not want to eat the fruit right up, you can stop for lunch or a snack. Fruits must pick them seasonal . Thus, in winter , they may crave more fruit compote and roasted , and facing the spring and summer when there is more variety of fruit, like to eat fresh , natural . Always juice ? Not worth always choose juice instead of fruit because its nutrients are not equivalent. The glass of juice, if natural, has twice the sugar and less fiber. This is because generally double the amount of fruit ( two orange ) is used to fill a glass of juice compared to eating a whole piece ( orange).
For those who are recognized by peeling the fruit lazy or can not find the right time to take a moment should be reserved a week to make a colorful and tasty salad with seasonal fruit . Between meals , you only need to open the fridge and serve a good bowl of assorted fresh fruit. A good resolution to eat healthy. Salad for lunch . Shared an entree salad snack leads to ' green ' in the food without making too much effort. It is also a good habit to younger will soon get used to the usual presence of fresh vegetables . Leverage Season to vary the salads is a smart way to eat : in autumn-winter more salads escarole , endive , warm salads mixed with mushrooms and fungi, more energetic with nuts ... and in spring - summer salads lighter colorful and fresh tomatoes, peppers , beets, cucumbers, carrots ... Soups and vegetable puree for dinner. People who notice a feeling of swollen tummy and heaviness after eating lettuce or salad at night instead of not taking these dishes have to change the habit . The advice is to book the salads for lunch and leave for dinner temperate dishes like vegetable soups , creams and stews .

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Almonds another source of calcium

Calcium is a basis for the formation of bones and teeth mineral that gives the hardness and consistency , but also participates in important functions such as the transmission of nerve impulses , nerve connection or blood clotting . While the reference food as a source of calcium is milk , other nuts as a higher content of this mineral.

And within this group , almonds stand above the rest , with a calcium content of 250 mg per 100 g; substantial when compared to cow's milk ( 120-125 mg/100 g). Although plant calcium absorption may not be as efficient , get used to eating more vegetables and less animal protein promotes the use of dietary calcium and its absorption in the body.
Autumn is the time of collection of almonds and other nuts, so you can take this opportunity to devise formulas and enter them in the daily menus: · Almond Sauce easily prepared with sautéed onion , garlic and a few toasted and crushed almonds. This sauce can dress from meat dishes like meatballs to fish like a stew of cod or hake . Add rolled , powder or chopped salads , vegetables , creams , biscuits, muesli or rice pudding for breakfast and snacks almonds. Along with hazelnuts and pistachios , almonds are the nuts rich in calcium , so a handful of this mixture is a good mineral supplement to the diet.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Chin- bar pulldown

Chin- bar pulldowns , rowings and sweater : all excellent exercises for dorsal , but do you find that you're constantly the same motions week after week ? Many of us get bogged down in routine, often without knowing it. We are doing pulldowns followed by the seated rowing , and then draw an arm with dumbbell rowing or to the bar in "T". This seems to be a good program for the back, is not it ? Well yes and no ...

Good reminder for your back musclesIf you consistently follow the same plan, session after session , you will eventually stagnate ( sooner than you might think ) and suddenly you stop progressing. So what ? For thick and wide lats, they must work from different angles . If you do the same workout for a while or if your back-end development stagnated , try adding the vertical circulation in supination your training to get you back on track . Add exercise quite different is an effective way to prevent and / or out of a period of stagnation . The vertical circulation is excellent hands supine to expand and broaden the lats. Taking up arms in supination anatomically stronger and less traumatic for the shoulder position. Compared to the neck drawing whose safety has been questioned by experts biomechanics, the vertical circulation in supination is a safer choice . Made in the real difference for some people is to feel their dorsal contract during training.
executionEnter a straight bar for vertical drawing hands in supination.Sit back and firmly engage your thighs under the supports of the dorsal pulley .Pull out the chest, arch your back slightly and lean back a little .Contract your lats and start pulling the bar towards the middle part of the chest, while exhaling .As the bar down to your chest, shoulder blades closer by pulling down also , and contract more your lats.Pause at the bottom , keeping the back-end power , then leave the bar slowly return to the starting position ( arms fully extended ) to stretch your lats, and repeat.Training TipsYou really focus on technique, representing your hands and arms as hooks for dorsal muscles that will do most of the work.Do not use the body to lower the bar .To seek stronger backbone and reduce fatigue forearms , consider using straps to tie you well .If you do not focus on the muscles you work, you will eventually feel more burn at the forearm and biceps , which obviously is not the purpose of this exercise .

Food plays a critical role in athletic performance

Power plays a crucial role in athletic performance and body composition . Losculturistas pursuing increase your muscle mass and minimize fat, ensure that nutrition accounts for up to 80% of success in that endeavor.
Therefore, to achieve these objectives it is necessary to feed correctly and select the right foods .

Below we detail some " critical " food for good nutrition and athletic performance.

From a nutritional standpoint , yogurt an excellent food product of high biological value . This enriched with B vitamins and micronutrients such as calcium and phosphorus .
In those whose digestive system lacks the enzyme lactase ( lactose intolerance ) , yogurt is a milk substitute also digested very well. Moreover yogurt has more advantages than the milk in absorbing vitamins. The lactic acid formed improves the assimilation of phosphorus , calcium , potassium and magnesium

The fish is a "crucial" food for its nutritional and protective properties due to marine oils it contains.
Fish is important because it provides proteins. It also contains healthy fats , omega 3 fatty acids, some minerals , especially iodine , zinc, iron , phosphorus , sodium, potassium and selenium.
It also contains vitamin A, B vitamins, including vitamin B12

Chocolate is a food whose ingestion produces feeling of well being in the body because it contains a number of components as euphoric and stimulant phenylethylamine . Besides cocoa is rich in alkaloids, such as caffeine and theobromine . These alkaloids excite the nervous system, making us more active and alert against external stimuli , increase heart rate and promote urination.
Note that the beneficial properties of pure cocoa chocolate comes from , and if this percentage is less than 80 % , the impact will be negative , since the poor quality chocolates contain saturated and trans fats and sugar, among other ingredients .

Apples are a great nutritional package . An apple contains no fat, but plenty of pectin, a fiber that is unique in lowering cholesterol, and a good amount of vitamin C. But besides apples , like chocolate contain flavonoids, these substances are also found in red wine , chocolate , tea and vegetables , which protects the heart .

Coffee can boost mood , improve athletic performance, increase the ability to think , increase the analgesic effects of painkillers and reduce constriction , swollen blood vessels that cause headaches .
Coffee can cause insomnia and heartburn , but only if consumed in large quantities.
Caffeine was associated with pancreatic cancer and heart disease , but the truth is that there is no conclusive evidence that this is so .

Like coffee, tea exerts stimulating effects in the body as that chocolate also contains muscle stimulant called theobromine.
But also reduces the risk of heart disease , cancer, and decreases blood pressure and cholesterol .
He has shown that it can prevent tooth decay.
Most active substances found in green and black tea because the leaves are produced in numerous natural antioxidants.
If you do not like your tea you can find some of these also relevant substances in the cilantro , sage and thyme and tea are nice.

Oat flakes are very heart healthy because natural gums found in the oat grain . Is also one of the few complex carbohydrates as well as vegetables, which is low in starch , and , consequently, it has a very low glycemic index. This index is the one that determines the ability of a food to quickly raise blood sugar.
Most starchy carbohydrates such as rice , potatoes and white bread , elevate glucose excessively. Insulin, which responds to the rise of sugar, low levels of glucose at which transports combustion or tissues for storage as glycogen , but can also convert fat . Controlling insulin release is important to avoid increasing fat weight and health of the pancreas and metabolism.
Rolled oats are heart healthy and contain enough fiber to be considered useful in the prevention of certain cancers , including colon .

Legumes can cause the formation of intestinal gas - aerofagia -but they are loaded with fiber and are able to reduce cholesterol while protecting diabetics from the sugar rush .
The effects on cholesterol come from their gums and pectin , fibers that trap and prevents fat from being absorbed by the body .
Legumes contain the same kind of gum found in oats .
Legumes are a source of vegetable protein and carbohydrates are rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals

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The most common mistakes and how to fix diet

If you have made ​​good progress with your definition routine , and suddenly everything has stalled.
The scale does not show a decline, the definition of the abs, arms , legs and back , no improvement , and happiness of the achievements disappears.
Surely you will be doing something wrong with the diet that prevents you from getting the desired definition .

By following a diet high in calories and protein and training with as much weight as you can, you will be able to accumulate a good amount of volume and muscle mass. But defining the musculature things change.

By starting with a program definition, is common in the first weeks look at weight reduction and decrease in body mass. But one point that this definition is impossible to stop and see free muscle adiposity arrives.

Then talk about the most common mistakes and how to fix the diet .

1 Too many carbohydrates
In all diet definition is desirable to reduce the intake of carbohydrates so that the body is forced to use fat stores as an energy source , that means that we should not remove it but use it sparingly and judgment, because such abuse end nutrient accumulated as body fat.
We clarify that the typical bodybuilding training requires a large intake of carbohydrates due to hard training that justifies that high consumption of this macronutrient.
You must consider your body weight and level of training intensity , when dividing the intake of carbohydrates , dividing them into five times daily 30-60 grams when seek to eliminate fat. But if the definition you must be stopped gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates per takes until you begin to lose fat again.
Remember to consume carbohydrates along with some protein to slow its absorption and impact on the production of insulin, which ultimately is the instrument that has the body to store excess carbohydrates in the form of tissue fatty .

2nd You shall not eat carbs at night
At night , the body prepares for rest and reduce metabolic activity. So carbohydrates consumed at night are less likely to be used as fuel and more energy being stored as fat.
What is recommended to include proteins such as poultry or fish accompanied by vegetables and salads rather than pastas or rice, and vegetables that slow the digestion and conversion of starches into simple sugars , avoiding the accumulation of fat.

3rd Start the day the wrong way
Of the five or six meals per day that you must perform , breakfast is where you can afford to give you a taste without increasing the fat in the waist, hips , thighs and back .
Morning glycogen stores in the muscles are lower than at any other time of the day, apart from the time immediately after training, so the metabolic capacity to convert carbohydrates into fat , is interrupted because the priority is fill those tanks.
So billed carbohydrate at breakfast , along with 40-50 grams of quality protein to start the day with the necessary fuel and materials of building muscle and put you do not worry about fat , because the metabolism is accelerated the time and burn more calories than any other point of the day.

4th Too much protein ?
Spend on consumption of carbohydrates can have effects similar to those that occur when they are removed from the system .
Any definition must incorporate diet reduced carbohydrates , offsetting the reduction with increased protein intake , but be careful because if heavy use can also prevent the loss of adipose tissue, increasing calories involved this increase.
That is, if you reduce 500 calories from carbohydrates, but remplazáis 800 from protein , will keep a caloric surplus .
Always keep in mind that if you want to gain weight you will have to consume two grams per kilo of body weight per day , along with "enough " carbs , but if you follow a diet definition you will have to consume between 2.5 to 3 grams per kilo weight per day , along with "a few" carbohydrates.

Never to skip 5th diet
Strict diet continuously leads to stagnation , because the metabolism slows down your metabolic rate , adapts to a continuous and stable caloric intake, adiposity and burning fewer calories to maintain their fat reserves. Also acts a severe diet can I leave you mentally exhausted.
Skip the diet once , including two in the week, eating a meal high in calories not only relieves us mentally, but you will help prevent the body from under preservation , where the metabolic rate is reduced for subsistence , performing all functions hardly expending calories or burn fat. Remember it's just a meal, not all day .

6th Obsessing with weight and balance
It is a mistake to believe in the stereotype that the balance reflects the progress at the time of making a program definition, because the weight does not count in relation to body composition. There are other ways to measure progress , as energy levels and strength , as well as the mirror image .
If you lose weight and you maintain the strength and energy levels , then you will be eliminating fat. If, on the contrary , you feel tired or you notice you that your strength levels decrease and the weight you employ in your training sessions , in addition you will be eliminating muscle tissue. If the weight loss is more than 1.5 Kilos per week and lower energy levels , would indicate that not only you would be losing fat but also muscle mass.

7 Ask cardio too
When set , the cardiovascular activity is very efficient , as well as burn fat, accelerates the metabolic rate during and after exercise.
Too much aerobic exercise activates a mechanism that releases hormones lot of energy to preserve and make these fat cells blocking your energy, reserving it for future needs , so that the body prefers to burn muscle tissue instead of fat . For this reason, it is recommended to do 30-40 minutes of aerobic activity four or five times a week , and so the combustion process is activated and lipid metabolism will speed up , maintain muscle mass and high trainability .

8th Training too during the definition phase
Most begin a program to reduce weight definition exercises and increase the amount of sets and reps and supersets , triseries , etc. . At first you lose weight and definition increases, although not always, but still succeeding , not long to stop and defining muscles look flat .

Actually this type of training is more cardiovascular type that the optimal weight to increase muscle mass. Increasing the amount of work while ingesting carbohydrates first mechanism is to increase the definition is reduced, but soon you will notice a drop in energy levels and strength and especially the empty glycogen stores muscle , by the combination of diet and exercise, your muscles will stay flat , losing not only part of the volume , but also of its definition , cuts and hardness , so that the obtained effect is the opposite.
For a definition program you must let the diet act , that cardio accelerate metabolism and burn fat , while the weights you should continue by all means trying to increase muscle mass and it is not desirable to reduce the weight employed , nor perform excessive low intensity training .

I hope you find it helpful, comment and suggest . And do not forget to share !