Monday, June 30, 2014

4 Major Benefits of Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet identical to the consumption of lots of fruits and vegetables that are rich in various vitamins and minerals your body needs. In addition, this diet is also often recommend the consumption of olive oil as well which counteract the fat intake of cholesterol.In addition to weight loss, Mediterranean diet seems to provide other health benefits to the body. What is it? Check out

Beautiful women tend to be more fertile and happy?

Beautiful women tend to be more fertile and happy? - Flawless woman rumored to have cortisol levels lower. So they tend to be happier and have good fertility, according to new research.Beautiful woman is also synonymous with posture and ideal body weight. For example, levels of the amount of fat in the body fit, not too much or little.Even so, it turned out pretty face does not mean free of

Fish oil supplements lower the risk of type 2 diabetes

Fish oil supplements lower the risk of type 2 diabetes - Fish oil supplements are known to lower the risk of type-2 diabetes, U.S. researchers expression. This is because fish oil supplements increase the amount of hormone that can lower the risk of diabetes."Several animal studies indicate that fish oil improves circulation adiponectin. Currently the same effect in humans is still not known with

Cirrhosis often naturally increase risk of throat cancer

Cirrhosis often naturally increase risk of throat cancer - People who experience frequent heartburn pirosis or likely to have throat cancer risk and higher vocal cords, even if they do not smoke or drink alcohol, according to new research.

Pirosis or heartburn is a burning sensation that often is felt in the abdomen, chest, and can continue to spread down to the neck. Interestingly, some kind of

3 Simple Ways to keep teeth healthy

Many ways in which to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth. If oral health is disturbed then the activity you're screwed, because you will not be confident when communicating with others. Here's an easy way to create dental health reported by All You.Eating nutritious foodsPhosphate and calcium in cheese can help preserve your enamel. Apple, can also stimulate saliva production. Eating these foods

Sunday, June 29, 2014

8 Sources of vitamin C, in addition to citrus fruits

8 Sources of vitamin C, in addition to citrus fruits - Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed by the body to strengthen the immune system and helps the absorption of iron. If you do not like the citrus fruit is a good source of vitamin C, delivers eight other foods rich in vitamin C, as reported by Mag for Women following.PapayaEither eaten directly or processed into another dish, papaya was

6 important reasons to eat blueberries

6 important reasons to eat blueberries - Blueberry, one of the families that are often referred berries contain high antioxidants. There are at least six important reasons why you should eat this one super fruit. What is it? Listen more, as quoted from Care2 follows.Eye healthAnthocyanins which is one of the compounds in blueberries proved able to protect the retina from damage

To sleep better, turn off all electronic devices

Light generated by electronic equipment such as televisions, computers, and even a smartphone can interfere with your body's circadian rhythm, according to a study published in the journal Nature. If you want to improve the quality of sleep, you should turn off all your electronic devices a few hours before bedtime.Electronic equipment such as computers, TVs, and mobile phones can provide light

Unloading 7 myths about stroke!

In addition to heart attack, stroke also including cardiovascular disease to watch. To better understand these conditions, dismantle myths about stroke as reported by the Health following.Only a parent who had a strokeWrong. Although most strokes do attack people over the age of 65 years, but it turns out one-third of stroke patients are those aged under 65 years. Number of young stroke survivors

Compared to men, women are more at risk of suffering mental problems

Compared to men, women are more likely to have mental health problems due to stress.Professor Daniel Freeman of the University of Oxford, said the first systematic investigation of the mental health survey showed psychological disorders 20 to 40 percent more common in women than men."Stress is related to the pressure on women to be the main factor behind everything from depression to phobias,"

Saturday, June 28, 2014

8 Tool hygiene rarely cleaned

The task of cleaning tools to clean it. But lest you miss the dirt on hygiene tool itself. At least, there are eight rare hygiene kits and never even cleaned. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Good Housekeeping below.Appliance dishwasherAutomatic dishwashing appliance should be cleaned on a regular basis once a month from bacteria, fungi, and even moss. Use soap or vinegar to clean

Potatoes, vegetables are healthy cheap

Potatoes, vegetables are healthy cheap - Speaking of vegetables, potato is actually one of the most nutritional vegetables with good, according to research published in the journal PLoS ONE.Dr. Adam Drewnowski, Director of Nutritional Sciences Program at the University of Washington to be exact conduct in-depth research on 98 different types of vegetables with his team. The vegetables include

Purple tomatoes, tastier and healthier

Purple tomatoes, tastier and healthier - Tomatoes can be more delicious vegetables and two times more durable freshness, according to new research.Researchers also said that the antioxidants in purple tomato genetically modified is the key to freshness and delicacy of these vegetables. Because the natural pigment in tomatoes slow cook process towards that usually triggers decay and weird

Natural ways to treat epilepsy

Natural ways to treat epilepsy - Epilepsy is a brain disorder that can be life threatening if not treated properly. This condition occurs when neurons in the brain send wrong signals that cause seizures. In addition to seizures, patients may also experience mood swings, loss of consciousness, slowed body function or unconsciousness.There are many causes of epilepsy and brain disorder that can

Cinnamon, an antidote for Alzheimer's disease

According to recent research published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, two compounds found in cinnamon may have a major role in delaying the onset of Alzheimer's disease, and may even prevent neurodegenerative conditions.The researchers consisting of Roshni George and Donald Graves of the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, explains that cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin compounds

Friday, June 27, 2014

Alert, often drinking soda make your teeth rot!

Recent studies reveal that drinking soda excessively can make rapid tooth decay and cracked. In fact, the adverse effects of soda called as bad as taking narcotics.The research was conducted by Dr Mohamed Bassiouny, a professor of restorative dentistry at Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia, USA. Mohamed examines a woman in her 30s who drink two liters of soda a day for nearly

5 Trivial things that harm the heart

Heart attack is one of the main killers of the world. Want to reduce the risk of this disease? Stop the little things that can harm the heart as quoted from Care2 follows.RevengeOr always angry, apparently harm the heart. For if revenge or anger, increased blood pressure and body vulnerable to free radicals. To avoid this, press emotions, multiply smile. Do not hesitate to apologize when

Tips to ward off lifestyle diseases

Tips to ward off lifestyle diseases - Today many women are not just stay at home. They plunge into the professional world with work, equal to men. Although career, she is also required to manage the household. Undergo two activities is not an easy thing. As a result, many women who can not afford health care so susceptible to various diseases due to lifestyle.Some diseases are related to

4 Advantages thankful for health

Not just to get used to eating healthy and exercise alone can keep you from disease. You also should be diligent grateful every day. Listen thankful for the health benefits as reported by the Huffington Post following.More energeticA study says that grateful every day to make someone more enthusiastic, alert, and energized.More diligent in exercisingLazy sport? Start your day with the first

Lose weight in 24 hours

Lose weight in 24 hours - It is not possible if you could eliminate five pounds overnight. But still there is a way to lose weight gradually by taking a streamline method body within 24 hours, as quoted from The Stir following.Limiting salt intakeEnjoying too much sodium is not good idea. Because eating excessive salt can cause bloating and make the heart work harder.Rose from the couchThere is

Thursday, June 26, 2014

High blood pressure can be resisted with a paper clip?

High blood pressure can be resisted with a paper clip? - High blood pressure can be controlled soon by implant a paperclip-like device on the inner thighs.The implant procedure was take as long as 40 minutes and offers hope to thousands of people with high blood pressure or hypertension that does not respond to treatment through the consumption of drugs.The implants are still in the testing phase

Menopause accelerates heart disease in men

Menopause accelerates heart disease in men - Heart disease is not only life-threatening, but it can also reproductive body. A study in Poland found that heart disease, especially heart failure can accelerate the aging process and cause premature menopause in men (or also called andropause / andropausal syndrome).The results obtained after the researchers observations of 232 men who had suffered

Beware, alcohol can damage the eyes and skin

Beware, alcohol can damage the eyes and skin - Alcohol is not only dangerous for your health but can also damage your skin and beauty. Alcohol makes the kidneys work harder all the time to remove toxins from the body. Not only that, alcohol also reduces the amount of vitamin A in the body.Alcohol can accelerate the aging process by making skin dry. This is because alcohol makes the skin hydrated,

People with Alzheimer's tend to mimic the emotions of people around

People with Alzheimer's tend to mimic the emotions of people around - Recent research has shown that people who suffer from Alzheimer's or memory problems tend to imitate the facial expressions of emotions and those around him. This mimics the process known as 'emotional contagion' and is common in people who have a mental problem.This result was found by researchers at the University of

10 Ways to enjoy delicious fiber

10 Ways to enjoy delicious fiber - Bread and wheat pasta looked rich in fiber. But it's not delicious as one might imagine a lot of people. In order to meet the needs of fiber, you can still enjoy a delicious way as quoted from Care2 following.

If used to enjoy white bread, slowly enjoy wheat bread bit by bit. Then leave entirely new consumption of white bread and replace it with wheat bread.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

7 Consider this before blood donation!

7 Consider this before blood donation! - Blood donation is a noble and healthy habits. But there are some things to consider before you donate blood. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.Why should blood donation?Blood donation is one way you help others. You also get the health benefits of these habits. For example, maintaining cardiovascular health, reduce iron levels

In order to wake up more cheerful, these tips!

In order to wake up more cheerful, these tips! - Perhaps there are many of you who feel lazy to get up early. Wake up in the morning is annoying and difficult to run. But get up early to have many health benefits. To wake up in the morning you happier, follow these tips as reported Boldsky the following:Change the alarm toneSome psychiatrists say that the tone of the voice alarm is one of the

5 Ways to prevent mother to child obesity

5 Ways to prevent mother to child obesity - Since childhood, the child's diet should be monitored in order to maintain health and well-balanced weight. Mothers can prevent obesity in children, as reported by The Telegraph the following.Do not make separate mealsJust because kids like picky eaters, do not create a separate menu for them. Instead, learn to make kids love all kinds of healthy foods

Cigarettes are more deadly for passive smokers

Cigarettes are more deadly for passive smokers - Smoking kills around six million people every year. Ironically, more than 600,000 people die from smoking each year found to have never smoked. They die from exposure to secondhand smoke and continue to inhale other people's smoke.

It is an ironic fact given by the World Health Organization (WHO). By Dr. Ullas Batra from New Delhi, about 66

8 Natural ingredients repellent

8 Natural ingredients repellent - Before using insect repellent to eradicate mosquitoes, you should use a more secure way yet effective. For example, by utilizing natural ingredients repellent as quoted from Care2 following.CatnipCatnip is a kind of herbaceous plant that can make cats become more active. But it turns out that there is oil in catnip is also ten times more potent than repel

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

4 This Groceries have unexpected health benefits

4 This Groceries have unexpected health benefits - Vinegar not only can be used as a cooking ingredient. Likewise yogurt that it can make the skin look fresh. How can that be? Try to see the various uses of food and materials for the kitchen unexpected health as reported by the Health following.VinegarSkin burned by the sun? Try to placate with vinegar. The trick, soak cotton wool in vinegar and

Blood Donor lower risk of heart attack and cancer

Blood Donor lower risk of heart attack and cancer - Recent studies have shown that donating blood may reduce the risk of heart attacks and cancer. This is thought to occur due to decreased levels of high iron in the body.Iron levels in the body can affect how thick and sticky texture of the blood. High iron content which causes the blood becomes very thick. And increased levels of iron in the

Being unemployed can reduce a woman's age?

Being unemployed can reduce a woman's age? - So far you might think that education and employment has nothing to do with the length of a person's age. But recently a study showed that women who had unemployment is shorter than the age of working women.Interestingly, this only applies to women who do not have higher education. Women who have a higher education and employment would have a longer

Facebook Open five minutes a day can please?

Facebook Open five minutes a day can please? - Forget coffee or take a nap, a quick way to restore a bad mood it can be done by opening Facebook.According to research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, opened Facebook and saw the profile yourself for five minutes a day can improve self-confidence. So that the feeling was unable to please.Although millions of people have started to feel the

Probiotics help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic consumption

Probiotics help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotic consumption - People who are taking antibiotics often have diarrhea and digestive problems as a side effect. Recent studies suggest that probiotic foods can help prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotics.It was discovered by researchers at the Cochrane Collaboration after observing 4,213 patients in 23 trials. They found that patients who took

Monday, June 23, 2014

Is it true that butter is safer than margarine?

Is it true that butter is safer than margarine? - There are still a lot of people are confused when given the choice of margarine or butter. Some even think they are the same. They are different. To determine differences in margarine and butter even further, consider his review as reported by Reader Digest Asia.Best margarine made ​​with olive oil or sunflower oil. Cheap margarine containing palm

Nordic diet can lower the risk of heart disease

Nordic diet can lower the risk of heart disease - Researchers in Finland found the benefits of a diet that is done by the Nordic people. Diet called the Nordic diet is much use of meat, plant roots, berries, and seeds. This diet is known to reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease.Formerly known that a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, fish, and fresh plants are the ideal diet can

7 Sports to shrink fat in arms

7 Sports to shrink fat in arms - Fat can accumulate anywhere, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms up. If you also feel arms have excess fat, exercise to see stripping as reported from the following for Women Mag.BarbellThis sport is one the easiest and cheapest to shrink fat in the arm. You only need to modify the motion to lifting weights to get the ideal arm circumference.Push upsPush ups not

Recognize early signs of skin cancer

Recognize early signs of skin cancer - Most people ignore the signs of skin cancer. Though these symptoms appear and can be detected early. There are two types of melanoma and skin cancer that is non-melanoma skin cancer. Whatever kind, very dangerous skin cancer. For that you need to know the early signs of skin cancer before it's too late, as reported by Boldsky.Spots appear:

If you see spots

Food is a powerful deterrent prostate cancer

Food is a powerful deterrent prostate cancer - For the first time, researchers have shown that healthy foods such as pomegranate, green tea, and broccoli able to fight prostate cancer.During the six-month clinical trial at Bedford Hospital, researchers worked with 203 patients with prostate cancer. Researchers then divided the patients into two groups, the first is given healthy meals and two

Sunday, June 22, 2014

8 Unique facts behind the savory flavor of cheese

8 Unique facts behind the savory flavor of cheese - What do you know about cheese? It was a tasty and delicious? It turns out cheese save a lot of interesting stories in it. Come on, add your knowledge of cheese with interesting facts about cheese Magforwomen reported.1. Most consumers cheese in GreeceMany thought if the U.S. is the country with the highest consumption of cheese. Turned out to

4 Changes in lifestyle can reduce the risk of death 80 percent

4 Changes in lifestyle can reduce the risk of death 80 percent - By doing four lifestyle changes, researchers said that a person can reduce the risk of death up to 80 percent.The study conducted by experts rather than Johns Hopkins. According to them, the four lifestyle changes is the Mediterranean diet, exercise, healthy weight, and stop smoking.Reported that four lifestyle Medical Daily has

The health benefits of sunlight, in addition to vitamin D

The health benefits of sunlight, in addition to vitamin D - Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients your body needs. You can get it easily and cheaply from the sun.But you know, in addition to vitamin D, there are many other health benefits of sunlight. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.Sleep soundlyHow much of the body is exposed to sunlight turns the body

So that no headache recurrence, doing it this way

So that no headache recurrence, doing it this way - Headache that appears in the wrong time could disrupt your activities. Especially if the headaches often appear in your activity. Here are tips for relieving headaches and back again, reported by iVillage.Open the windowWhen a home is often closed, the air does not change, it could be bacteria and viruses still hanging around in your home. This

7 facts about alcohol

7 facts about alcohol - Alcohol is often mentioned is bad for health. But other than that, there are a lot of things about alcohol should be aware deeper. What is it? Consider the more important facts about alcohol as quoted from the All Women Stalk following.ExpensiveUnconsciously, alcoholics actually been spending a lot of money to consume this drink. So reduce alcohol consumption for health

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unhealthy lifestyle caused dementia in young people?

Unhealthy lifestyle caused dementia in young people? - If you think that the memory problems and dementia is only experienced by those who are elderly, you are wrong. One study found that more and more young people are now experiencing memory problems or dementia.While typically, memory problems dna dementia is experienced by many older people, but the study found that 14 percent of those aged

Email reading work can increase blood pressure?

Email reading work can increase blood pressure? - Read emails, send or receive e-mails that work is done by employees fair. No one realized that this activity could have an effect on health. One study found that sending and reading emails while work-related rise in blood pressure and stress levels.Professor Tom Jackson of Loughborough University to observe the relationship between the use of

Swollen feet and hands during pregnancy? Overcome this way!

Swollen feet and hands during pregnancy? Overcome this way! - Pregnancy and swelling of the body in tandem. Swelling does not only occur in the stomach, but your whole body. There are two main causes swelling during pregnancy, water retention in the body and increased blood volume. Here's an effective way to cure swelling during pregnancy, reported by Boldsky.Often movingIf you stop moving at all

5 food relieve sunburned skin

5 food relieve sunburned skin - Spending time outdoors is fun. But sometimes despite wearing sunscreen, skin burning. If you like this, try to overcome by eating foods that relieve sunburned skin, as reported by Medical Daily below.AlmondAlmonds are rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that protects the skin from the sun. Almond oil and almond milk are also popular and is known to relieve skin

Always feel thirsty? This is why!

Always feel thirsty? This is why! - Water, drinks must be consumed at least eight glasses a day. Yet despite drinking a lot, still, there are people who still feel thirsty. You too? Could be why it is like that of Mother Nature Network reported the following.Drinks are wrongMost people think of drinking - anything other than plain water - has been able to meet the fluids in the body. This

Friday, June 20, 2014

Dozens benefits of breakfast oatmeal every day

Dozens benefits of breakfast oatmeal every day - Oatmeal is not only rich in fiber and nutritious supply energy to the body, but also gave dozens of benefits if you eat them every day as a breakfast menu. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Health Me Up below.Immune systemOatmeal contains fiber called beta glucan which is known to fight viruses, bacteria, and parasites. So eat oatmeal

How long is the ideal nap time?

How long is the ideal nap time? - The longer you are awake, the sooner you will feel sleepy. Scientists think this is caused by a buildup of neurotransmitters in the brain called adenosine.Taking a nap adenosine causes the brain to get rid of quickly, so you may have a hard time falling asleep later at night. However, there are some benefits to taking a short nap during the day.Studies show that

14 Food antidote anemia for pregnant women

14 Food antidote anemia for pregnant women - Anemia is a condition in which there is decrease in number of red blood cells, or normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is also common during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women should keep nutrient intake to avoid iron deficiency, folate and vitamin B12 which is the main reason for the occurrence of anemia during pregnancy.Anemia during

Alert, instant noodles caused 10 health problems!

Alert, instant noodles caused 10 health problems! - Instant noodles have become a favorite food that is often eaten daily. In addition to practical and cheap, instant noodles also has a taste and aroma of mouthwatering delicacies. So, not surprisingly, young and old love to eat fast food on this one. But you know, what the dangers are too often eat instant noodles? For more details, refer to the

5 reasons why walking is better than running

5 reasons why walking is better than running - According to one study, walking is actually as healthy as running. Because both are able to relieve stress and cholesterol, as well as lowering the risk of heart disease and diabetes.But for some reason, it turned out even better walking than running. How can that be? See the first explanation, as reported by Mother Nature Network following.Immune

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Increase brain function by doing yoga 20 minutes

Increase brain function by doing yoga 20 minutes - Yoga exercise not only improve physical fitness, but also can improve brain function and focus. Recent research found that just by doing yoga for 20 minutes, a person can improve his brain function.It is found scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after observing 30 people. Measured participants' brains using a memory test.

Prevent dandruff with this food

Prevent dandruff with this food - In addition to keeping the hair and scalp, dandruff, it also can be prevented by eating nutritious food. What is it? Listen more, as reported by the following 3 Fat Chicks.Fresh foodFresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants that prevent disease and maintain healthy hair, skin, and nails as a whole. So do not be lazy to eat fresh vegetables and fruits that

Coffee fasting headache? It was a sign of caffeine addiction!

Coffee fasting headache? It was a sign of caffeine addiction! - Do you ever feel weird when not drinking coffee in the morning? Or ever felt very bad mood if you do not drink coffee? Caffeine addiction is very easy going but hard to break.Caffeine is actually not only in coffee, but also in soda, tea, energy drinks, chocolates, candies, and more. Data on book Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Oops, it turns out the baby can also dandruff!

Oops, it turns out the baby can also dandruff! - Not only adults, babies can also have dandruff. Scaly layer on the baby's scalp is called cradle cap. Cradle cap seborhoik also called dermatitis is a scaly dry skin on baby's scalp. Cradle cap is actually harmless. But if left unchecked, this scaly layer can thicken and harden to form calluses.Like dandruff scaly layer that is commonly arise when

Low-calorie diets trigger the emergence of gallstones

Low-calorie diets trigger the emergence of gallstones - People who do a low calorie diet (or so-called Crash Diet) are known to be at risk of having gallstones, according to recent research.It was discovered by researchers from the Mayo Clinic. They explained that the extreme calorie restriction did not provide better results for the people who go on a diet. In the end, the amount of weight lost

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Opponents of prostate cancer with nuts and vegetable oils

Opponents of prostate cancer with nuts and vegetable oils - Cooking with vegetable oil and replace unhealthy snacks to be nuts to increase chance of survival men with prostate cancer, according to new research.Based on the research in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers found that eating one tablespoon of vegetable oil can reduce the risk of death from prostate cancer by 29 percent

Proper diet for asthma sufferers

Proper diet for asthma sufferers - People with asthma who eat a diet low in fat and high in fiber have a great chance heal more than that enjoyed a less healthy diet, according to new research.In the study, patients with acute asthma were asked to consume each of five grams of fat and fiber every day. Their conditions were then compared with healthy people.As a result, each 10 gram increase in

Apparently healthy eating fried foods?

Apparently healthy eating fried foods? - Many people think of fried foods bad for health impact. But the new study finds that eating fried foods could actually be healthy. How can that be?Apparently the consumption of fried food can be healthy if the oil used for frying is a type of vegetable oil.According to researchers from the University of Missouri, a daily intake of vegetable oil four

Acupuncture potent eliminate stress

Acupuncture potent eliminate stress - Your body is designed to react to stress. But if you are constantly alert, your health could be at risk. Long-term stress on the body can put you at risk, among others:- Heart disease- Sleep problems- Digestive Problems- Depression- Obesity- Decrease memoryAnd new research suggests you can really relieve the stress in the mind through acupuncture. Acupuncture

An alternative way to treat migraine without medication

An alternative way to treat migraine without medication - Persistent headaches can make your life miserable. Migraines are headaches that can cause activity. Migraine is a neurological disorder that is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Here's how to effectively relieve migraine reported Healthmeup.Ice packIf it is difficult to bear the pain of

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A visit to the dentist does not have to be done every six months

A visit to the dentist does not have to be done every six months - Since childhood, we are always reminded to be diligent brushing teeth and visiting the dentist every six months. But a recent study says that the visit did not actually have to be done every six months.According to researchers from the U.S. and the UK, not much difference was found in dental patients who visited the dentist once

Lack of vitamin D can increase blood pressure

Lack of vitamin D can increase blood pressure - Levels of vitamin D in the body it has an important role on blood pressure. Because if the lack, at increased risk of hypertension or high blood pressure, according to new research.Vitamin D itself is often referred to as the sun vitamin. Its functions include the amplifier in the immune system, maintain healthy bones and teeth, as well as

95 Percent of people do not wash their hands properly!

95 Percent of people do not wash their hands properly! - A recent study showed results quite surprising. Approximately 95 percent of people apparently do not wash their hands properly. Researchers found that only one of the 20 people who wash their hands long enough to kill harmful bacteria and germs.Even more surprising, around 30 percent of people do not use soap when washing hands.

Prevent infection by cleaning the mouth gums once a year

Prevent infection by cleaning the mouth gums once a year - For many people, check their teeth and perform dental cleaning once a year to the dentist may be sufficient to prevent infection of the gums that causes tooth dislodged, according to recent research."Cleaning your teeth twice a year has been recommended for 50 years without sufficient evidence," said lead researcher William Giannobile,

Protein or carbohydrate, which is the most powerful way to diet?

Protein or carbohydrate, which is the most powerful way to diet? - Many people are choosing carbohydrate diets or protein diets for weight loss. But in between these two types of diet which is best? To avoid confusion the following positive and negative effects of dietary carbohydrate and protein, reported healthmeup.How protein helps in weight loss:Protein diet not only makes you feel full for a

Monday, June 16, 2014

15 fruits and vegetables that are free of non-organic pesticides

15 fruits and vegetables that are free of non-organic pesticides - Fruits and vegetables should be the most healthful foods. However, due to pesticide contamination, fruits and vegetables that regardless of their nature be harmful if consumed in excess.Indeed there are fruits and vegetables organic products that are free of pesticides. However, the price is certainly more expensive than regular

Excessive grip is not necessarily a sign of menopause

Excessive grip is not necessarily a sign of menopause - Just because middle-aged women feel excessively hot (hot flashes), it does not mean they will soon be entering menopause.A recent research article found that many middle-aged women who still have excessive body heat issues, but they also still having menstrual periods every month.According to researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer

Lazy to move, so Ulric fattest cat in the UK

Lazy to move, so Ulric fattest cat in the UK - A fat cat would look cute and adorable for all cat lovers. But be careful you do not get too fat cats, like this Ulric.Because too lazy and did not want to move, so it's Ulric body fat until the cat is crowned the fattest and heaviest cats in the UK. Now the cat is approaching this obesity will undergo diet and exercise."He was very greedy and lazy.

Watch out, often heading the ball can damage the brain

Watch out, often heading the ball can damage the brain - Menyudul techniques balls or so-called 'heading' is usually done by the soccer players are known to cause problems in the brain. Not only that, this technique can also make football players risk of memory loss, according to new research.Effect 'heading' committed by football players known to almost the same as the patient is injured trauma

Obesity during pregnancy increase the risk of preterm delivery

Obesity during pregnancy increase the risk of preterm delivery - A recent study in Sweden showed that pregnant women who are overweight or obese are more at risk of giving birth prematurely. Not only that, obesity can also increase the risk of complications during childbirth. Researchers found that this connection is very strong, especially in babies born early, ie at the age of 22-27 weeks."This

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Recognize the signs of calcium deficiency body!

Recognize the signs of calcium deficiency body! - Calcium deficiency can not only increase the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss, but also a variety of other health problems. Following this, Care2 also distribute body sign of calcium deficiency. Listen more.Common signs of calcium deficiency body

Back pain or low back
Susceptible to bone fractures
Brittle nails
Frequent toothache or tooth decay

Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy affect fetal heart

Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy affect fetal heart - Exposure to chemicals or pesticides during pregnancy can affect fetal heart rate and movement in the womb, according to recent research. Not only that, the chemicals also affect the nervous system of the fetus."Motor activity and fetal heart rate shows the development of the fetus in the womb. If the change of heart motion, this also

The most influential stress on women's health 40s

The most influential stress on women's health 40s - Recent research shows that chronic stress can harm health. Not only that, the researchers also found that the most dangerous and chronic stress affect the health of women aged 40-60 years.Chronic stress can lead to several health problems, including joint pain experienced by 40 percent of women, and migraine headaches experienced by 28 percent

Perform meditation can improve student test scores

Perform meditation can improve student test scores - A meditation technique called meditation trancendental known to increase brain power and even to increase student test scores, according to recent research.A study conducted on high school students found that the graduation rate rose to 25 percent in trancendental students who meditate twice a day, as reported by the Daily Mail.This meditation

Overcome insomnia by eating fruit cherry

Overcome insomnia by eating fruit cherry - Cherry is one of the fruits that contain high antioxidants, a good source of melanin, as well as a powerful food to overcome the problem of insomnia. Consider the other health benefits of cherry fruit more as reported by the following Medical Daily.Anti-inflammatoryCherry consumption was associated with a decrease in inflammation in the body. In addition

Saturday, June 14, 2014

7 Benefits of a bit of stress on health

7 Benefits of a bit of stress on health - Chronic stress is bad for health. But if you just feel a bit stressed, it turns out it was actually beneficial to the body. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Good Housekeeping below.Stress and pleasureNot all of the things that cause stress was associated with something negative. For example a wedding, many people think of stress as well as

Lower cholesterol by eating cucumber

Lower cholesterol by eating cucumber - Cucumber, powerful super foods relieve cholesterol. Not only that, cucumbers also contain a variety of other health benefits that are not less important for the body. What is it? Listen more, as quoted from Care2 following.

Prevent dehydration. If you do not have time to drink water, try eating cucumbers containing 96 percent in order to prevent dehydration

Want deliveries run smoothly? Do this!

Want deliveries run smoothly? Do this! - Childbirth is a special moment as well as stressful for any woman. However, sometimes the anxiety and fear of making childbirth a little disturbed. If you want delivery go smoothly, try to do things like that reported by Mag for Women during pregnancy is ongoing.Keeping fitnessEvery pregnant woman all the time mostly just resting on her bed. In fact they

Know the 10 signs of obsessive compulsive disorder!

Know the 10 signs of obsessive compulsive disorder! - Obsessive compulsive disorder or obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder characterized by negative thoughts that make people feel anxious, scared, and worried. So as to eliminate the anxiety, there is excessive obsession of the patient.Do you also suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder? Try to identify the mark, as reported by ABC

5 Natural Ways to treat thrush

5 Natural Ways to treat thrush - Thrush can be very painful and disruptive activities. Plus, the pain makes us lazy to chew or swallow food. It must hurt like hell! Well, here are some home remedies that you can do to cope with thrush, as reported Boldsky.1. Salt and baking sodaThis is one solution to treat thrush easily. Make a paste of salt and baking soda with a little water added. Apply the

Friday, June 13, 2014

Child's nose bleeding, it should be done!

Child's nose bleeding, it should be done! - Child may suddenly experience nosebleeds, ie when the blood out of their nose. For parents, nosebleeds can be a cause for concern, especially if it occurs suddenly in their children. But nosebleeds actually experienced by children aged three to 10 years. Most nosebleeds will stop by itself, but can also be addressed at home.If the child has a nosebleed,

Tips for safe eating grilled meat

Tips for safe eating grilled meat - Most people simply can not resist the delicious barbeque or roast meats. This one kind of food does have a savory taste. But if the process is not really how it will bring a variety of diseases. This is it safe to eat roast beef tips reported by iVillage.Choose your meat wiselyAvoid high-fat grilling of meat, such as ribs and sausage. Instead, choose lean meats

7 terrible impact of stress on men

7 terrible impact of stress on men - A little stress can indeed nourish the body. However, if excessive, stress actually terrible impact on men. What is it? Check out more as reported by the Huffington Post following.Ugly faceA male hormone testosterone is often associated with the immune system and their good looks. But if men are stressed, the hormone cortisol blocking the production of

Facts about the little-known headache

Facts about the little-known headache - There are many things that can cause headaches. Each symptom and the cause would require different handling. To better understand the headache problem, consider the little-known facts as reported by the Good Housekeeping below.Types of headachesAt least, the headache can be divided into three types. First, stress headaches. Then the headaches because of the

Organic milk, is healthier because without antibiotics

Organic milk, is healthier because without antibiotics - In addition to organic fruit and vegetables, there is also dairy organic product results. Organic milk is usually produced from cows bred in a natural way and without any injections. Consider the advantages of organic milk more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.Without antibioticsOne characteristic of organic milk is bred cows

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Saturated fats make the brain vulnerable to contact with Alzheimer's

Saturated fats make the brain vulnerable to contact with Alzheimer's - Eating too much saturated fat was not only able to make you fat fast, but also harmful to the brain. A study shows that eating too much saturated fat can reduce the key chemicals in charge of protecting the brain from Alzheimer's.In a study published in the JAMA journal Neurology suggests that saturated fat can reduce the

For children with autism the human voice is very annoying

For children with autism the human voice is very annoying - A study conducted by scanning the brains of autistic children showed reason do not like verbal communication. These findings suggest that the human voice for children with autism can be very disturbing and unpleasant.Scan of the brain showed that autistic children did not show the same sense of fun with kids their own age who do not have

Women are prone to this disease than men

Women are prone to this disease than men - There are many diseases that can affect both men and women. However, women are more susceptible to certain diseases than men. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.OsteoporosisNot just women who can be affected by osteoporosis, men also can. However, women are more susceptible to this disease than the opposite sex.DiabetesJust

The present generation: Eat less, the more body fat

The present generation: Eat less, the more body fat - Recent research unload quite astonishing phenomenon. According to investigators, the present generation mostly ate 600 fewer calories than 30 years ago. But the 15 kg weight tend to be fat.Researchers also suspect snacks, sweets, and fast food be the cause of the phenomenon. Due to unhealthy eating patterns, the number of cases of obesity also

Mouthwash turned out to make my breath smell?

Mouthwash turned out to make my breath smell? - During this mouthwash or gargle promising aroma of fresh breath and to prevent gum disease after use. But according to experts, use mouthwash turned out to make the breath smell.Gum disease itself is caused by bacteria that gather in the tooth and due to food scraps that are not cleaned. However, whether the use of mouthwash can shed those leftovers

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Air pollution increase the risk of autism in the fetus

Air pollution increase the risk of autism in the fetus - Living in areas with high air pollution levels are known not suitable for pregnant women. Air pollution may increase the risk of pregnant women to have a child with autism, according to new research.Previous research has linked air pollution with risk of autism in children, but when it is considered too narrow scope of the study so that the

7 Ways to prevent cardiovascular disease

7 Ways to prevent cardiovascular disease - Heart disease and stroke are some examples of cardiovascular disease. Stress, lifestyle, and diet are often the cause of this disease. So how do I prevent it? Listen more, as reported by the following Idiva.Routine inspectionMost cardiovascular diseases strike suddenly without any symptoms. Before it's too late, it would be better if your routine

The main enemy is the fat and cholesterol diet, right?

The main enemy is the fat and cholesterol diet, right? - Nutrition experts often warn that dieters limit their consumption of fats and cholesterol in order to maintain body weight in order to stay balanced. But if fat and cholesterol really the enemy and should be shunned dieters?Apparently not. Because there are good fats and cholesterol that the body needs. Check out a complete explanation of

Woke up late on weekends can prevent diabetes?

Woke up late on weekends can prevent diabetes? - By waking up late on weekends, it turns out risk of type 2 diabetes can be lowered. But it applies to people who have had a solid rushing for a full week, according to new research.Type 2 diabetes is a disease that is often associated with poor sleep habits and obesity. Complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, and

Fish oils protect the heart from the effects of stress

Fish oils protect the heart from the effects of stress - A small-scale study mentions that fish oil can protect the heart from the effects of mental stress.The study conducted by experts rather than Michigan Technological University, New York Medical College, and the Mayo Clinic. They said that fish oil supplements are a potent balance heart rate and activity of the nervous system around the

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Be careful, 100 natural child 'accident' while learning to use the toilet

Be careful, 100 natural child 'accident' while learning to use the toilet - For parents who are teaching their children to use the toilet seat, you should be very careful and do not take it lightly. Dr. Benjamin Breyer found that the number of children who have 'accidents' such as falls or accidents on their genitals when doing exercises fairly high disposable toilet every year.Researchers found

Colonoscopy did raise the possibility of life of cancer patients

Colonoscopy did raise the possibility of life of cancer patients - Perform the colonoscopy is recommended for patients who have colon cancer. Who would have thought that this procedure was also able to provide a higher life expectancy for patients who have cancer.Colonoscopy is a medical procedure performed to examine the large intestine using sophisticated equipment such as fiber optic lens that

This perfume promised slim body without dieting!

This perfume promised slim body without dieting! - Do you believe that the secret to being slim and skinny found on a bottle of perfume? At least, that's to be conveyed by VZ Hair and Glamour through their newest product Diet Slimming Perfume.This perfume is marketed as a natural way to lose excess weight. You only need to spray perfume scented orange five times a day to decrease appetite and

Health hazards in the swimming pool chlorine

Health hazards in the swimming pool chlorine - Although swimming provides many health benefits, but spending too much time in the pool was also not good. Because chlorine - antiseptic used to kill bacteria and purify water - the pool is also harmful to health.For some people, the smell of chlorine itself can trigger asthma and other health problems. Check out the various dangers swim in the pool

Healthy Tips for braces wearers

Healthy Tips for braces wearers - Some people use braces to straighten their teeth. But sometimes braces can also be difficult when eating. There are some foods that should be consumed or avoided by users braces.Braces wearers should eat healthy foods and avoid foods that contain too much sugar. Foods that are too sweet can cause the appearance of plaque on the teeth and cause tooth loss.Wearing

Monday, June 9, 2014

Obesity can be caused deafness in adolescents?

Obesity can be caused deafness in adolescents? - Everyone knows that having excessive weight or obesity could be bad for your health. However, a research adds a long list of health risks from being overweight. This study showed that adolescents who are obese are at increased risk of hearing problems, can even become totally deaf.The results obtained after the researchers analyzed data from 1,500

Exposure to cigarette smoke increase the risk of deafness in the fetus

Exposure to cigarette smoke increase the risk of deafness in the fetus - One more reason to avoid cigarettes and cigarette smoke during pregnancy. A study shows that fetal exposure to sour many cigarettes while in the womb higher risk of deafness as a teenager.The results obtained after the researchers followed 1,000 children aged 12-15 years in 2005-2006 in the U.S. National Health Examination

6 How to insert vegetables in the diet

6 How to insert vegetables in the diet - Vegetables should be consumed each day in order to maintain health. But most of us would not have time reasoned, bored, and so he left the vegetables in the diet. So try to see how to insert vegetables in the diet as reported by the Huffington Post following.Made cakesTry giving green vegetables, such as spinach, the muffin. Taste of blueberry muffins or

Where healthier, eating raw vegetables or vegetable juice drink?

Where healthier, eating raw vegetables or vegetable juice drink? - Some people prefer to eat vegetables by means processed into juice for taste different flavors. However, some others consider eating raw vegetables is more healthy though sometimes it does not fit on the tongue. Really?Vegetables really should be consumed two to three servings per day. Portion could even increase with the

8 hormones that affect weight

8 hormones that affect weight - In addition to diet and lifestyle, hormones also play a role in determining body weight. Check out some of the hormones that affect weight more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.CortisolThis is the hormone responsible for triggering the stress experienced by the body. As you know, stress can lead to weight gain. To reduce levels of the hormone cortisol,

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Once a week enough exercise, the origin should be two and a half hours

Once a week enough exercise, the origin should be two and a half hours - So far, the experts always suggest that we diligently exercising regularly every day. But a recent study says that exercise once a week is enough, as long as we do it for two and a half hours in a row.According to researchers from Queen's University, anyone who can work out for 150 minutes at the weekend were able to get the

Reduce weight can increase a woman's brain power?

Reduce weight can increase a woman's brain power? - Losing weight is not hany good for your health, but also for brain health and memory. A recent study showed that weight loss can help improve memory power and brain activity in women. This is evident in older women who are overweight.

This result was found by researchers at Umea University in Sweden after the use of MRI to monitor the brain

Brown rice make a slim and youthful!

Brown rice make a slim and youthful! - So far, we eat white rice as a main meal. But, compared to the white rice, brown rice contains more benefits. Although a bit expensive, the benefits can be for health in very well worth the price. Here are the health benefits of eating brown rice, reported Magforwomen.1. Lowering CholesterolBrown rice has the bran portion, which helps lower bad cholesterol

Vegetables turned out to have a 'feeling'

Vegetables turned out to have a 'feeling' - Although already learned and stored in the refrigerator, it is still alive and vegetables have a 'feeling' that can respond to surrounding conditions, according to new research.

In fact according to the researchers, due to the 'feeling' the vegetables stored in the refrigerator instead reduce nutrient and healthy nutrition. Because the conditions that

Daycare, an outlet for children with depressed mothers

Daycare, an outlet for children with depressed mothers - Not all parents are thinking of leaving their children to daycare or daycare. Some prefer to take care of their own children at home, or hire a nanny. But for mothers who often experience depression, daycare can be a way out to prevent emotional problems in children.A study showed that children whose mothers were depressed more protected

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Antidepressants increase the risk of diabetes in women?

Antidepressants increase the risk of diabetes in women? - Women who are elderly should be careful if you want to take anti-depressant drugs. Recent research suggests that the anti-depressant drug could increase the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in older women.The results obtained after the researchers looked at data from several hundred women who have undergone menopause for eight

Tips on ordering sushi menu is healthy

Tips on ordering sushi menu is healthy - Although sushi is generally made ​​of seafood, but a study never mentioned that excessive consumption of these foods can make fat. That's because the additional material and other sauces used in sushi turned out to contain high fat.So if you want to continue to enjoy sushi and do not want to gain weight, try to see tips ordering sushi menu is healthy, as

7 Facts about the disgusting public pool

7 Facts about the disgusting public pool - Swimming is actually healthy. But there are many disgusting facts about a public pool that makes the desire to swim so lost! What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.StoolAccording to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), swimmers contributed to the cause of feces in public pools as much as 0.14 grams after 15 minutes into the

8 Advantages of eating brown rice

8 Advantages of eating brown rice - Brown rice (brown rice) is a semi-milled rice or processed only by removing the husk without being polished until it becomes white rice. Nevertheless, it turns out there are many benefits of eating brown rice. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.Prevent diseaseBrown rice contains 14 percent higher fiber. Therefore, eating brown rice

3 Benefits of knowing the blood group

3 Benefits of knowing the blood group - Blood group not only as a complement to your identity card. It can prevent health risks, helping people in emergencies and take important decisions. If you still do not know what blood type you are, you should immediately check to a lab. Consider the benefits important to know blood type Magforwomen reported.1. Facilitate blood transfusionNo one knows when

Friday, June 6, 2014

8 Causes of colon cancer to watch out for

8 Causes of colon cancer to watch out for - There are so many types of cancer experienced by humans in the modern era. Quite often, the cancer is also due to a family history that was once also exposed to the same type of disease. So you can be more alert, here are eight causes of colon cancer as reported AgeAge is a major factor that supports the occurrence of colon

5 Tips to prevent cavities in toddlers

5 Tips to prevent cavities in toddlers - If not maintained properly, the baby teeth can be easily damaged and decayed or commonly called cavities. Therefore, parents should be more concerned with dental health of infants in order to avoid health problems, especially cavities. Cavities is one of the most common chronic disease experienced by children aged 6 to 11 years and adolescents aged 12 to

Be careful, the surf beaches can also make an injury!

Be careful, the surf beaches can also make an injury! - Waves play a compulsory activity for all those who traveled to the coast. The bigger the waves sometimes even more fun. Many travelers take advantage of this for swimming, surfing, or other.But you should be careful if other times playing the waves at the beach. A study in Delaware show that the number of people injured in coastal waves

Drinking anti-depression medication while pregnant harm the baby

Drinking anti-depression medication while pregnant harm the baby - Pregnant women are prone to depression should be wary before taking anti-depression medication. One study found that taking anti-depression drugs are quite popular during pregnancy can increase the risk of children born with heart defects.Professor Stephen Pilling explains that women who take antidepressants during pregnancy early

Health hazards of cigarette residue

Health hazards of cigarette residue - Although you or a family member does not smoke, but smoke residue or residual burning of cigarettes smoked and guests turned out quite harmful to health. The residue can be left behind in the carpet, clothes, and stuff that is in the house.Both smokers and non-smokers at risk of developing various diseases caused by cigarette residue, whether it's from

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How to make the right fruit juices and healthy

How to make the right fruit juices and healthy - Making their own juice at home is not difficult. Rather it is more secure, because you are prepared it yourself without using preservatives or sweeteners. But the juice is healthy is that you make? Do not get the nutrients in the juice even disappear as a result of process. Here's how to get healthy juice reported by the Third Age.Food safetyEnsure

Recognize the symptoms of brain cancer 10!

Recognize the symptoms of brain cancer 10! - Symptoms of brain cancer is often considered a normal headache. Not infrequently, patients realized when the severity of the cancer has reached the final stage. The severity is already so high is very difficult to cure. Before it's too late, here are some of the symptoms of brain cancer that you should know, as reported by the Mayo Clinic.Symptoms of

Proven effective artificial pancreas control blood sugar

Proven effective artificial pancreas control blood sugar - Good news for people with diabetes. Recent experiments show that proven effective artificial pancreas to control blood sugar in patients with diabetes. This is a huge breakthrough for the treatment of diabetes.Artificial pancreas is a tool that made ​​researchers to monitor blood sugar in diabetic patients. This tool will automatically

Relying on technology caused dementia at a young age

Relying on technology caused dementia at a young age - Experts in South Korea reported the number of cases of 'digital dementia' in adolescents and younger children. Digital dementia is a form of dementia or memory power reduction and one's brain from too reliant on technology.The experts explained that today many young children and teenagers who are too dependent upon technology, for example to

Talk about a healthy weight loss diet to help your child

Talk about a healthy weight loss diet to help your child - Child's behavior is strongly influenced indirectly by parents and neighborhood. A study showed that the family had never discussed the weight loss, diet, or healthy lifestyles often have children who are not sensitive to their own health.

Conversely, children who often heard her parents talk about weight, health, or diet, diet easier

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Soft drinks caused cardiac dysrhythmia

Soft drinks caused cardiac dysrhythmia - Eating too many fizzy drinks can make people pass out or trigger an irregular heartbeat, according to recent research. This is called an arrhythmia that can make people easy to faint, have an irregular heartbeat, and make people easily gain weight.These results were presented by researchers at the EHRA EUROPACE 2013 in Athens. Through abstract made ​​by Dr

The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke

The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke - Quite often we find that the caffeine in the composition of common drugs are sold freely on the market or pharmacy. From now on, you should be wary if the caffeine found in drugs consumed. Because a study in Korea found evidence that the caffeine content in the medicine can increase the risk of stroke by two or three times.The results

6 How to make home more fresh air

6 How to make home more fresh air - Pollution is already commonplace thing we encounter every day, both on the highway when leaving for work or in front of the house, when many vehicles milling about. To that end, it shall in the house to 'escape' are comfortable and provide fresh air and quality for us.Here are some ways you can do to improve air quality in the home. This will make the air in

Food is a powerful colon cleanse

Food is a powerful colon cleanse - The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system of the human body. The job of the colon is to absorb water, sodium, vitamins, and fat soluble. Pembersihkan colon is very important to do because it can promote a healthy digestive system and prevent colon cancer. Here is a healthy food that can cleanse your colon, as reported Boldsky.1. LemonLemon is

Botox injections can apparently control the heartbeat

Botox injections can apparently control the heartbeat - Hear the word Botox, which is on your mind must be beauty treatments and injections to make skin wrinkle free and youthful. However, recently researchers discovered other benefits of botox injections, which control the erratic heartbeat.If Botox is injected in the fat around the heart, he will stop the nerve causes the heart rate abysmally.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The vegetables should be avoided diabetics

The vegetables should be avoided diabetics - Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should be someone who should be smart food choices. That is why, all diabetics should know what they can eat and they can not eat. Most of us think that all kinds of vegetables for a healthy body. However, not all vegetables can be eaten by diabetics. Here is a vegetable that should be avoided diabetics, as

A simple way to prevent heart attacks

A simple way to prevent heart attacks - Heart disease is one of the world's deadliest diseases. Actually, this disease can be prevented from the outset. However, many people shrugged. To keep it healthy and do not have a heart attack, follow the tips below reported Mind Body Green.Do not smokeSmoking is a poison that can kill you at any time. May initially very hard to let go of cigarette

Aspirin may lower the risk of colon cancer

Aspirin may lower the risk of colon cancer - Known as aspirin or painkillers could actually reduce a person's risk of colon cancer, says a new study. However, this effect seems limited to those without the genetic mutation associated with tumor risk."This study supports the use of aspirin for the prevention of colon cancer, but keep in mind that not all types of colon cancer can be treated

Beware, heart failure can increase the risk of cancer

Beware, heart failure can increase the risk of cancer - Turns heart failure and cancer risk are related. At least that's what was discovered by researchers in Minnesota. Their latest research shows that people with heart failure are more at risk of getting cancer.Yet these findings do not necessarily indicate evidence that heart failure, which occurs when the heart fails to pump enough blood

Recognize vitiligo, white patches on the skin

Recognize vitiligo, white patches on the skin - Vitiligo also known as leucoderma is a condition that causes the appearance of white patches on the skin. Millions of people from all kinds of race and ethnicity in the world have become victims of this skin disease. Vitiligo can occur in all areas of the skin, especially the hands and face, as reported by the Health Me Up.What causes it?Vitiligo

Monday, June 2, 2014

5 Signs of people at risk of diabetes

5 Signs of people at risk of diabetes - Diabetes is a disease that affects many people in the world today, in addition to obesity and heart disease. The disease can not be cured but can be controlled also affects the children who suffer from disorders of blood sugar levels in their bodies. Before it's too late, here are five signs you are at risk of developing diabetes, as reported

Avoid these 5 foods while pregnant!

Avoid these 5 foods while pregnant! - During pregnancy, the mother must be very advisable to eat foods that are nutritious. But in addition to eating a healthy diet, expectant mothers should also avoid some certain foods.Forbidden foods can be dangerous and cause a miscarriage baby bag. Here are some foods that should be avoided during pregnancy, as reported by the Health Me Up.1. SeafoodSea

25 Percent of people experienced trauma after heart attack

25 Percent of people experienced trauma after heart attack - Having a heart attack would be a scary thing for everyone. But few people are lucky and survived a heart attack can be deadly. Even so, the struggle is not over. Research shows that 25 percent of people who have survived a heart attack tend to experience stress due to trauma.Research conducted at Columbia University also found that the

Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women

Hormone therapy prevent urinary tract infections in women - Vaginal estrogen therapy is known to help prevent urinary tract infections in women who have passed menopause, according to a recent study.Urinary tract infections are common in women. Approximately 25 percent of women were infected even come back. age led to the possibility of infection is increased due to decreased estrogen

5 Excess organic coffee than usual

5 Excess organic coffee than usual - For coffee lovers, it's good if you are trying to enjoy a drink in the organic form. Because there are at least five advantages offered by organic coffee than usual. What is it? Check out more as reported by the All Women Stalk following.Does not contain chemicalsYou know, the usual coffee apparently washed with chemicals before it is processed and served in a

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy

Butter coffee, new drinks to add energy - Add butter in coffee can not only give a different taste sensation, but also believed to increase energy and help you lose weight. But of course, you have to use special coffee and butter."Adding butter to any coffee is a bad idea. I realized that if you want to drink something that feels good, makes you feel more powerful, and lose weight, you need

Children are fond of junk food? Blame the parents!

Children are fond of junk food? Blame the parents! - Are you angry if you see the children often eat junk food? If so, do not immediately blame the child. The cause is because your parenting is not quite right.In one study, researchers from Truls Ostbye reveal the relationship between the home environment and the handling of older people with obesity, exercise and dietary habits among

3 Types of insomnia and how to overcome them

3 Types of insomnia and how to overcome them - Basically, there are three types of insomnia experienced by the people. First, difficulty sleeping, the second was not able to sleep well or often wake up when sleeping, and the latter, feeling tired when waking though slept.Had a similar problem? If so, understand correctly about the causes and how to overcome insomnia is as quoted by the Huffington

5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed

5 Foods 'healthy' does not need to be consumed - Nutrition experts always recommend that we eat foods high in nutrients. But apparently there are foods that have frills word 'healthy' which actually does not need to be enjoyed. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Live Science below.Peanut butter without the fatYou know, actually fat peanut butter actually contains nutrients your body needs.

This will happen if like sleeping on top at 12 am!

This will happen if like sleeping on top at 12 am! - Sleeping is one of the things the body needs in order to maintain health and fitness. Do not let sleep deprivation or even late to rest. For if sleeping on top at 12 am, there are many health risks that threaten. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Medical Daily following.The body's biological clockBody clock is a term for brain task that