Wednesday, April 30, 2014

9 characteristics of people who get anorexia

9 characteristics of people who get anorexia - Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes a person obsessed with her weight. Anorexia certainly not be overlooked. Because this condition can lead to various complications until death.The bad news, most anorexics often refuse to undergo treatment. So when there are people nearby who have symptoms as reported by the Mayo Clinic, soon persuaded them

5 Important facts about vitamin B12 deficiency

5 Important facts about vitamin B12 deficiency - During this vitamin B12 appears to have not noticed by most people. Though vitamin B12 are also needed by the body and can cause many health problems if not met.Let's recognize vitamin12 and what I should know about vitamin B12 deficiency, as reported by the Daily Health Post below.1. What is vitamin B12?B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin

5 Sources of food bone and teeth formation

5 Sources of food bone and teeth formation - Magnesium, a mineral that plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, make the muscles relax, launched metabolism, and blood pressure control. If you want to get the best of magnesium intake, try the food consumption as reported by the Live Strong following.1. Grains and beansBest sources of magnesium are pumpkin seeds. In addition,

5 Reasons why snacking is important

5 Reasons why snacking is important - Both young and old will like the name suggests snacking. Made the most delicious snacking while relaxing or watching a favorite television show. Unfortunately the snacking habits can make plus size waist widened. Weight gain was in the habit of snacking causes the food was not good. Try snacking with healthy food, certainly not going to make weight and waist

Diet increase the risk of diabetes

Diet increase the risk of diabetes - Diabetes can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, one of which is poor diet. Check out more about the diet can increase the risk of diabetes as reported by Mag for Women following.Skipping breakfastBreakfast is the meal schedule that should not be missed. Because skipping breakfast can make blood sugar rise dramatically and encourage someone to snacking. As a

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 Benefits of drinking raw milk for health

5 Benefits of drinking raw milk for health - These days, very rarely drank milk fresh. Because it is more practical and easy to get, many are choosing bottled milk that has been mixed with unnatural ingredients again. Drinking a lot of fresh milk can get the benefits. As reported by Mag fot Women, the following 5 benefits of drinking raw milk for health.1. Build muscleProtein in fresh milk is

Prevent obesity in children by 5 steps

Prevent obesity in children by 5 steps - Obesity can affect anyone. Both young and old. Even with the rise of fast food this time, the children susceptible to obesity. It's a very unfortunate thing because obesity can lead to some serious diseases that will attack the obese children.Obesity in children can be prevented as early as possible. As a parent you can prevent it by following these 5 easy

9 Signs weight has dropped

9 Signs weight has dropped - Months of dieting and regular exercise makes you wonder whether you have achieved the desired weight or not. 9 Fortunately this sign tells you whether you 've lost weight or not.1. Your clothes feels rightWhen you wear clothes, you feel fit and comfortable. You also do not need to cover the fat with a jacket or cardigan.2. You can reuse your old clothesFinally you can

10 food cause farts

10 food cause farts - Fart or fart it is beneficial for health, but the membua us upset is the fart smell. Moreover, we fart in time we do not want, such as when attending important events and more with the people.There are many things that cause us to easily fart, one of which is food. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.1. LegumesThe first food that causes farts are

6 mandatory food consumption during pregnancy

6 mandatory food consumption during pregnancy - When pregnant, women not only have to meet the nutritional needs of themselves, but also the fetus in the womb. Therefore, she shall eat foods as reported by Mag for Women is now pregnant.1. Iron-rich foodsIf the body is deficient in iron, women prone to anemia. Conditions that could affect fetal growth. So do not forget to eat iron-rich foods, such

Monday, April 28, 2014

7 Benefits of wine for health

According to a medical study, as reported by mentioned that the wine is rich in nutrients that are very good for health. Even wine can be included in the diet because the body will improve your fitness.Here are 7 benefits of grapes are rarely known.1. Against coldsThe grapes will help boost the immune system by increasing gamma and delta cells in the body so that you can avoid colds.2.

5 How to shrink the fat in calf

5 How to shrink the fat in calf - Cause of excess weight is fat in certain body parts, one of them calves. So how do I shrink the fat in the calves? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.1. SquatSquat is one of the best exercise to shrink the fat in the calf. The trick, try to stand up straight with legs wide open position. After that, put your hand on the waist and the knees bent.

4 Fatty foods are good for health

4 Fatty foods are good for health - The food you eat every day can affect your health. Therefore many health experts recommend eating a healthy diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables. Rarely do they encourage you to eat fatty foods because it is believed to add weight which of course is bad for health.But here are 4 fatty foods are actually good for you consume for the sake of your

This danger tantrums for health

Family Health Articles - This danger tantrums for health - Disease arises not only because of the food alone, but also our behavior. If easy and tantrums, there was a danger to health. What is it? Listen more, as reported by Mag for Women following.


When angry, the stomach acid levels can increase. From there, various digestive disorders arise. Ranging from acid reflux, heartburn,

This is the reason why more healthy baked dishes

This is the reason why more healthy baked dishes - Many say that cooking by steaming, boiling, or baking healthier than fried. But few mention the reason why the more healthy way of cooking, especially cooking with roasted.Reporting from, grilling is one healthy way of cooking because they can maintain levels of vitamins and minerals contained in food. Heat from baked goods to

Sunday, April 27, 2014

10 Easy Tips to overcome muscle soreness after exercise

10 Easy Tips to overcome muscle soreness after exercise - Whereas in the past you rarely exercise routine, then you will experience muscle pain when you exercise too strenuous. To overcome the pain, follow some of the ways to overcome the pain after exercise as quoted from FitSugar below.Exercising is healthy. But sometimes that is too strenuous exercise can cause muscle pain. How do I fix this ?

5 How to quickly make the body fat naturally

5 How to quickly make the body fat naturally - Though eating a lot, but the weight does not go up. Try to see what you eat and do not forget to set the pilo also eat every day. If you want to make the body fat quickly decara naturally, along the way as reported Health Me Up below.Stew Try eating meat soup at least twice a week. Make sure the meat is selected does not contain fat. Meat is rich in

Potent chili and cold air to burn body fat

Potent chili and cold air to burn body fat - What is the equation of the cold and the spicy chili? Both are potent fat burning in the body, according to new research.That is, eating peppers or spicy foods as well as being in the room or cold weather conditions can maximize the burning of brown fat cells.As reported by The Examiner, flammable brown fat cells to be converted into energy. In

4 Benefits of drinking water after waking

During this time we drink water after eating food and thirst. Indeed, water is very important for our health. Many experts even advise you to drink it as soon as you wake up.Reporting from, the following reasons why you should drink water immediately after waking.1. Restore the lost body fluidsWhen you fall asleep, then you regenerate all body cells repair themselves. You will feel

5 Tips to sleep and wake up on a regular basis every day

5 Tips to sleep and wake up on a regular basis every day - Sleep and wake up at the same hour every day has many health benefits. Discipline in this bed unfortunately still rarely done by many people. So try to see tips for sleep and wake up regularly every day as reported by the Huffington Post following.1. Do not be put offWhen the body has felt tired and you yawn many times, it means your body

Saturday, April 26, 2014

9 Foods to avoid with diabetes

9 Foods to avoid with diabetes - Blood sugar levels in people with diabetes need to be kept normal. One way is to avoid certain foods, as quoted from the Share the Care following.1. White riceA study once mentioned that consumption of white rice can trigger the disease. Because starchy white rice with a high glycemic index. Diabetics should avoid these foods.2. PotatoAlthough white vegetables is

Diabetes Type 3: Causes, symptoms, and treatments

Diabetes Type 3: Causes, symptoms, and treatments - So far, most people only know the condition of diabetes type 1 and 2 only. But actually there are 3 types of diabetes condition. What causes and symptoms? Listen more, as reported by the Health Me Up below.DefinitionIf type 1 diabetes is caused by heredity and type 2 diabetes arise due to lifestyle, diabetes type 3 can be interpreted as a

6 Benefits of tuna fish for the body

6 Benefits of tuna fish for the body - Tuna is a fish that is rich in protein and minerals. Tuna also contains potassium and vitamin B complex that the body needs. Check out a variety of other important properties of tuna as quoted from the following for Women Mag.1. Relieve stressBecause it contains omega - 3 fatty acids, eating tuna powerful enough to relieve stress, especially for women who

Relieve stress in just 15 minutes

Relieve stress in just 15 minutes - Daily routine filled with tremendous pressures can often cause you to be stressed. Stress that hit if not addressed promptly can lead to depression.Below are 9 steps you can do to relieve stress in a short time.Spraying lavender fragranceAs reported by, fragrant lavender is useful to relax the muscles and provide a calming effect as well. The

10 Ways potent stop overeating habits

10 Ways potent stop overeating habits - Overeating is one of the causes of obesity. Do you also have this bad habit? If so, try a powerful way to stop overeating habits More from FitSugar as reported below.1. Chewing gumSometimes mouth still want to continue to chew though the stomach is full . If this happens, try chewing gum.2. Drinking waterChewing gum is chewed, but the stomach still felt

Friday, April 25, 2014

10 Signs of iron deficiency body

Women and children are vulnerable to iron deficiency. One reason is that the menstrual cycle in women who spend a lot of blood. While children of iron deficiency due to inadequate intake of nutrients. Consider the body signs of iron deficiency as reported by more than the following for Women Mag.1. Fatigue and lethargyLack of iron can make the body become tired and lethargic. So if you feel

7 Health Benefits of Yoga

7 Health Benefits of Yoga - Yoga is a meditation that originated in India. Yoga is centered on peace of mind so that it can be used as a kind of mental therapy for that run.In addition to providing mental peace, it turns out the positive effects gained from yoga is also beneficial for physical health. Here are seven health benefits that you can get if you run a yoga regularly.1. The balance of

Sitting for hours increase the risk of colon cancer in men

Man sitting too long can increase the risk of developing polyps in the colon, according to new research.The polyps can be benign or malignant eventually leading to colon cancer. Although it can be removed medically, the presence of polyps is still regarded as one of the health threat.As quoted from the Health , found similar risk does not seem likely in women who also sit for hours."Men who sit

5 health benefits of dark chocolate for skin

Who does not like dark chocolate? Besides having a delicious flavor, dark chocolate has a calming effect nerves of the body. Besides dark chocolate is also beneficial for heart health.Not only that, dark chocolate also was also beneficial for skin health. Here's 5 reasons why dark chocolate is beneficial for the health of your skin.1. Improve dry skinDark chocolate is rich in iron, calcium,

6 The health benefits of almonds

Almonds are one of the types of nuts are the most common and most widely consumed throughout the world. Almonds can be consumed in raw form or mixed in the chocolate and candy.Not only delicious, but also healthy almonds apparently because of its high protein content. Here are six health benefits of almonds as reported from Improve heart healthAlmonds are rich in unsaturated

Thursday, April 24, 2014

4 Meal replacement caffeine

Caffeine has the benefit to make the body is always awake. This is because caffeine will raise your adrenal hormones so that you become more spirit and feel alert.However, excessive caffeine consumption was also not good for your health. Moreover, you get addicted. Addicted to caffeine will keep you awake and consequently you too so do not have adequate rest periods.If you experience this, and

Gardening powerful lower risk of heart disease and stroke

Seniors who have retired from their jobs tend to be susceptible to heart disease and stroke. But gardening can reduce the risk of both diseases.A study of Swedish precisely mentioned that physical activity in the garden as well as exercising in the gym. Because in addition to maintaining the health, the elderly also lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.As reported by the Daily Mail, a

This is what happens to the body after doing yoga

Yoga is now beginning to be done by many people. Because yoga has a relatively relaxed movement but able to provide a variety of health benefits.Following this, the Huffington Post also share various things that happen to the body after doing yoga. Listen more.After taking a yoga class
Certain yoga moves can improve cognitive brain function, maximize memory, and makes the mind more focused.

6 best food sources of calcium

6 best food sources of calcium - You probably already know and have heard of the importance of calcium in your body for strong bones and teeth.But you rarely know is what are the foods that can be the best source of calcium. Here are the 6 best sources of calcium as reported from magforwomen.com1. MilkThe main food of course the biggest producer of calcium is milk. Besides milk also contains all

Increase energy with a nap

Increase energy with a nap - Many people who experience insomnia afraid to take a nap. In addition, the lack of time off, and afraid of being seen as lazy, make a lot of people tend to avoid naps.Though napping provide many health benefits. Even a nap can help employees to improve their performance while working. This is because the siesta is known to improve concentration, sharpness of mind, and

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easier to sneeze when she saw the light? This is why!

Easier to sneeze when she saw the light? This is why! - Some people have a tendency to sneeze easier when looking towards the light. Although this does not apply to everyone, but the trend inevitably lead to questions. Why in some people, the light can trigger sneezing?Director of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center of Alaska, Jeffrey Demain, MD reveals why. According to him, it is influenced by

This efficacy of red chili that never known

This efficacy of red chili that never known - Who does not know with red chili? Although not directly consumed, the red pepper is known as a familiar spice for cooking in Indonesia. So far only known for the red chili spicy taste terrible and slap tongue. Not many people know that chili has hidden benefits.One of the benefits of red chili that was never known before is the ability to ward off

This 5 benefits of tea are not known!

This 5 benefits of tea are not known! - Like to drink tea? If so, you do not choose the wrong drinks. Approximately 12 recent studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that consuming tea can provide many benefits, one of which is to improve mood and make people happy."Although a lot of people who prefer coffee, but tea proved to be the oldest beverages that provide a

This is why you should stop eating french fries

This is why you should stop eating french fries - If you are among those who still think French fries are healthy food just because it is made from the original potatoes, think again! During these chips have had a bad reputation in terms of health.Although classified fries food readily available, inexpensive, and would make a great snack, you should not consume too much of these foods.Here are

8 Benefits of papaya juice consumption for health

8 Benefits of papaya juice consumption for health - Papaya fruit has long been known to provide many health benefits for the body. There are so many nutrients that are contained by fruits such as papaya is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta carotene. Besides digestive enzymes such as papain which is present in papaya helps to heal injuries and allergies

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

5 surprising facts about colds and flu

5 surprising facts about colds and flu - Colds and flu season has arrived. To avoid the disease, you can take vitamin C and diligent exercise. But other than that, here are seven surprising facts about colds and flu that you should know.1. Colds and flu can be prevented by washing handsWant to avoid colds and flu? Diligent hand washing. Washing hands is a simple preventive measures to block the

5 Reasons to eat donuts can damage your health!

5 Reasons to eat donuts can damage your health! - Who does not like donuts? Soft bread and a variety of flavors that melted sugar on it, it could make a lot of people are tempted. But do not eat too many donuts, donuts as well as can give a bad effect on health.Here are some reasons you should reduce or even stop eating donuts right now, as reported by Fitnea.1. UnhealthyUnlike the donuts are

7 Benefits of Pumpkin for health

7 Benefits of Pumpkin for health - Pumpkin not only tastes good. But the fruit of the less popular it has many nutrients and vitamins that are essential for your health. A serving of pumpkin once a week can help you to maintain health.Here are seven health benefits of pumpkin for as reported from Healthy digestionPumpkin is rich in fiber which can help nourish the digestion.

This happens in the body when exposed to the flu!

This happens in the body when exposed to the flu! - In a season like this, amid rampant flu virus. It's important to maintain fitness and boost immunity to avoid contracting the disease. But if you are already infected and affected by the flu, there are things you should know associated with the flu cycle in your body.Here is a picture of what happens to your body when exposed to influenza A

10 An important benefit of guava fruit for health

10 An important benefit of guava fruit for health - Guava is a fruit that is found in Indonesia. During this popular guava fruit only to raise the blood platelets. Besides guava fruit can be used in skin care and weight loss programs.Not only that, here are other benefits that can be obtained from the guava fruit as reported from
Potassium content in guava fruit can be used to

Monday, April 21, 2014

6 An easy way to prevent cavities!

6 An easy way to prevent cavities! - There is a hurt expression that is better than a toothache. Yes, maybe toothache pain is one that makes a lot of people give up. In addition to pain, tooth decay can also cause many other problems such as bad breath odor.Before experiencing toothache because of cavities, it's good to take precautions. Here are some easy ways you can do to prevent cavities, as

5 Things that make people restless sleep than insomnia

5 Things that make people restless sleep than insomnia - Certainly enough sleep is needed by the body to stay fit. Lack of sleep can lead to many health problems such as obesity, fatigue, or excessive anxiety.Trouble sleeping is not just caused by insomnia. There are many things that can cause a person to have trouble sleeping. What is it? Here are some of the causes of sleeplessness in addition

5 These foods can protect the skin from cancer

5 These foods can protect the skin from cancer - Protecting skin from the sun is an important step if you do not want to get skin cancer. Preventing skin cancer is not only done from the outside by using sunscreen, but also to meet the nutrition of the skin and eating the right foods.Some foods contain substances are protective shell that works similar to the SPF. Here are some foods with

Avoid eating 6 healthy meals but this false

Avoid eating 6 healthy meals but this false - When you visit a supermarket or grocery store you are so easily tempted by food being peddled. Colorful packaging and flavors on offer makes you without thinking 2 times to pick it up.But you have to be careful because many circulating fake food. And unfortunately these foods labeled healthy food.Here is a healthy food that turned out false as

4 These nutrients must be consumed while in their 20s

4 These nutrients must be consumed while in their 20s - 20s is the phase in which man experiences many physical and mental growth is rapid. Therefore foods, especially healthy food is something that is crucial at this age. But eating can be a challenging activities. Whatever you eat at a young age can affect your health in old age.Here are four nutrients that you must fill in your 20s as reported

Sunday, April 20, 2014

7 is a powerful natural way prevent cancer early

7 is a powerful natural way prevent cancer early - Cancer is a dangerous disease that can be deadly. Many people including you who are worried about this disease, especially when you realize that the environment and the food that is in contact with your day-to- day can trigger the disease.Therefore tackles cancer as early as possible following the 7 natural way as reported from

7 Things you should know about wrinkles

7 Things you should know about wrinkles - Wrinkles are one of the biggest fears women. This is because the wrinkles will ruin the appearance of wrinkles mereka.Padahal is the aging process that can not be avoided.However, with diligent skin care done, then one can avoid wrinkles.Here are 7 reasons behind the appearance of wrinkles you should know as quoted Wrinkles are

Beware, lack of vitamin D could be caused heart disease!

Beware, lack of vitamin D could be caused heart disease! - Heart disease is one type of malignancy that is now being experienced by people in Indonesia. A study suggests that heart disease is not only caused by blood pressure or cholesterol, but also due to lack of vitamin D.In recent years, several studies have shown that people who suffered heart attacks were also deficient in vitamin D.

4 This juice can lose weight quickly

4 This juice can lose weight quickly - Juice is one of the healthy diet that has been chosen by to put in the diet. The juice is believed to help improve health, improve the function of metabolic systems, as well as to lose weight.But apparently there are some juices that are really effective for weight loss. Here's juice can lose weight quickly as reported from The combination

5 The juice is good for treating throat infections

5 The juice is good for treating throat infections - Changes in extreme weather and the rainy season is happening right now makes a lot of people stricken with fever, runny nose, and throat infections. Throat infection cause discomfort remarkable for those who are experiencing it.In addition to medical drugs, strep throat can also be cured in a natural way. One of them is by consuming homemade

Saturday, April 19, 2014

4 The food is good for oral health

4 The food is good for oral health - Chewing can produce more saliva, which is good for dental health. Saliva can eliminate the sour taste so that your teeth will not be easily perforated. Saliva also contains calcium and phosphate which increases defense enamel.Besides saliva, there is some good food consumed to protect dental health. What is it? Here it is, as reported by Best Health.1. Chewing

4 Health problems that can be prevented by sleeping

4 Health problems that can be prevented by sleeping - The bed is one activity that is essential for human life. Besides being able to restore your energy and spirit, was also offered a miracle cure other health problems that you are.Here are 4 health problem that can be cured by sleeping as reported from Appetite controlWhen you lack sleep, you will tend to have a higher

9 health disorders that can be detected from the foot

9 health disorders that can be detected from the foot - The foot is a limb that is under the body. Although located at the bottom of the foot, but can be an indicator of your health.Here are 9 health disorder that can be detected from the foot as reported from Leg wound that does not healThis is commonly referred to as diabetic food wounds in the legs which do not heal normally

10 Benefits of magical strawberry for health

10 Benefits of magical strawberry for health - Who does not know the strawberry? Cute pieces that look beautiful and make saliva dripping. Although small, this fruit is called as 'Queen of fruits' you know! The reason is because strawberries contain many nutrients and health benefits. What are the benefits of magic strawberries for health? Here's the list, as reported by Best Health. 1. Boost

9 Amazing Benefits of peas

9 Amazing Benefits of peas - Indonesian society is certainly familiar with peas. Vegetables are filled with starch is one vegetable that can grow quickly and easily developed. Legumes are usually mixed with other dishes in addition, whereas this one vegetable has abundant health benefits.Do not believe? Here are some of the health benefits of peas, as reported by Boldsky.1. Lower cholesterolWith

Friday, April 18, 2014

6 Health problems that can be addressed with acupuncture

6 Health problems that can be addressed with acupuncture - Acupuncture is a treatment process that is quite popular alternative to addressing some health problems. One of the advantages of acupuncture is the rarity of patients experience side effects from the treatment process. Acupuncture works to smooth the flow of energy in the body and stimulate the body's healing process

6 foods that can add weight

6 foods that can add weight - Among the many people who are trying desperately to trim, not a few people who wish to gain weight and become obese. But unfortunately, many people fled to junk food and unhealthy food in order to gain weight.If you are among those who want to gain weight, do not rush eating fatty foods or junk food. Here are some healthy foods that you can eat to gain weight quickly

6 This drink is harmful for health

6 This drink is harmful for health - In addition to food, drinks an essential requirement for human health. Beverages contain water that your body needs to function properly all organs.But you also need to be selective in choosing a beverage because the content in which there is a dangerous to health. Here is a drink that should not be consumed too often as reported from Flavorings

10 Vegetables and fruit is high in pesticides!

10 Vegetables and fruit is high in pesticides! - As reported, a health organization called the Environmental Working Group ( EWG ) recently issued an important information to health. This information will contain a list of vegetables and fruits that contain the most pesticides.Pesticides are one of the chemicals used to increase the fertility of crops including vegetables and

8 Benefits cabbage unknown

8 Benefits cabbage unknown - Cabbage is one vegetable that is full of nutrients. Although cabbage sometimes cause increased gas production in the stomach, but cabbage can also provide health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of cabbage, as reported by Mag for Women.1. Green and red cabbage known low in calories and contain lots of vitamins and minerals. It is suitable for those who

Thursday, April 17, 2014

5 Amazing Benefits of lettuce for health

5 Amazing Benefits of lettuce for health - Crunchy green leafy lettuce is so rich in nutrients and very beneficial to your health. Generally you eat green vegetables as a salad or eaten raw directly.Here are the benefits for health super leaf lettuce as reported from Sources of vitamin ALettuce is a vegetable that is rich in vitamins. Fresh lettuce contains a lot of vitamin A

5 unique and simple way to quit smoking is a potent

5 unique and simple way to quit smoking is a potent - The new year will soon be coming. Maybe this is a good time for you to make a resolution that is going to stop smoking addiction.Stopping smoking addiction is not easy to do. To stop this addiction means you also have to change your lifestyle.Therefore, refrain from smoking addiction slowly with the following natural step.1. Chewing

10 Reasons to consume sweet potato health

10 Reasons to consume sweet potato health - Improving health can begin by eating healthy foods. What's more for those who want to start eating healthy foods, is now available so many options for healthy food. One is the sweet potato.Here are the reasons why the sweet potato to improve the quality of your health as reported from
Although it has a sweet taste, sweet potatoes can not

9 Consumption of this food keep teeth strong!

9 Consumption of this food keep teeth strong! - Who would not want to have a charming smile with healthy white teeth? But unfortunately, many people who have teeth brittle and easily perforated. The reason could be due to a bad habit of taking care of your teeth or eating foods that could damage the health of the teeth.But do not worry. You can eat natural foods to make teeth stronger. Here are

Banish cellulite with 3 of these minerals!

Banish cellulite with 3 of these minerals! - Cellulite is one of the enemies of women in terms of appearance. Because of the presence of cellulite, not a few women who become insecure when with friends. Nowadays there are a lot of creams or drugs that claimed to eliminate cellulite. But the best way is the natural way.Cellulite can also be expelled use some type of minerals contained in the food.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4 important nutrients needed the skinny

4 important nutrients needed the skinny - There are people who are trying hard to lose weight, but there are also people who are too skinny and need to raise their weight. Many are trying to gain weight the wrong manner, ie eating foods that are too fatty or junk food. Though there are natural ways that can be done to increase the weight.One thing to keep in mind if you want to gain weight is to

5 Facts about the slob that fast food restaurants should be known

5 Facts about the slob that fast food restaurants should be known - Most fast food restaurants circulating in Indonesia is a branch of the fast food restaurants scattered around the world. Fast-food restaurants are known to have quality standards on the selection and processing of food. They ensure that the food served is nutritious and clean.However, as reported from, it turns

5 Steps potent stopping smoking addiction

5 Steps potent stopping smoking addiction - For smokers had occurred naturally desire to try to stop the addiction to cigarettes. And for those of you who are want to try to quit smoking naturally many times you tell yourself that you want to leave the habit of smoking and start living healthy.But it seems to stop cigarette addiction will be a difficult thing to achieve. If you feel the same way,

6 Benefits of a healthy turmeric unknown

6 Benefits of a healthy turmeric unknown - Turmeric is one of the types of spices used in many dishes familiar in Indonesia. Since centuries ago turmeric is known as one of the most popular medicinal plants to treat and prevent various diseases. This is due to the content of curcumin in turmeric.Here are the healthful benefits of turmeric that you should know as quoted Boost

Peek 8 health benefits of jackfruit for the unknown

Peek 8 health benefits of jackfruit for the unknown - Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is easily found in Indonesia. Jackfruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help boost immunity.In addition, the following is a benefit of jackfruit to health that have been rarely know.1. Good for digestionJackfruit is rich in vitamin C. In addition to helping improve the immune system,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

6 It is important to make melon health improvement

6 It is important to make melon health improvement - Melon is a fruit that is quite popular in Asian. The taste is sweet and refreshing make this fruit has many fans, including you.Therefore, if you are a fan of melon, melon know some of the benefits to health as reported from Rich in vitamins and mineralsMelon is rich in vitamins A, B, C, K, folate, magnesium, fiber, and

80 Percent of antioxidant fruit will be lost when entering the fridge

Fruits of human needs for vitamin and mineral levels are high. However storing fruits in the wrong way can make you lose the benefits of these fruits.The study revealed that fruit cool by putting it into the refrigerator to reduce levels of antioxidants in the fruit. Unmitigated, the fruit may lose up to 80 per cent of antioxidants in it, as reported by the Daily Health Post.This is different if

Effects of sleep deprivation as the head hit

Passing through New Year's Eve , surely many of you who do not sleep all night. Celebrating the new year is synonymous with staying up late and sleep deprivation. But you should not underestimate the effects of sleep deprivation. Recent studies reveal that sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on the brain.Researchers reveal that the damage caused by lack of sleep on the same brain damage when

5 Benefits of vitamin E for health

There are many types of vitamins that can be consumed by humans. Start of vitamin A, vitamin C, E, K, B1, B3, and others. Each vitamin has its own function and its benefits to the human body. One of the important vitamin is vitamin E.Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables such as spinach or foods such as beans and eggs. Many already know that vitamin E is good for health.

3 It is dangerous hidden in tea

Tea is one kind of drink that is believed to nourish the body. The content of herbs in it can improve the quality of your health. Besides antioxidative substances in tea are also able to make you avoid attacks from various kinds of diseases.But apparently there are some dangerous things hidden in tea that can damage your health .'Natural flavor ' in teaYou should be wary with the words' natural

Monday, April 14, 2014

7 Benefits of eating plums regularly for men

Plum is a fruit that has attractive color and delicious taste. This fruit can be consumed either in fresh or dried form.Plum contains many health benefits to the body. This is due to the plums are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. Plum fruit is also rich in anti-oxidants that can neutralize free radicals in the body.Not only that, it is also beneficial plums consumed for the men

This test can find cancer in a matter of hours!

The experts claim that in the near future, cancer can be diagnosed and at the same type known in a matter of hours. A kind of new tests being developed for the diagnosis of patients likely to have cancer in a fast way.According to researchers, this test can tell doctors the type of cancer that affects the patient's middle. That way , the doctor can immediately take care of the patient. Given the

This is the danger of consuming juice packaging

In order to maintain health, so many that include your followers and then turning to a healthy diet. However, because the density of activity, then you choose healthy food preparations but in the form of an instant. One is a fruit juice that is in the packaging.Actually how Sehatkan fruit juices are packed in containers?Bottled juice contain hidden sugarFruit juice in containers contain hidden

5 Reasons to more frequent eating bananas

Bananas are one of the fruits that contain lots of fiber and potassium. Not only that, bananas also contain many health benefits. Although it contains many nutrients, bananas also have a relatively low cost and can be obtained easily.Although there are many kinds of bananas, but the benefits are conceived equally large. What are the health benefits of bananas owned? Here it is, as reported by the

10 diseases that will attack in old age

Old age may be a frightening time for many people. Because in old age, ability and metabolism are not as good as when young . As a result, the disease was easily invade the body.Therefore you should be careful with the following disease.1. OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is a bone health problems most commonly occur. Osteoporosis occurs when bones become very fragile due to the decrease in bone density.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

5 benefits of warm honey for health

Honey is known as a food that contains a lot of health benefits. Eating honey on a regular basis has been advised by doctors to maintain a healthy body. There are many ways to eat honey, can be with food or mixing it with water. One of the best ways to enjoy the honey is to mix it with warm water.To get the maximum benefit from the honey brewed with warm water, the consumption of the drink every

6 Benefits of healthy eating oily fish on a regular basis

Fish is one food that provides many benefits for your health. Fish is a good source of protein and nutrients. Eating fish is also a great way to lose weight.Many ways to eat fish. One way is to take a multivitamin that contains fish oil. This method was chosen by the majority of people who do not really like to eat fish directly.Here are the amazing benefits of taking fish oil supplements every

8 The benefits of drinking green tea on a regular basis

Green tea is a type of tea that is popular in Asian countries such as China and Jepang.Teh green made ​​from the plant Camellia Sinensis called. The tea leaves are then dried by brief treatment process. This is done to preserve the natural green color and nutrients in it.There are many healthy nutrients contained in green tea such as polyphenols, flavoroids, alkaloids, amino acids, tannins, and

Overcome toothache with 6 natural ingredients

Toothache was indeed torture. The resulting pain sometimes radiates up to your head and make it difficult to move. To solve it, then you take the drugs.But actually there are natural ingredients that can cure your toothbrush more safely.SpinachWhen toothache strikes, immediately grab a handful of spinach and chew. Spinach is loaded with calcium and iron that can relieve toothache.Guava

6 Reasons to become pregnant before the age of 30 years

6 Reasons to become pregnant before the age of 30 years - Having a baby is one of the important decisions taken by each partner, especially women. Each pair has its own plans as to when they want to have children. But during these researchers always assumed that under 30 years of age is good to get pregnant.Why? Here are some reasons why pregnant before the age of 30 years can provide many

Saturday, April 12, 2014

7 Benefits of eating cauliflower for health

Cauliflower is a vegetable that can easily be found in Indonesia. Flower shaped vegetable is easily processed into various foods.Besides having a delicious taste, cauliflower also has many health benefits as reported from Good for heart healthEating cauliflower regularly beneficial to improve the health of your heart and cardiovascular system.2. Preventing constipationIf you are

5 These foods help you lose weight faster

People who are overweight will want to lose weight as soon as possible. But there are no shortcuts to losing weight. Shortcuts such a strict diet or surgery gives many bad side effects to health.But do not worry. Eating the right foods can help you lose weight faster, while maintaining health. Here are some foods that can help you lose weight, as reported by Mag for Women.1. GreensGreen leafy

7 benefits of regular consumption of coconuts

Coconut fruit is known as a fruit that has many uses. Starting from coconut water, coconut meat, coconut oil until everything is beneficial for your health.Here are the benefits of coconuts that you should know as quoted Strengthen bonesCoconut is rich in phosphorus that can strengthen bones. Therefore, consumption of coconut water to avoid arthritis and brittle bones.2. Prevent

5 Reasons to stay away from diet soda now too!

Human foods to get the nutrients in it. But there are also foods that do not have the nutrients at all and can not provide any health benefits in humans. Diet soda is included in the ranks of the food.Many people still believe that diet soda can help them lose weight because it has no calories. But in fact, diet soda is filled with artificial sugar can have a negative impact on health . Do not

Learn about the health benefits of the 7 types of these spices

The spices were not only gives a delicious flavor to food, but spice it also provides many benefits for health.Identify the types of the following spices for health benefits as reported from CinnamonCinnamon has a unique flavor that is slightly sweet and spicy. Cinnamon has many health benefits such as being able to make healthy digestion, reduce blood sugar, cholesterol in the

Friday, April 11, 2014

8 health benefits of citrus fruits stored in

8 health benefits of citrus fruits stored in - Who does not know a citrus fruit? Citrus fruit known as a fruit that contains vitamin C is abundant. Eating citrus fruits will keep your health and stamina. Citrus fruit is also known to boost the immune system and ward off diseases such as flu and colds. But not only that, citrus fruits are still other benefits that save more and could make the body

7 health benefits of dark chocolate

Chocolate is a food that is liked by many people. Different types of chocolate have a delicious flavor. Not only delicious, chocolate also has many benefits for your health improvement. One is dark chocolate.Here are the benefits of eating dark chocolate as reported from Rich in nutrientsDark chocolate is a type of chocolate that is not mixed with other additives. Consists of a bar

10 Benefits consume raisins regularly for health

Raisins are foods made from dried grapes. Often raisins used for processed foods or cakes.Besides having a sweet taste and delicious, raisins also has great benefits for health. Here are the benefits of eating raisins as reported from Healthy teethRaisins are capable of taking care of teeth because it contains oleanolic acid that can protect teeth from decomposition. These acids

7 Natural Ways to avoid miscarriage in early pregnancy

Miscarriage can be a very painful thing for the women who experience it. In addition to causing physical health problems, miscarriages can cause women to become depressed. Even depression that occurs as a miscarriage can cause trauma and takes a long time in the healing process.Many things can cause the fetus can not develop completely causing a miscarriage. Ranging from genetic problems,

Achieve a flat stomach in a week with these 5 easy ways

Who does not want to have a flat stomach and sexy? All the people both men and women want a flat stomach because beauty can support your appearance.Therefore, there are many tips that can help you to achieve a flat stomach. One of them is the following tips as quoted from Reducing sugar intakeSugar became one of the causes of the stomach becomes distended. Therefore make sure that

Thursday, April 10, 2014

7 Benefits of kale vegetable for health

Swamp Cabbage is one vegetable that is easily found in the traditional market. These vegetables can be processed into various foods which of course has a lot of fans.Are you among those who like to eat kale? Here is a behind the health benefits of kale as reported Improve healthKale is rich in antioxidants called phyuto that can counteract free radicals in the body. Besides