Saturday, July 19, 2014

Compared to the older generation, the current generation to die faster?

Poor lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor diet make young people today are more at risk of developing blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity at a relatively young age when compared to the previous generation.

Not only that, it makes the current generation die sooner and are more likely to experience premature aging. This is according to researchers due to decreased metabolic health and reduce life

Heart disease can be detected from a single hair!

Although small, but it seems a hair store information about the health of the body, one of which is about the risk of heart disease. a study showed that a single hair can indicate a person's level of risk for heart disease.
Hair strands have information about one's stress level, which in turn could be an indication of whether a person will be exposed to more serious illness.Unlike blood tests

Diabetes Risk Factors This four Owned Women Only

Diabetes Risk Factors This four Owned Women Only - The majority of risk factors for type 2 diabetes in men and women is the same. But based on a study of 1 million women found that there are only a few factors that are owned by women. What are they?Studies conducted by Denice Feig of the Department of Medicine and Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto,

This Best & Worst Drinks He to Lose Weight

When trying to lose weight, most people only pay attention to the food consumed. In fact, the drinks you drink also affect weight.Drinks were also influential in reducing weight by increasing metabolism, control appetite and reduce calorie intake.Here are some of the best and worst beverages for weight loss, as quoted from Onlymyhealth:Best drinks1. Green tea
This is the best drink for people who

Friday, July 18, 2014

Let's Eat Healthy & Sports To Sleep More Soundly

Implement a healthy diet and exercise regularly to lose weight. Not only that, the researchers also found that these practices provide benefits for people with mild apnea disorders during sleep or sleep-apnea.Apnea is a condition in which there is a pause in a person's breath. In the 1.5 years of the study respondents with obesity-sleep apnea, the researchers found that respondents who did this

7 experienced stomach problems when traveling

Despite taking precautions by eating healthy foods or taking medicine anti-drunk, very difficult to avoid stomach problems, especially when traveling. When you're away from home, you find it difficult to keep healthy routines that you normally run every day. As a result, you are susceptible to a variety of health problems related to stomach. Well, here are some stomach problems that arise when

Identify 5 main symptoms of sleep apnea!

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder with difficulty breathing. People with sleep apnea usually stops breathing for a few seconds and can cause death. Recognize the symptoms of sleep apnea are more like the following quote from the Huffington Post.Waking up with a dry mouth condition
Usually wake up in the condition of dry mouth or sore throat caused by allergies. But the state was also associated

China's bird flu virus is still a mystery

China's bird flu virus is still a mystery - Nearly three weeks after China reported the discovery of a new strain of bird flu in humans. However, experts are still baffled by the medical explanation of how a person can be infected when she was not at all in contact with live poultry and the virus should not be spread from human to human.Uncertainty is challenging the Chinese government to control

10 Benefits of tomatoes extraordinary

10 Benefits of tomatoes extraordinary - Every day, you may always enjoy the food with ketchup. But try to eat fresh raw tomatoes, for the sake of getting his extraordinary properties, as quoted from the Third Age the following.AntioxidantsThe content of antioxidants in tomatoes is beta-carotene. In addition, tomatoes are also fortified with vitamin A and C. Everything works together to fight the

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Small children can get pregnant, this medical reason!

Small children can get pregnant, this medical reason! - A shocking news came from a girl named Daphne who successfully gave birth to her first baby at the age of 8 years (now age 9 years) in the State of Jalisco, Mexico.As quoted by The Sun (6/2), the father of her unborn child was aged 17 years. And now the boys were reportedly still escape. The cases recorded motive child sexual abuse and

Japan careful how citizens can live long

Japan careful how citizens can live long - Jiroemon Kimura, who was born in 1897, was one of 95 people aged 100 years can be found among the 60,000 residents who live in Kyotango City, Japan.Kimura recently received a visit from the Mayor Yasushi Nakayama Kyotango City in celebration of the birthday-116. Not without reason the mayor came to visit Kimura. Local officials apparently want to find

Stay in shape in the 40s? Here's the secret!

In the 40s, the body will begin to loose and gain weight more quickly than before. Also becoming slow metabolism and the body will begin to be difficult to process food. Be fit in their 40s is not as easy as imagined. Well, here is the secret to staying in shape in the 40s, like the quotation from Boldsky.1. Regular check-upPerform regular medical examinations. It is especially recommended for

Closed windows jeopardize patient in hospital

Her hospital room had a window covered are known to increase a patient's risk for infection, according to new research. British scientists using carbon dioxide as a tracer gas when doing this experiment. They find out whether the infection will spread at a hospital with a room that usually contains up to 30 beds in one room."By measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide in a certain time, we

Too old to drink milk make baby less iron?

Too old to drink milk make baby less iron? - Although breast milk is considered as the best nutritious food for babies, but a study shows that babies who are too old to drink milk possible iron deficiency."We found that after one year, the longer the baby feeds her mother, the higher the risk for iron deficiency," said researcher Dr. Jonathan Maguire, a pediatrician from the Li Ka Shing Knowledge

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

3 Identify the hormones associated with stress

All people must have felt the stress, anger, or other negative feelings. But not many people know how the processes in the body that cause negative feelings arise.Negative feelings, either stress, anger, and others may arise from the performance of the three hormones in the body. Here are three hormones which are responsible for the stress that you feel, as quoted by The Huffington Post (19/04).1

66 percent of parents use cell phones while driving

66 percent of parents use cell phones while driving - Nearly two-thirds of adults are known to use a cell phone while driving with their children. Not only that, a third of parents also admitted sending messages while driving with children, based on a survey in California.Though it is known that this kind of behavior causes a lot of harm. In 2011, as many as 3,300 deaths and 400,000 people were

Prevent aging brain with these two foods

Prevent aging brain with these two foods - In addition to training the brain by playing Sudoku or crossword puzzles, you should meet in order to prevent brain aging nutrients by eating a strawberry and blueberry.Because a study says that two berries are rich in polyphenols are effective in preventing premature aging of the brain.Researchers from Tufts University and the University of Maryland

Cancer-causing chemical found in KFC fries?

Cancer-causing chemical found in KFC fries? - Food has become one of the factors triggering cancer. Even now more and more dangerous cancer-causing chemicals found in cereal until KFC fries.As reported by the Daily Mail, a chemical compound called acrylamide is formed precisely and carcinogenic - cancer causing - if roasted, baked, or fried in temperatures that are too high.Party of the Food

7 Reasons why breakfast important for diet

If you're trying to lose weight, do not skip breakfast. Why? Consider the reason that breakfast is important for the diet, as quoted from the All Women Stalk following.1. Break the fastBreakfast (breakfast) can be interpreted as a break the fast or stop fast (at night). In addition, the breakfast also increases metabolism which accelerates fat burning. So you can quickly thin.2. Not starvingDiet

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Malaria: Symptoms and prevention

Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite, is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. Attacks of fever and malaria cause symptoms of the disease often kills one million people each year worldwide.In this World Malaria Day (25/04), you'll want to listen to more about the symptoms and prevention of the disease as reported by the Health Me Up below.Symptoms after being bitten



Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer

Married able to extend the age of patients with prostate cancer - Men with prostate cancer and 40 percent were married had a lower risk of dying from the disease, according to new research.Based on these studies, a happy marriage seems to be a 'weapon' that makes powerful men able to fight the disease.Conversely, men with prostate cancer are divorced, single, or widowed wife tends to be

Beware, daily soda consumption can be caused diabetes!

Drink 300 ml of soda every day it'll catch type 2 diabetes, according to new research.The study mentions that exactly 300 ml of soda daily consumption increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 18 percent over 16 years. While if the raised portion - 300 ml twice a day - not just diabetes that threatened, but also the risk of stroke increased by 18 percent.Results of this study also examined several

Skin cancer trigger other types of cancer growth

Skin cancer trigger other types of cancer growth - Patients at high risk of skin cancer turned out to other types of cancer in the future, according to new research.The study says that women with a rather non-melanoma skin cancer (such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma) 26 percent risk of another cancer in the future. While for men, the risk of experiencing similar conditions is

8 Stomach problems that must be known

Stomach problems are one of the common health problems that we often face. Although sometimes sound trivial, abdominal pain can be very annoying fitness of your body. That's why it's important to find out what problems you are facing stomach. Let's refer to the full review of Boldsky!1. The increase in gastric acidIf you do not eat anything in a long time, enzymes in your stomach acid will be

Monday, July 14, 2014

High uric acid: Symptoms and causes!

High uric acid levels refers to the condition of high concentration of uric acid in the bloodstream, which is associated with the body's failure to remove uric acid or increased production of uric acid. Understanding the symptoms of high uric acid can help you treat this condition appropriately. Let's refer to reviews of!Hyperuricemia, which is commonly known as high uric acid

5 surprising facts about mosquitoes

World Malaria Day is commemorated annually on 25 April 2013. Although the current number of malaria cases dropped steadily, but in some tropical countries, malaria is still a major threat. Based on the WHO website, World Malaria Day theme this year is "Invest in the future, Defeat Malaria."Malaria is a dangerous disease which is transmitted by mosquitoes. if not immediately diagnosed and treated,

Contact risk of kidney stones? Identify the trigger!

Kidney stones are found in the bladder can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Other symptoms that felt they were suffering from kidney stones are nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, fever, chills and blood in the urine. Are you at risk for kidney stones? Here are some factors that can increase the risk of kidney stones, as reported by the Mayo Clinic.1. Family or personal historyIf someone in

Unproven H7N9 spread by human

A recent study to be the first to make sure that the scarce H7N9 bird flu virus transmitted from birds to humans. However, this study found no evidence of transmission from human to human.In this study, researchers tested samples from 20 chickens, five doves, and 57 ducks at six farms in China, where the patient contracted the bird flu. Two of the five pigeons and chickens known to four of the 20

Beware, egg yolk could endanger the heart!

Beware, egg yolk could endanger the heart! - Although it contains many nutrients, eggs apparently also can be harmful to the heart. This is not only due to the cholesterol contained in eggs, but also a substance called lecithin in eggs.Lecithin produce a chemical called TMAO when it interacts with bacteria in the gut. TMAO is known to be associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke,

Sunday, July 13, 2014

7 Habits Unhealthy men do

7 Habits Unhealthy men do - For a healthy body and mind, we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle right. In addition to following a good diet, we also need to maintain proper hygiene. When compared to women, most men still have unhealthy habits. Bad habits that can certainly worsen their health condition. Here are some unhealthy habits that are often done by men, as reported by Boldsky.1.

Fertility Yoga, Yoga for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant

Fertility Yoga, Yoga for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant - Practice meditation and breathing exercises of Indian origin has long been known benefits in improving flexibility and core body strength. However, a yoga instructor from Florida, the U.S. believe that yoga can also help a woman to get pregnant. How so?Sherry Longbottom, a registered nurse and yoga instructor to develop the so-called

Stomach Bacteria in Meat and Eggs Making So Harmful to Heart

During the meat and eggs are often considered to increase the risk of heart disease due to high cholesterol content. The new findings actually revealed that bacteria in the body of men that makes 2 types of food to be harmful to the heart.The discovery made by Dr. Stanley Hazen, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic revealed that carnitine, a naturally occurring chemical found in red meat, may

4 Cool Fact Can Be Revealed from DNA

Since the discovery 60 years ago, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been used to uncover a lot of things, ranging from biological attachment between father and child or children with the mother to prove whether a person can be accused of committing a particular crime or not.But probably not many know if DNA testing not only reveal things like that alone. Here are four cool facts can be revealed

Lose Weight with 6 Simple Sports

Many people who want to lose weight. But not a few of them say do not have time to exercise.Going to the gym is right to lose weight quickly. However, most women reasoned busy and do not have time to go to the gym.If you want to lose weight, in fact you can do simple exercises at home. As reported Boldsky, following a simple exercise that can be done alone.- WalkingTry to be a lot of walking when

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Maternal anxiety during pregnancy affect the baby's immune system

Maternal anxiety during pregnancy affect the baby's immune system - Excessive anxiety can weaken the immune system. Apparently this does not apply to himself alone, but also on pregnant women and their fetuses. Research shows that the anxiety felt by the mother during pregnancy can affect a child's immune system.Mothers who experience excessive anxiety weakening effect on the immune system when

7 Ways to prevent type 2 diabetes

Diabetes or also called diabetes, is a disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) continuous and varied, especially after eating. So, what is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs only in adults. The primary cause of this type of diabetes are overweight or obese. Here's how to prevent yourself not affected by type 2 diabetes, as reported by

8 food affects the quality of sleep

8 food affects the quality of sleep - We all know that coffee is not recommended to drink before bed because it can cause insomnia. But in addition to coffee, it turns out there are many other foods that affect the quality of sleep. What is it? Listen more, as reported from this Care2 follows.Good

Almond, as rich in magnesium, tryptophan, and melatonin, eating beans on this one as a snack at

Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe?

Pregnant Drinking Green Tea, Is it safe? - Green tea has many health benefits. No wonder the drinks or green tea products is sought and consumed all ages to get the benefits. But be careful, green tea also has side effects if taken while pregnant.Well, fans of green tea should consult with your doctor before taking green tea. Quoted from Boldsky, the following are some risks of green tea

Cutting the umbilical cord too soon jeopardize the baby's health?

Cutting the umbilical cord too soon jeopardize the baby's health? - Cut the baby's umbilical cord too soon known to have negative consequences for the baby. Experts explain that cutting the umbilical cord too soon after birth can make baby at risk of iron deficiency.Whereas up to now cut the baby's umbilical immediately after birth has become the basis of the procedures performed by medical

Friday, July 11, 2014

Women smokers at higher risk of colon cancer taxable

Women smokers at higher risk of colon cancer taxable - The link between smoking and lung cancer has long been known. Now researchers also found that smoking may increase the risk of colon cancer, especially in women.Women who never smoked had a 20 percent higher risk of developing colon cancer compared with women who had never smoked. Meanwhile, the more cigarettes each day exhausted, increase a

Gastric reduction surgery can control blood sugar

Gastric bypass is a type of surgery that is done by cutting the intestine or stomach shrink. This procedure is usually done to overcome weight problems. Researchers recently found that this operation not only helps reduce weight but also controls blood sugar.Researchers found that gastric bypass surgery procedure changing hormones and amino acids that are produced during the digestion process.

Type of cooking oil and usefulness for health

Type of cooking oil and usefulness for health - With a wide range of existing oil, make you have the option of using oil. Oil has influence in health, as widely used as the main ingredient to cook. Here are different types of oils and their benefits reported by Times of India.Peanut oilThis oil can be used in cooking such as frying or grilling. This oil is healthy because it can lower bad

Excessive consumption of vitamin D caused hypertension

Vitamin D is known for his usefulness to ward off skin cancer and health care. But the researchers found that too much vitamin D bad for blood pressure.Researchers at John Hopkins University found that taking vitamin D in high doses can cause hypertension or even lead to hardening of the arteries."Healthy people who eat a lot of vitamin D supplements without knowing its effect on their health.

11 food friendly for waist circumference

11 food friendly for waist circumference - If you eat healthy foods, it does not mean waist circumference should appear enlarged after eating. Because there is little that turned out to make healthy food fat. So, multiply the friendly food for waist circumference, as reported by the following Idiva if you're on a diet!

Raspberry, rich in fiber and nutritious lowering bad cholesterol. Consumed

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How to overcome insomnia in children

Not just adults, it was the children can also develop insomnia. So how do I fix this? Listen more, as reported by Modern Living Your following.PediatriciansParents can start by visiting the treatment of insomnia child's pediatrician. With proper diagnosis, parents will be able to give proper treatment to her baby.Children's foodJust like adults, food also affects the quality of sleep children. So

Why pregnant women can develop diabetes?

Why pregnant women can develop diabetes? - About 18 percent of pregnant women who were suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is precisely called gestational diabetes. The cause is due to changes in her body's response to insulin during pregnancy.So what are the risk factors and prevention can be done by pregnant women? Listen more, as reported by U.S. News following.Risk factors

Had a history of

Babies are Born with Extreme Weight Increase Risk of Autism

Babies are Born with Extreme Weight Increase Risk of Autism - Autism in children is often blamed due to improper diet, smoking or consumption of certain drugs performed during pregnancy. But a new study reveals if extreme birth weight may also be associated with an increased risk of autism in children.After observing the data of 40,000 children in Sweden, researchers found infants with a birth

5 Ways For Healthy Skin & Smooth Although in Outdoor Activity

5 Ways For Healthy Skin & Smooth Although in Outdoor Activity - Current daily activities not only can be done indoors, because a lot of work and activities carried out in the outdoors for both men and women. Well, did you provide the right care for your skin?Excessive sun exposure can make skin itchy, flaking, and dry. This effect does not only make your skin unhealthy, but also cause the pain.

In order for Strong Bones, Also Give Nuts In Children

In order for Strong Bones, Also Give Nuts In Children - During this time parents always depend on the child's fulfillment of calcium-rich dairy calcium. However, based on recent studies, healthy bones also need adequate magnesium intake. Well, this magnesium can be obtained from the nuts."Do not just give your intake of calcium, many other nutrients they need to maintain healthy bones. One of

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Want strong bones? Do not just drink milk!

Want strong bones? Do not just drink milk! - Parents are always advised their children to consume milk for healthy bones. But a recent study says that other foods such as pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, almonds, and salmon are also potent strengthen bones.The research reported in the regular meetings precisely the Pediatric Academic Societies in Washington DC. According to investigators, magnesium

Breastmilk is able to save the lives of premature babies

Breastmilk is able to save the lives of premature babies - Premature birth of a baby can be life threatening. One of them is the risk of disease in the gut area deadly. But new research from the University of Pittsburgh stated that the composition of Breastmilk a baby can save lives.About one in every 14 babies born prematurely in the United States and Canada suffering from necrotizing

Prevent cancer on fetal, maternal smokers should consume vitamin C

Prevent cancer on fetal, maternal smokers should consume vitamin C - Vitamin C can help to prevent lung problems in children born to smoking mothers. Women are expected not to smoke during pregnancy because it can cause problems such as asthma or lung cancer in children. However, if they can not stop smokers, the researchers suggested that they consume a lot of vitamin C.Results of research

Compared to fiber, water is more potent prevent constipation

Everyone would already know that fiber needs is the best way to prevent constipation and keep the bowel movements remained smooth every day. However, a recent study showed that eating large amounts of water more potent than fiber to prevent constipation.Results of this study emphasize the importance of water for health eating. But that does not mean a person should eat less fiber or other healthy

10 Places 'hiding' germs in the home

If you clean the house, make sure you do not miss a single piece in any room. Especially places that serve 'hiding' germs in the home as reported by the Good Housekeeping below.Under the carpetGot the carpet in the house? Do not just clean the upper part only. Dust and germs hide under the carpet turns, so not to miss the section to be cleaned.Windows blindsWindows blinds are window coverings

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Clean pacifier by sucking away children from asthma

Cleaning pacifier sucking ways might be considered dirty. Most parents will clean pacifier by washing with tap water. But the researchers found that older people who clean pacifier to suck can keep children from the risk of asthma and hives.This study does not prove that the technique may protect children from asthma or allergies. However, researchers believe that the possibility of transfer of

Pacifier avoid sudden infant death syndrome

Using a pacifiers may protect infants from sudden death syndrome, according to new research.In detail, the newborn is given a pacifiers has a small risk of dying from sudden death syndrome. Because the presence of cardiac pacifiers to control infants.In addition, researchers from the Monash Institute of Medical Research, Clayton found that the protection of the pacifiers will still be felt baby

6 Things to avoid during pregnancy

6 Things to avoid during pregnancy - Although doctors say that you should still try to live a normal life you are used to, there are some activities that are risky if done during pregnancy. Because if you're not careful, you could be at risk of pregnancy miscarriage. You certainly do not want that to happen, right? Here are some things you should avoid during pregnancy, as reported Boldsky.1.

10 Food energy booster for men

10 Food energy booster for men - Men and women have different physical needs. Food for rich men should be rich in protein and energy. Meanwhile, women need more iron and calcium. So basically, energy food is also very important for men. You must be wondering why he needs more energy than women. That's because men do more physical work than women. Although that statement is not entirely true if

Snacking on nuts while lose weight

Snacking on nuts while lose weight - A study says that consumption of nuts will not derail a diet that you do. Even snacking nuts can actually help you lose weight.Even so, there are several types of beans that you can enjoy in large quantities, there is also a need to be limited. Get to know everything, as reported by My Health News Daily below.Safe

Almond, a high source of vitamin E and rich

Monday, July 7, 2014

Researchers find a way to close the wound without stitches

Researchers from the American Chemical Society finally managed to do the test without stitches to close the wound. They precisely using laser-based solder gold.Solder containing gold particles are able to form a kind of cover the wound so painful suture method does not need to be done.Researchers believe that this method can replace close wounds with how to sew leather. The proof they

Avoid Risk Activities It While Pregnant

Avoid Risk Activities It While Pregnant - During pregnancy, there are various restrictions that must be shunned the mother. With the changing physical circumstances, not all things can be lived again. Healthy pregnancy so that you stay awake, watch list of some activities that should be avoided.As quoted from Boldsky, Monday (13/05/2013), here are some risky activities to avoid during pregnancy:1

Can children developing diabetes Because of Pollution? this reason

In the past, diabetes was a disease that haunt an adult or elderly, but later children also exposed to 'trend' this disease. Even the cause is not just a lifestyle or diet alone but also air pollution. How so?According to a new study from Germany, the children are often exposed to air pollution increased risk of insulin resistance, so when the kids get older it can be confirmed to have

Substances in household products harm the lungs

Sucking tiny particles or nanomaterial contained in a wide range of household products on the market can cause inflammation and damage to the lungs, according to the study. Products used in the home can include sunscreen, copier ink, or cleaning products.The study looked at two types of the most widely used nanomaterial in industrial, electronic, or drugs. Nanomaterial commonly used to make the

Traffic pollution can trigger kidney disease

Air pollution caused by traffic seems not only harmful to the respiratory tract, but also for the health of the kidneys. Research shows that living near a busy road increases the risk of kidney disease.These results were found after researchers observed 1,100 patients. They believe that traffic pollution can damage the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. So far, researchers have learned

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Depression can destroy the body's biological clock

People who are depressed often difficult to understand because it turns out they damaged the body's biological clock, according to new research.The study found that the brains of people precisely depression alter the biological clock. Biological clock itself is a term for brain task that controls appetite, sleep schedule, and a person's mood.Unfortunately, if a person develops depression,

Ladies handbag dirtier than toilet

A recent study says that most women bag contains more bacteria than a toilet.The study also reveals that one in five women's handbags contain bacteria harmful to health. While the dirtiest item in a woman's handbag is a cream bottle far more bacteria than the toilet seat.The good news, lipstick and mascara were found to contain bacteria as well but not as much cream bottle in her

High blood pressure caused people addicted to salt?

Habit of eating foods that are too salty has long been associated with high blood pressure. However, recent research has shown that people who have high blood pressure is likely to choose the food salty than the normal person.In a study conducted at the University of Sao Paulo Brazil found that participants who had hypertension prefer food with salt levels two times more than people who have

Rare occurrence, 4 twins born from one embryo

Rare occurrence, 4 twins born from one embryo - Maybe that happened on the couple Christine and Justin Clark is a miracle. Because, after trying to have children for 10 years, couple's twins get four at once.Fourth twin baby girls have also broke the record and made history in the medical world. Because the baby is growing and the fourth came from one embryo only. This is a very rare case, there

Smoking marijuana can lower the risk of diabetes?

You would have to know the negative effects of smoking marijuana. But it turns out marijuana also has benefits. Recent research has shown that people who regularly smoke marijuana have a lower risk of developing diabetes.Marijuana users had lower insulin levels. This indicates control blood sugar better. If the link between cannabis and prevention of diabetes clarified, then it is likely

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lack of time with dad teen depression caused

Lack of time with dad teen depression caused - Currently no fewer adolescents with depression. Some have more levels of depression than other teens. What causes it? A study at the University of Bristol, England found the answer.This study found that young women who often experience depression in adolescence is triggered by a lack of time spent by him along with his father as a child.Researchers,

Potent green tea extract cure acne

Potent green tea extract cure acne - For those of you who have a lot of acne, do not worry. A study showed that green tea extract may be an effective treatment for acne. These results were announced pda Asian Acne 6th Board Meeting in India."There is no treatment that is suitable for all types of acne on everyone, so the dermatologist is always looking for a safe and effective way to cure acne,"

It turns out the malaria parasite has the ability to communicate!

A surprising finding obtained by researchers in melbourne, Australia. Their research shows that the malaria parasite was able to communicate with each other.Communications made by this parasite was conducted to replicate and increase the possibility of parasites to be transmitted to another human being. This discovery is expected to provide a way for researchers to make anti-malarial drug that

Keep the skin cancer from brain disease

Of course not everyone wants to have skin cancer. Everyone must try to avoid and prevent it. But a new study suggests that having a non-melanoma skin cancer may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.Study participants who had been diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer is known to have a 80 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's compared with those who did not have skin cancer, according

Chat via mobile phone can make hypertension?

A studies suggest that talking via cell phone can increase blood pressure.Researchers from Guglielmo da Saliceto Hospital in Italy involving 94 men and women who have low to moderate blood pressure in this study.Respondents were randomly assigned to receive a phone call from his cell phone. While sitting in a chair in a room, they were left chatting and checked his blood pressure.The result,

Friday, July 4, 2014

Had alcoholic parents make children vulnerable depression

Adult children who are older and have parents addicted to alcohol or drugs have a higher risk of depression than children whose parents do not have the habit of drinking alcohol or illegal drugs.It was discovered after researchers observed 6,300 adults in Canada. They found that about 312 people into a deep depression last year. Approximately 877 participants who began the study admitted under 18

5 super food for eye health

5 super food for eye health - During the carrots are foods that are considered very beneficial for the eyes. Though there are many other super foods that have the effect of more than carrots. These foods can protect the eyes in order to remain healthy until old age. Check out more reviews, as quoted by the Huffington Post.1. orange juiceVitamin C has many benefits for eye health. Moreover, it can

Work pressures increase the risk of heart disease

Stressful job can change the way the body handles fat leads to an increased risk of heart disease.Spanish researchers found that stress affects how the body metabolizes fat, which in turn increases the level of bad cholesterol. They also say that the emotional stress associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease as a result of unhealthy habits such as smoking, unhealthy diet, and several

Be careful, this is the adverse effects of excess sugar!

Most people eat too much sugar or more than the recommended daily amount, which is 100 calories of sugar for women and 150 calories for men per day. Reducing sugar intake can prevent some serious health problems. Well, here are some bad effects of too much sugar, as reported by Livestrong.Dental problemsBacteria in the mouth can break down sweet foods and carbohydrates into acids that can cause

8 Nutrition hidden in eggplant

8 Nutrition hidden in eggplant - Eggplant, purple vegetables that tend to have a bit of a fan. Though vegetables have many nutrients that are hidden. What is it? Listen more, as quoted from Care2 following.

Eggplant contains iron, calcium, and minerals your body needs. Processed by either fried, boiled, baked, or grilled, eggplant still have a delicious taste and healthy nutrition.
Eggplant is

Thursday, July 3, 2014

7 Benefits of breastfeeding for women primary

7 Benefits of breastfeeding for women primary - Breastfeeding not only benefits the baby, but also the mother. Even had a lot of research that says that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of cancer for the mother. See more primary benefits of breastfeeding for women, as quoted from the following for Women Mag.Lose weightWomen who breastfeed their babies have a chance to weigh in before the

Aerobics, the most effective exercise to desist depression

Sport has long been known to have benefits to overcome depression or mental problems, when taken alone or in combination with other treatments. But recently researchers found that aerobic exercise is the most effective way to cope with depression.It was discovered by researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. These findings suggest that aerobic exercise is the

The importance of protein to lose weight

The importance of protein to lose weight - Protein is one of the macro nutrients that a healthy diet staple. All kinds of nutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates play an important role in health, but the protein has an important role in weight loss.Eating foods rich in protein will make you feel full longer and reduce the desire to snack. Not only that, the protein also can make a

Shoulder pain and stiffness? This is the cause!

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that occurs due to a reduction in the amount of cartilage in the joints. Severe injury and genetic background can lead to a reduction in bearing joints, especially the shoulder. Symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain, stiffness and inflammation in the joints. Here are some of the causes of pain in the shoulder, as reported Bone

10 healthy food rich in fiber

10 healthy food rich in fiber - If you have digestive problems or high risk of developing heart disease or diabetes, your doctor may suggest that you include more fiber in your daily diet. Fiber is digestible carbohydrates are present in certain foods. If you try to increase your daily fiber intake, the following is a good food to be consumed, as reported by Livestrong.1. NutsNuts contain a lot

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

10 Food is good for the heart

10 Food is good for the heart - Heart disease is the number one killer in the world, in addition to cancer. Nearly half a million men and women die from the disease each year. The best way to fight this disease is with lifestyle changes, including eating patterns. Many vitamins and minerals that are considered to protect the heart. Want to know what? Here are ten foods are good for the heart, as

Refresh tired eyes with no cure!

Working all day at the computer make your eyes tired. Not to mention time-consuming busy work breaks that make dark circles appear under the eye area. This certainly makes you look sluggish and less attractive. Here's how to easily refresh tired eyes without medication, reported by healthmeup (19/5).Wear sunglassesSunglasses are recommended for people who are prone to dry eyes, due to distance

Aspirin has a different effect for each cardiac patient

Aspirin is commonly known as an antidote for heart disease can not seem to provide the same benefits for all patients. The study found that the effectiveness of aspirin may have different effects depending on the individual patient.Even so, researchers have developed a way to determine the effectiveness of aspirin in each patient so that the physician can determine recommendations on their use of

How to use mobile phones show the dominant part of the brain

Are you among those who use the right brain or left brain? Now there is an easy way to find out, just by the way you pick up the phone. A study showed that the left brain dominant people tend to wear the phone on the right ear, and vice versa.A new study from Henry Ford Health System in West Bloomfield Michigan found that 70 percent of 700 people holding their phones on the same side as the

Apparently, eating fat makes no candy!

Recent study says that eating sweets on a regular basis can not trigger a heart attack or even weight gain.The study was conducted on more than 5,000 Americans. The result did not find an association between poor health and eating candy on a regular basis.People who eat sweets every day are not at risk of being overweight or developing cardiovascular disease than those who do it once a week or

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bad weather can increase blood pressure?

Recent studies have mentioned that bad weather, such as winter rainy season, can increase blood pressure and heart attack risk.Researchers from Glasgow University also said that the high rainfall and a lack of sunlight can cause changes in blood pressure.Although the findings of this sounds quite strange, the blood vessels near the surface of the skin will shrink in cold weather - to conserve

Suicidal ideation appeared to be 'contagious' among teens

As with any disease, it turns out the idea to commit suicide can be contagious among teenagers. Research shows that teens who classmates never done or attempted suicide have a higher risk to commit suicide.The research was conducted in adolescents aged 12-17 years. His teens who died by suicide at higher risk of committing suicide than teens who do not have a friend who died from suicide.The idea

5 Avoid foods that cause flatulence!

Flatulence will make you feel uncomfortable. This health problem occurs because of excess gas in the intestines. Constipation, overeating, poor eating habits, swallowing air, irritable bowel syndrome and PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is a common cause of bloating. Certain foods can also cause abdominal bloating due to excess gas in the intestines. Here are some foods that you should avoid because

Reason for leaving current slimming diet

Many women who crave a slim body like a model that did everything possible for his body to be slim. They even eat a variety of dietary supplements or medications that promise slimming slim body in a short time.Eits, wait, already secure is that you consume a slimming product. Although help you lose weight quickly, many dietary supplements that have health risks. Instead of late should avoid these

Indian scientists find syringes without pain

Indian scientists managed to find a way without using needles to vaccinate at all.Scientists at King's College London for the first time demonstrated their ability to provide life-dried vaccine into the skin without the traditional needle and found this technique is strong enough to activate specific immune cells in the skin.The technical advancements offer a potential solution to the challenge